Last updated a year ago
The Cardano Community in the Western Balkans is not developed enough; the main cryptocurrency exchange doesnât have ADA listed in the top 15 cryptocurrencies.
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Cardano Grow Balkan.
Aim to persuade Balkans' main crypto exchange (ECD) to rank ADA among the top 10 for unregistered users, enhancing ADA's initial visibility. Also, organize a Cardano-focused event.
No dependencies
Not open source; not applicable
9 - Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
We are planning an event in collaboration with ECD, the Serbian cryptocurrency exchange, featuring our Cardano experts. Our goal is to extend the reach of the Cardano community to the Balkans, with a primary focus on Serbia. Additionally, we aim to enhance visibility by integrating ADA prominently on the ECD landing page, setting it apart among other leading cryptocurrencies.
Considering the sizable Balkan population of approximately 55 million and the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies, this initiative serves as a pivotal step in expanding the Cardano community across Southeastern Europe. With ADA prominently featured on the primary cryptocurrency exchange, securing a top ranking among cryptocurrencies, and coupled with our strategic Cardano event, we anticipate a significant increase in ADA users throughout the region.
We have developed relationships with ECDâs decision-makers, so with an appropriate fee for them, we are more than capable of instilling this solution.Â
AC: ECD incorporates ADA on their page when the users are not registered yet.
AC: ECD incorporates ADA in top 10 currencies
AC: Holding Cardano event in Belgrade, Serbia
Last milestone moved to Final Milestone
Last milestone moved to final milestone
AC: publishing posts about Cardano and events in the previous milestones on Bloxicoâs LinkedInÂ
Katarina Ciric - Client Relations Specialist - organizing an event; communication with ECD
Sonja Milosavljevic - Marketing; brief on LinkedIn and help with organizing an event
Crypto Exchange (ECD) - 20,000 ADA
Organizing the event (food, drinks, office) - 15,000 ADA
Marketing, Bizdev activities - 5,000 ADA
As we have to incentivize ECD (cryptocurrency exchange), we will offer them 20,000 ADA to make the changes we want to see to incorporate ADA in their official website.
Other costs are self-explanatory - with marketing outreach and event space, we will need 20,000 ADA to cover the costs.