Last updated a year ago
Addressing the Cardano community gap in Brazil by offering reliable education through quality documentation, videos, and engaging events.
This is the total amount allocated to Project Catalyst + Cardano Essentials in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
BrazilPool will provide server infrastructure for the project.
Building Cardano community infrastructure in Brazil to facilitate collaboration, networking, and growth, with a focus on educating about Project Catalyst and Cardano. will handle hosting and other server necessities.
Public Domain
SDG rating:
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
By actively involving the community in our initiatives, we aim to foster a sense of ownership, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. Our approach prioritizes inclusivity, accessibility, and the utilization of various channels, both digital and in-person, to engage a diverse range of community members.
Central to our strategy is the belief that a strong community can drive innovation, contribute valuable insights, and attract new developers and hodlers to the Cardano ecosystem. Through our initiatives, we seek to empower community members, nurture their skills, and provide platforms for them to showcase their contributions.
The impact of our solution will be demonstrated through tangible metrics and qualitative feedback. We will measure community participation, social media engagement, workshop attendance, and the growth of collaborative projects within the Cardano ecosystem. Additionally, we will actively seek feedback from community to gauge the effectiveness and relevance of our initiatives. By analysing these indicators, we can continuously improve our programs, adapt to community needs, and showcase the positive impact Brazilian community is making on the Cardano ecosystem.
Why São Paulo?
Entrepreneurial City Index
São Paulo leads the overall ranking of the best cities to undertake in Brazil. The capital is the largest financial center in the country, and stands out in the infrastructure indices - especially in the areas of interurban transport and urban conditions that are more appropriate and favourable to business development - and Access to Capital, being the champion in terms of venture capital received relative to GDP. In 2022, the average time to open a business in São Paulo was 1 day and 5 hours, with an average of approximately 9,865 calls per month for opening a business.
Startup ecosystems
São Paulo advanced 3 positions in the global ranking of startup ecosystems between 2021 and 2022, now occupying the 28th position. It is the only city in Latin America in the Top 30. SP has been standing out in technological entrepreneurship, mainly with Fintechs and Proptechs. It houses 12 of the 22 Brazilian unicorns. It concentrates a total of US$ 13 billion in venture capital funds, almost triple the global average. Access to public policies to support startups and funding programs are factors that encourage location in the city.
University institutions
São Paulo is the city with the most higher education institutions in Brazil, having 166 institutions, an amount higher than that presented in 24 of the Brazilian states. In 2021, the city's institutions served more than 893,000 students, with 34,331 teachers in practice. Approximately 28% of higher education institutions in São Paulo have a grade equal to or greater than 4 in the Preliminary Course Concept (CPC).
Graduates in higher education
More than 142 thousand higher education students enter the job market each year in São Paulo. The field of “Business, Administration and Law” is the one with the highest number of new graduates. In 2021, there were 52 thousand graduates, 37% of the total. “Health and well-being” and “Education” are also quite representative.
Creative economy hub
The creative economy plays a growing role in generating value and jobs. The city of São Paulo has great relevance on the national scene, concentrating 15.7% of the formal jobs in the sector in Brazil. The average salary is also a differentiator in the city, 73% higher than the national one.
Industrial hub
São Paulo is an economic space that houses practically all divisions of activities listed in the National Classification of Economic Activity (CNAE), from clothing manufacturing to administrative support services, from retail to legal and accounting activities, from pharmaceutical products to information technology services. Still with a strong presence of industries in its territory, São Paulo remains a hub for complex sectors of the industry, such as chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Source: Negócios SP (
Measuring Success:
Expected Impact:
Short and Long Term:
Measurement Methods:
Sharing Outputs:
Value to Cardano Community:
Impact Sharing:
Throughout Fund 9 and the entirety of Fund 10, we have been operating on a voluntary basis.
Our primary output, which encompasses our collective efforts, can be found in our Gitbook.
Our team includes:
Continuous Engagement: We actively engage with the Cardano community, seeking input, addressing concerns, and incorporating suggestions to foster collaboration and community involvement.
Open Source Project: Our outputs, materials, and resources are openly shared with the Cardano community, promoting accountability and encouraging community participation.
We seek to produce professional looking content, accessible and inviting.
About Catalyst Brasil: aqui para o vídeo em Português.
Milestone 1: Month 0 - 1
Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 2: Months 2 - 6
Timeline: 4 months
Acceptance Criteria:
Final Milestone: Month 7
Timeline: 1 month
Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Project manager: Caue Chianca
Caue hosting "introduction to Project Catalyst" workshop in CardanoRio - 2022.
Caue Chianca: Ideascale, DeWork Github and LinkedIn]
Project Manager is a well known community member, contributing in several projects, such as: Catalyst Swarm, Swarm ATH, Swarm-Press, CatalystBrasil, and single Stakepool Operator at BrazilPool.
We have all capabilities and community support to deliver this proposal and, most important, provide in-person and online networking.
Social Media Producer
Community facilitator
Gitbook Maintainer
Event Producer (in-person workshops)
Video Producer
Hosts: CatalystBrasil Team and BrazilPool contributors
Milestone 1 (months 0 - 1) - $ADA 7.750,00
Timeline: 1 month
Operations (recurring): 4,500.00
Film Production: 3,250.00
Milestone 2 (months 2 - 5) - $ADA 31.500,00
Timeline: 4 months
Operations (recurring): 18,000.00
Film Production: 5,250.00
In-Person Workshops: 8,250.00
Final Milestone (months 5 - 6) - $ADA 4,500.00
Timeline: 1 month
Operations (recurring): 4,500.00
Proposal Reframed:
This proposal seeks to educate Brazilians on Cardano, fostering community collaboration. Empowering individuals through educational resources, we encourage active contributions to Cardano's growth. Our focus lies in community building, knowledge sharing, and stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship.
Measuring Success:
To gauge success, we'll analyze social media engagement, collect feedback, track workshop attendance, and monitor GitHub activity. These metrics ensure assessment of community involvement, satisfaction, and initiative impact.
Value for Money:
Our project's cost ensures optimal community engagement and collaboration. Resource allocation considers the project's objectives, focusing on education, collaboration, and sustainable development within the Cardano ecosystem.
Overall Objective:
Our ultimate aim is to cultivate a robust and lively Cardano community that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and the establishment of sustainable ventures within the broader Cardano ecosystem.