[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Minh Sang
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- We will create a dictionary as requested by the community.
- The dictionary will be mainly Cardano terms.
- The community only needs to spend 2 minutes reading to understand the concept of a crypto term.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
We will make your dictionary open source, publishing it on our managed channels and the official Cardano channels
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution.
There are numerous websites providing information about Cardano, but few people truly comprehend the fundamental terms of blockchain and Cardano. As administrators of the largest Cardano community in Vietnam, these are the issues we encounter.
Creating a Blockchain knowledge dictionary website is relatively simple, as it involves copying available sources. However, merely creating a website without attracting readers and interested individuals would be wasteful.
Moreover, the term "Blockchain" encompasses thousands of terms. Therefore, creating the most effective and resource-efficient dictionary relies significantly on the creator's expertise.
We plan to craft a dictionary encompassing blockchain and Cardano terms tailored to the specific needs of our users. The structure of this dictionary will be easily accessible and scientifically organized.
We intend to integrate this dictionary into our websites (vcoincheck.io and cardanolibrary.net) and share it daily within the groups and communities we administer.
Implementing this solution will yield significant cost savings while enabling our team to make a substantial positive impact, reaching tens of thousands of individuals within Cardano's community on a daily basis.
Currently, our ecosystem offers various blockchain knowledge products such as:
- Blockchain knowledge training
- Knowledge sharing
- Evaluation of construction projects on Cardano
- Knowledge quizzes at different levels
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.
Our proposal aligns with the direction "drive ecosystem growth, foster education and community initiatives, expand Cardano’s global footprint and onboard more Cardano users" within this challenge.
Individuals who engage with the terms presented in our dictionary will gain a better understanding of Cardano. Consequently, they will be empowered to assume various roles within the Cardano ecosystem, such as investors, CRs, proposers, voters, and more.
As part of this project, we aim to open-source the methods and processes utilized by our team to create the dictionary efficiently within a short timeframe.
Moreover, the contents of the dictionary itself will also be available as open-source material.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
We are members of the Vcoincheck team that have six funding proposals in funds 7, 8, and 9, and ALL these proposals have been successfully completed.
Vcoincheck Annual report 2023

//The achievements we have attained

//The terms we contribute on EssentialCardano
We have a lot of products related to blockchain knowledge and Cardano:
- Vcoincheck crypto project evaluation: Classifies projects by answering questions.
- Vcoincheck library: Library to share basic knowledge about Cardano, blockchain (vcoincheck.io)
- Vcoincheck training course: Knowledge training course or how to evaluate crypto projects.
- Vcoincheck quiz: An extension of the knowledge library to serve readers with little time to spend on blockchain (vcoincheck.io)
[Project Milestones] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Research and brainstorm (1 month)
- Get demand from community
- Make a list of terms.
- Study the content structure of the term
- Website interface design
- Detailed implementation plan (public shared doc)
- List of community-requested terms (public shared doc)
- Completed UX/UI Website
Acceptance criteria
- List first 300 specified terms
- Dictionary feature present on Website Cardanolibrary.net
Write 50 dictionary terms + 25 community request terms (1 month)
- Get demand from community
- Making draft
- Checking
- Edit
- Finalize
- Publish
Acceptance criteria
- List remaining 50 terms
- Website: 75 terms
- Facebook: 75 posts
- Twitter: 75 tweets
- Cardano sources: 75 posts
Write 50 dictionary terms + 25 community request terms (1 month)
- Making draft
- Checking
- Edit
- Finalize
- Publish
Acceptance criteria
- Website: 75 terms
- Facebook: 75 posts
- Twitter: 75 tweets
- Cardano sources: 75 posts
Write 100 dictionary terms (1 month)
- Making draft
- Checking
- Edit
- Finalize
- Publish
Acceptance criteria
- Website: 100 terms
- Facebook: 100 posts
- Twitter: 100 tweets
- Cardano sources: 100 posts
Write 100 dictionary terms (1 month)
- Making draft
- Checking
- Edit
- Finalize
- Publish
Acceptance criteria
- Website: 100 terms
- Facebook: 100 posts
- Twitter: 100 tweets
- Cardano sources: 100 posts
Open Source the process (1 month)
- Documenting a detailed description of the dictionary building process
- Share project output to the Cardano community
- Document describing the research and dictionary-building process
Acceptance criteria
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
1.Mr. Sang Nguyen - Project leader
2. Mr. Quang Daniel – Chief of Translator
- English Teacher & Translator in Viet Nam
- Has a deep knowledge in blockchain technology and blockchain projects
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tran-quang-33770b228/
3. Mr. Vu Do - Analyze projects, create questions for website
- Experience in research on blockchain ecosystems, especially on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
- Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vu-do-4ba0a2109/
- Telegram: https://t.me/VuDo2312
4 . Mr. Tony Nguyen – Web Developer & Designer
- 4 years for Business manager of financial and banking solutions- FPT.FIS.Fis Bank
- 8 years for Founder, Branch Manager - Seatech HCM, Software Solutions for Banking and Public Finance
- 3 years of experience in Blockchain research & cryptocurrency investment, research and development of software products on blockchain platform
- Telegram: https://t.me/Trint2
5. Mr. Gia Hy: expert in evaluating blockchain projects, building crypto investment community.
- 2 years of experience in analyzing and evaluating blockchain projects.
- Experience in building a Crypto investment community of 10,000 active members.
- Telegram: https://t.me/GiaHyVuong
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Milestone 1: 4750 USD ~ 12500 ADA
- List and structure the first 250 terms: 5 people x 125 hours/person x 6USD/hour = 3750USD
- Website design (Buy plugin, Design UX/UI): 1000 USD
Milestone 2: 3900 USD ~ 10264 ADA
- Make a list, structure the content of the remaining 100 terms: 5 people x 50 hours/person x 6USD/hour = 1500USD
- Cost of creating 75 terms: 75 x 10 USD/term = 750 USD
- Cost of checking, editing, perfecting and posting on website and other media channels: 75 x 6 USD/term = 450 USD
- Admin fee: 1200 USD
Milestone 3: 2400 USD ~ 6316 ADA
- Cost of creating 75 terms: 75 x 10 USD/term = 750 USD
- Cost of checking, editing, perfecting and sharing on website and other communication channels: 75 x 6 USD/term = 450 USD
- Admin fee: 1200 USD
Milestone 4: 2800 USD ~ 7368 ADA
- Cost of creating 100 terms: 100 x 10 USD/term = 1000 USD
- Cost of checking, editing, perfecting and sharing on website and other communication channels: 100 x 6 USD/term = 600 USD
- Admin fee: 1200 USD
Milestone 5: 2800 USD ~ 7368 ADA
- Cost of creating 100 terms: 100 x 10 USD/term = 1000 USD
- Cost of checking, editing, perfecting and sharing on website and other communication channels: 100 x 6 USD/term = 600 USD
- Admin fee: 1200 USD
Final Milestone: 1400 USD ~ 3684 ADA
- Document writing fee: 200 USD
- Admin fee: 1200 USD
Note: admin workload
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
- Our team has experience in implementing and completing 6 proposals.
- We already have a community with tens of thousands of members, a website with 500 accounts, so the marketing costs are reduced to a minimum.
- Posting articles on Facebook, Telegram, X, and the website (3 per day).
- Interacting and directly responding to the community (16 hours per day).
- Managing term (creating term on the website, controlling the entire term generation process, and generating reports).
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agrees to Fund Rules and also that data in the submission form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept