Last updated a year ago
Blockchains are complicated for the public to understand. Most people don't know the potential of Cardano and how to use it.
This is the total amount allocated to Dyana : Cardano onboarding through interactive fiction.
In real life communication campaigns guiding new users to onboard on Cardano through sci-fi immersive fiction.
No dependencies
The outputs of this proposal will be open source.
The rest of the project and other artworks associated with it might be submitted to the authors and artists copyrights.
The open source license is applied to the works produced in the context of this proposal.
An effective method for onboarding new users is by giving them the opportunity to own their first NFTs. For this they need to learn how to create a wallet, and use Cardano for the first time. In this proposal, we will deploy a campaign of communication based on posters and flyers deployed in three of the main French cities. People will be invited to onboard though Dyana, an immersive science fiction story based on Cardano.
- initiate the audience that doesn’t know blockchain yet through immersive narration events
- Learn about Cardano, Dyana and the vast potential of blockchains for the future
- Invite people to create and use a Cardano wallet
An “In real life” campaign
In order to onboard new users it is necessary to reach them in places and events which are not directly dedicated to blockchains, but which attract an audience that may be interested. The project will organize a marketing campaign in 3 of the main cities in France : Toulouse - Bordeaux - Paris
It will deploy :
-Distribution of thousands of flyers
-Display of posters in strategic places such as : Schools and faculties of video games, 3D, IT, digital canteens, third-places bars, co-working spaces, etc.…
An interactive web module
Posters and flyers will link to a web module that combines questions, narration, discovery of the blockchain and governance. In the process, eligible participants will be able to earn a nft that will onboard them and make them understand the potential for the future of the blockchain, in a fun and pleasant way.
Once they have their nft they can vote to determine the future of the galaxy.
A new kind of treasure hunt
The posters and flyers are part of the story itself, in order to make the experience more fun and stimulate curiosity. On each of them the name and logo of Cardano are immediately visible.
The airdropped NFTs will have a sense of rarity and value, making them precious digital objects. They will be created specially for this campaign.
The power of storytelling
Since the dawn of humanity, stories and myths have created essential bonds between humans and allowed them to develop coordination skills.
I believe storytelling and myth building are very powerful tools. This is why I am carefully crafting a universe which tells a fascinating future for blockchains.
This is the context in which the story develops (the outputs of the project will have more precise events specially created for the occasion) :
The Story (Intro)
Milky Way Galaxy, year 2524
For several centuries, humanity has expanded its presence across multiple planets. New diplomatic forms called network nations have developed and changed global balances. They have created trans-planetary economic and social spaces, redefined the notions of collaboration, currency, identity and culture. Everywhere individuals can become citizens of these network nations.
One of them is the Dyana Republic.
The citizens of Dyana have developed psychic abilities through advanced consciousness training.
They operate to maintain peace in the Galaxy.
-The project will market Cardano to thousands of people, the goal being to onboard 1000 new engaged users
I have been an active member of the Cardano community and Project Catalyst since April 2021.
I have already completed a catalyst project, which is still live : was originally a meditation project presented in the “mini dapps and integration” category in Fund7, and I keep on developing it full time. The communication campaign will also help me to develop the sustainability of the Dyana project, in a win-win relationship with Cardano.
I have studied screenwriting in the most famous film school in France, and co-run a multimedia studio for more than 10 years.
Partnership developments
Creation : flyers, posters, story and web module
Flyers and Posters printing
Deliverables : images of the posters, web module already accessible online
Toulouse deployment
Deliverable : pictures of all places in which the posters and flyers are positioned
Bordeaux deployment
Deliverable : pictures of all places in which the posters and flyers are positioned
Paris deployment
Deliverable : pictures of all places in which the posters and flyers are positioned
Project creator : Antoine Cathalau (“Garance”)
LinkedIn :
Twitter accounts :
Project management 50h :
Administration 15h :
Content production
Visual art : 80h
Storytelling development : 60h
Posters and flyers graphism : 30h
Printing costs :
Web module 80h:
Travel expanses
Toulouse train + airbnb (2nights)
Bordeaux train + airbnb (3 nights)
Paris train + airbnb (5 nights)
Posters deployment Toulouse 20h
Posters deployment Bordeaux 25h
Posters deployment Paris 35h
Verifying forms and sending nfts 20h
Food expenses during travel 12 Days
Other Costs
Software and hardware
Additional/ unexpected expenses
TOTAL in euros
in Ada (at the cautious price of 0.3 euro/Ada)
NFt minting and on chain transactions costs
mint : 2A nft via NMKR
transactions+minUTXO 1.35 A / NFT
Prix par Nft (Ada)
3,35 Adas
nombre de nfts
Mint and send expanses
3350 Adas
Total en Adas
Acquiring new users has one of the best impacts in terms of ROI. This is why we are targeting people through this campaign who are mostly not yet into blockchains.
During the narrative experience, each new user is explained how to buy Adas, how to use an exchange. Thus each new user is encouraged to become an investor in Cardano by following a safe and marked path.
Our goal is for the campaign to be seen by several tens of thousands of people, and to onboard 1000 new qualified users to Cardano. Each of them will keep a long term relationship with Cardano thanks to the NFT that is offered to them. They have a high probability to buy Adas in the future, which will create a positive ROI for the Cardano community.
At a rate of 20 euros per hour, the project is well under the cost of a marketing campaign of this size.