Last updated a year ago
Many students in Burkina Faso are passionate about blockchain , yet they hesitate to engage in the Cardano community due to language barriers, which impacts their confidence in participating actively.
This is the total amount allocated to Engaging French-speaking university students in a blockchain knowledge competition to boost their participation in the ecosystem.
The initiative involves a three-round blockchain knowledge competition designed to actively involve university students in Burkina Faso in order to ease their integration into the Cardano ecosystem.
No dependencies.
Any content that will be created during the execution of the project will be shared either o our Youtube channel or our blog for everyone to access them freely.
This project serves as a continuation of the previously funded proposal titled "French West Africa Oureach" in Fund 8. Reflectin on the impact and the number of students mobilized and onboarded, my team and I observed a heightened interest and decided to take furuther steps to enhance their confidence and encourage more active participation within the ecosystem.
During the project's execution, I identified a significant language barrier and subsequently incorporated a language training center into our hub. To date, we have successfully trained over 100 individuals this year. Many of them, initialy unfamiliare with English, can now comprehend and engage on a certain level.
as part of of our efforts, we organised a ten-week Haskell and Plutus course for 10 of the developpers who are members of our hub. This training proved highly successful, and two of our developers paricipated in an interview for a six-month mentorship with Lido Nation. Although one secured the mentorship, language proficiency became a hurdle, leading to six-month English improvement requierement for continued participation. This incident promted me to initite English training for our community members.
In order to deepen their understanding of blockchain and enable them to contribute actively to the Cardano community, I conceived the idea of Blockchain Knowledge Contest. A recent English contest in our hub yielded promising result, with increased interest in the language. We believe that this Blockchain Contest in English will not only enhance participant's knowledge of the blockchain technology as their English proficiency improves, but it will also instill the confidence to interact seamlessly in the Cardano Community.
The project effectively takles the challenge by encouraging numerous students to take on the challenge, and this will result in increased onboarding and enhanced engagement within the Cardano ecosystem. This in turn will contribute to expanding the impact of the Cardano blockchain in the French speaking communities in West Africa.
Anticipating a minimum of 50 registrations for the contest, each round will invite 100 attendees to support candidates. these candidates will become a secondary target audience(more surely the largest) as there will be a dedicated session during each round to present the Cardano Blockchain, encouraging them to join the community.
The competition structure involves monthly rounds, commencing a month after the project launch. Trainin sessions, led by one of our English teachers and myself, will include discussions on blockchain-related topics and updates in the Cardano blockchain technology, ultimately fostering the confidence to actively engage in the Cardano community by assuming various roles.
Having successfully completed and closed two projects in fund 8, I am well-positionned to continue and spearhead this new initiative. Leveraging my experience, I have trained capables instructors who have commenced their responsibilities. Accross various workshops in Burkina Faso and Senegal, I have mobilized and onboarded over 500 participants. In Burkina Faso, our Cardano hub boasts a language center dedicated to teaching English, and our recent English contest, with 21 participants accros three rounds, was highly succesful, culminating in rewarding three winners.
Aslo, as an entrepreneur with strong strategic leadership skills, I excel in identifying and pursuing opportunities. This ability was evident in initiating ten developpers from our hub into Haskell and Putus developement, a venture that wasn't initially part of the funded project's plan. I am committed to going the extra mile to ensure tasks are not only completed but completed with excellence.
Finaly my involvement with WADA Global and collaboration with other hubs, namely the Ghana and Congo hubs, in the capacity of a French translator/interpeter, has enriched my understanding of blockchain technology in general and the Cardano blockchain in particular. This experience prositions me to navigate the intricacies of the blockchain space effectively.
The project will run for 4 months and the details are as follows:
Month 0
Month 1
25 people will qualify for the second round.
Aside the candidates(50 at this stage), there will be attendees who also learn about Cardano blockchain.
Month 2
aside the candidates(25 at this stage), the other 25 eliminated will be expected to be present and there will be other attendees who will also learn about the Cardano blockchain. I will expect about 20 new attendees at this stage
10 candidate will qualify for the final round.
Month 3
3 winners and three prizes:
1st winner: 500 Ada
2nd winner: 300 Ada
3rd winner: 200 Ada
Winner of the group of eliminated candidate: 100 Ada
At the final round, we will expect about 50 people in attendance
Aime Nico Kam: A student delegate at the Nazi Boni University department of Law( and a volunteer at our Cardano hub in Burkina(Inkuba) as administrative assistant. he has occupied various positions in several students association.
Nico has been a member of the Catalyst Community and an active member of the Cardano Burkina Hub(Inkuba) since February 2022. He got trained and became a trainer and started making presentations during our workshop sessions, educating people on the Cardano Blockchain, its opportunities, how to write and submit project on Catalyst ect. He is a francophone with a working knowledge of English.
Mr. Kojo Darkwa: English Tutor and quiz master(during the English contest our hub organised)
Mr. Kojo Darkwa: English tutor with 5 years of experience in English teaching and with an extraodinary capacity as a quiz master: He was in charge of the academic aspect of our English contest and it went very well. He is also very appreciated by our students for his creative approach and teaching skills. He also has a good knowlege of the blockchain technologie.
Tony Nwachuku: English tutor in our hub
My team and I will need to rent out a projector, speakers and microphones to make the event
reward for the three winners: 1050
Three winners will be rewarded:
1st winner: 500
2nd winner: 300
3rd winner: 200
Winner of the group of eliminated candidates: 100
Total: 40000
My team and I will need to rent out a projector, speakers and microphones to make the event
We will print t-shirts for the organising team as well as all 50 candidates. This budget also incluses the printing of banners as well as commnunication on social media.
The team will include: The team lead, our two English tutor, our administrative assistant, a photographer and a video editor.)
reward for the three winners: 1050
Three winners will be rewarded:
1st winner: 500
2nd winner: 300
3rd winner: 200
Winner of the group of eliminated candidates: 100
Total: 40000