Last updated 5 months ago
Most startups fail–50% in the first 5 years–and Web3 is a tough market. The skills to survive and thrive can be learned through study and practice, but it takes time entrepreneurs don’t have.
This is the total amount allocated to No-time-for-bootcamp: training for busy entrepreneurs.
Preparing to Launch
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Apr 2024
Legal Month, Marketing Preparation
Cost: ₳ 34,998
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Marketing Month, Fundraising Preparation
Cost: ₳ 35,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jun 2024
Fundraising month, project closeout
Cost: ₳ 35,052
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
D.Jur. Nicola Massella, Legal & Compliance Dept.
Sophie Ivarsson, Marketing & Growth Dept.
Nara Babayeva, Branding & Design Team
Louis Beuque, Finance & Fundraising Dept.
An ongoing bootcamp with only two-hours a week focusing on the most important topics so Cardano entrepreneurs can keep growing while they run a business or work a day job.
No Dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
We will organize a continuous bootcamp, running through the entire program twice so that if someone is unable to attend a live session, they will be able to get it the second time around, broken into month-long focuses on legal, marketing, and fundraising issues. The time commitment will be 2 hours of virtual classroom time and 1 hour of self-work. The beginning of each session will clearly outline the material planned to be covered so entrepreneurs can prioritize topics they feel are more relevant or that they have less mastery over. We will also be rigorous in collecting feedback from the community to make sure the most important and valuable problems are being addressed.
The bootcamp will be organized into monthly areas of specialization, namely legal, growth, and fundraising. Additionally, we will have sessions during the fourth month that are more of an interactive Q&A for people, grouping attendees by their stage of development (individuals, early-stage startups, growth-stage startups, and scaleups) so we can have very focused and relevant discussions.
Topics will include (order to be confirmed):
Depending on the number of participants, the needs, and the budget, we’ll offer additional events or one-on-one time. The goal is really to have the attendees feel like we've helped them get passed obstacles to their success.
Running or being part of a startup is painful, and failure costs not just the investment of the participants and the opportunity cost of the great idea not coming to fruition. It is expensive in terms of lost time and personal pain.
Our goal is to help people learn the important lessons that most of us "don't have time" to learn, but that we end up learning through our mistakes. STORM Partners is a team of entrepreneurs who have already made those mistakes, and we believe this program can help people in startups or ad hoc dev projects recognize those mistakes before they happen so they can avoid them and make better, more important mistakes :)
Success means people and projects who are prepared to learn faster, build safer and with better alignment to the community or their customers, and more confidence to take on new challenges or move from an idea to action. We'll also do our best to frame this common startup wisdom within the opportunities available to Cardano members, which should result in people feeling more confident that choosing Cardano as the foundation of their entrepreneurial journey is the right seed bed for growth.
As showcased, STORM Partners comprises highly skilled individuals who are leaders in their respective areas with multiple years of experience on Web3 projects and involvement in the Cardano Ecosystem. Furthermore, the project would not only directly benefit the participants in the online workshops but would also serve as a trampoline to increase the reputation and awareness of Cardano DAOs in Switzerland and internationally.
By leveraging our existing network in Web3, social media presence and marketing efforts, we will contribute to the betterment of the reputation of the Cardano DAO ecosystem. We want it to be the go-to place for DAO builders and collaborators. Most importantly, the cost associated with the project will democratise information which is often hard to obtain and scarce in the market.
STORM Partners have applied competitive market rates for the types of expertise and quality of the delivery in the context of a leading Web3 consultancy firm.
The bootcamp will be ongoing, but each department will go through the following milestones in sequence, with the first one being planning the month before the start of that section.
Milestone output(s)
Acceptance criteria
Info provided to verify the milestone achievement
Webinars conducted on the most pressing issues reported by the survey respondents and as determined by the experts on the team.
Milestone output(s)
Acceptance criteria
Info provided to verify the milestone achievement
Validation that the primary needs have been met, including a limited number of 1-on-1 sessions, depending on budget and demand.
Milestone output(s)
Acceptance criteria
Info provided to verify the milestone achievement
We will provide the slides and reporting on entrepreneurial trends within the Cardano community. If warranted (depends on the quality and clarity of the participants), we’ll organize an investor demo day or coordinate with the Cardano Foundation to arrange a prize for the top participants.
Milestone output(s)
Acceptance criteria
Info provided to verify the milestone achievement
Legal & Compliance Department - Legal Workshop
Nicola Massella - Partner & Head of Legal
D.Jur. Nicola Massella is an expert on crypto-assets and blockchain technology regulation with a commitment to decentralising and democratising capital markets. He is the head of STORM Partners’ Legal & Compliance Department. Additionally, he is engaged pro bono as Legal Research Officer at the Blockchain & Climate Institute and as a member of the Regulatory Working Group at the Crypto Valley Association. He developed specific expertise concerning DAOs by assisting multiple decentralised organisations in establishing a sound legal structure.
Marketing Department - Marketing Workshop and Design
Sophie Ivarsson - Marketing Director focused on Growth
Sophie has spent the last ten years becoming an expert growth marketer on the road to mastery. She has worked for large organisations like Lego and also helped launch two startups, both of which have transitioned to stable and profitable concerns. She’s an expert strategist and team builder, which translates directly into how to structure and grow a brand and business.
Nara Babayeva - Graphic Designer
Nara, an accomplished designer based in Istanbul, has worked on international projects related to web3 and the metaverse. With six years of experience in graphic design, Nara specialises in brand identity, social media, and UX/UI. They hold an MBA degree in Visual Marketing, which enhances their ability to approach design strategically. Their designs seamlessly blend global trends with localised aesthetics, resonating with audiences across borders.
Finance & Fundraising - Fundraising workshop
Louis Beuque - Fundraising Manager
Co-founder of a DAO focused on entertainment, Louis has been operating as a Head of Investor Relations and Fundraising Manager for more than 13 projects over 2022 cumulating more than $60M. Originally focused on top-tier projects such as Polygon, he has been more recently raising for upcoming blockchain-based projects and DAOs, which he recognises as more exciting and as a future trend in Web3.
Project Coordinator -
Sheraz Ahmed - Managing Partner
Sheraz Ahmed has advised hundreds of organisations on the implementation of modern Web3 practices to further their business objectives. As the Managing Partner of STORM Partners, an all-in-one service provider, and as the Co-Executive Director of the Crypto Valley Association, he drives growth, collaboration, and integrity across the global blockchain ecosystem!
Subtotal (16 weeks * 2) = 14000 ADA
Subtotal (Draft guide and materials) = 57000 ADA
Subtotal (12+ webinars and Q&A sessions) = 35750 ADA
Subtotal = 23800 ADA
Miscellaneous: 6'500 ADA (5% circa of total sum)
Grand Total: 137,050 ADA
As showcased, STORM Partners comprises highly skilled individuals who are leaders in their respective areas with multiple years of experience on Web3 projects and involvement in the Cardano Ecosystem. Furthermore, the project would not only directly benefit the participants in the online workshops but would also serve as a trampoline to increase the reputation and awareness of Cardano DAOs in Switzerland and internationally.
By leveraging our existing network in Web3, social media presence and marketing efforts, we will contribute to the betterment of the reputation of the Cardano DAO ecosystem. We want it to be the go-to place for DAO builders and collaborators. Most importantly, the cost associated with the project will democratise information which is often hard to obtain and scarce in the market.
STORM Partners have applied competitive market rates for the types of expertise and quality of the delivery in the context of a leading Web3 consultancy firm.
Most importantly, STORM Partners is comprised of entrepreneurs who have already made mistakes and can teach you how to avoid them so you can focus on building your idea and growing your business.