Last updated a year ago
In 2022, the DeFi community took a major PR hit with the collapse of FTX, especially amongst the risk-adverse. We need to win back the trust, to gain mass adoption of Cardano's DAO and deFi tools.
This is the total amount allocated to State of the DAO | Embedding Cardano in the New World Paradigm.
We're making a branded show!!! "State of the DAO, brought to you by Cardano." A produced, polished, formatted host-driven show, aka edutainment, to help DAOs, dAPPs, and deFi to go mainstream.
No dependencies.
The research findings will be issued with CC by 4.0 with attribution; the podcasts, brand assets, and final show will have IP, Trademark, art and music protections against unauthorized distro, outside of general sharing/re-sharing directly from ‘State of the DAO’ branded channels, and Cardano community channels.
As a newly formed entity, we do not currently have an SDG rating. Our production and distribution partner, Better Worlds, is registered with the UN as a Civil Society Organization.
Below are the primmary UN SDGs our work serves.
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
4 - Quality Education
7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10 - Reduced Inequalities
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate Action
16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Our estimates indicate that the development & integration of DAO + DeFi into mainstream society will support a wide range of issues. This is because when you adjust the social structure, you affect all of the parts that social structure touches. Our work in particular in the State of the DAO will be more precisely mapping out this holistic effect.
In the past decade, there has been a burst of new technologies which have entered the global commons. They are digital in nature, and stimulate a process of decentralizing traditional power structures. In particular, DAOs and DeFi are spearheading the process, and they are contextually intertwined with the development of Web3 and the widespread use of crypto-based tokens and currencies.
In reality though, these developments cannot be fully understood by examining the past 10 years alone. They are the outgrowth of a deeper historical trend which is seeking to destabilize and adjust a global political-economic order founded upon extractivism, oppression, and inequality. This "genealogy" traces back at least 500 years if we consider the cultural transition into modernity, another millennia if we really consider the monopolizing tendency of power correlated with the rise of monotheistic religions, and another 11,000 years if we consider the deep influence of the agricultural revolution.
The Decentralized-Autonomous-Organization is an absolutely revelatory phenomenon and its meaning and implications in terms of big historical context, philosophy, and praxis must be better understood, and these findings shared with the world.
In the active participation in DAOs, the spearhead group of this Transdisciplinary Taskforce has observed the ubiquitous yearning amongst DAO members to be able to make the world a better place in a profound way. We want to pull this story from the very lips of DAOists, Founders, Members, Creators, Developers, etc., in a Multi-Media Production which connects this movement to its big context.
By leveraging our network in both Transdisciplinary Research, Development, Media and Marketing, we will investigate and tell this story not only for the community itself, but to raise awareness globally and begin to foster the shift in the hearts & minds of people. This will position Cardano as the responsible new world blockchain solution, aligned with the evolution of global civilization.
The end product of this project will be a publicly available series advocating for Cardano, DAOs, and Blockchain technologies. This requires thorough research into academic literature, individual use cases, and broader cultural opinions. Our project will begin with extensive research that explores these areas and use those findings to inform the creation of our new media solution.
We will judge our impact based upon two criteria: (1) the technical fidelity of the research (qualitative) - how it holds up under scrutiny & critical review (2) the reach of our media (quantitative) through our New Media partners - Better Worlds & dStudio DAO.
This project will bring immense value to the Cardano Community. Listed below are some of the reasons why:
We are excited to work intimately with the entire Cardano Community, collaborate and share our work directly with them.
Alongside of this, we are developing this multi-media production in partnership with Better Worlds (nonprofit DAO) and dStudio (DAO). It will be a primary objective for the reach of this work to be broad leveraging the media distribution network of our partner organizations.
The measurement of this work will be done in both a qualitative and a quantitative sense, (1) the technical fidelity of the research - qualitative (2) the reach of our media through our media partners - quantitative.
This application brings together decades of experience, network and assets in transdisciplinary research, multimedia production & distribution. Our research director actively works with the international centers for transdisciplinary research in France & Russia on subjects of global governance and socio-ecological development (e.g. Human Mediation & AI, 2023). The Transdisciplinary Method formulated by Jean Piaget, Eric Jantsch, Edgar Morin, and Basarab Nicolescu is entirely unique and mediates the issues seen in the siloed & fragmented approaches of contemporary academic & scientific research.
To accompany this, our team currently produces all the video/podcast and web content and global events for Better Worlds, since 2022, with which features many of the world’s bright minds on topics of tokenomics, artificial intelligence, carbonomics, ecology, nature tech, and sustainability. In addition, our Creative Director's Film work portfolio speaks for itself. This is an excellent demonstration of the quality of production and craft we provide.
We will also add that our Operations & Communications Coordinator is the current Marketing Director of Hypha DAO.
As “State of the DAO” will be established as a DAO, all internal policy, program, HR, and fiscal decisions will be individually proposed to DAO with a passing vote threshold set initially at 20% quorum with 80% favorability. This will be transparently recorded on-chain.
With regards to the research gathered and prepared in the final “State of the DAO Report” and any additional published materials on-line will have source attributions, links, and/or requisite appendices.
Due to the nature of this project - breadth, width, and ambiguity are all benefits. As is mentioned in the title, we are embedding Cardano in the New World Paradigm. This means that Cardano will be primed to be put in a position of new connections, exposure, and interests. We cannot predict the results of these outcomes beforehand, because this would defeat the purpose. We want to actively and authentically discover what Cardano’s—and the extended network of DAOs and Tokenomic Actors—role is in transitioning Global Civilization from an extractive & unecological model, to one of equilibria & balance.
To do this, our method should be iterative, transdisciplinary, and informed by the active crafting of a media agenda & narrative.
We have an excellent research team which will be able to find the deep meaning & significance of the DAO emergence, coupled with an experienced, equipped, and globally distributed media production studio.
We estimate that the final milestone of a 'Report' & ‘Media Anthology Web Portal’ will become the alpha-point for the compounding development of further research, education, and inspiration.
Create Research Plan
Output: Documented Research Plan & Interview Contact List
Criteria: Research Plan structured to (1) identify prevailing opinions about Cardano, Blockchain, DAOs, and Web3 technologies, (2) identify innovation trends and focuses of current technology, (3) identify areas of untapped opportunity for innovation.
Complete Interviews
Output: - Documented interview notes - Complete literature review - Interview Video repository - Multimedia Design & Scheduling
Criteria: The synoptic & completed literature review should provide a provisional, yet comprehensive contextualization of the State of the DAO in relationship to the New World Paradigm. Multimedia Design & Scheduling should provide a robust degree of detail on the production method & stylization behind podcast interviews and any other media concepts. The multimedia approach will be informed by the findings from interviews and literature review. Furthermore, key stakeholders should be identified, contacted and scheduled to complete this milestone.
Pilot Series Episodes Produced
Output: Complete production on at least 5 different media artifacts and video pieces. Preliminary impact assessment
Criteria: Approved by dStudio & Better Worlds for post-production completion & distro. Assessed for audience reach and engagement
Peer Review Articles
Output: Completed Draft of the Final Report for first rounds of Peer-Review
Criteria: Completed Draft should be suitable for distribution for select network peer-review
Project Completion - Dual Submission
Output: (1) Comprehensive 'State of the DAO' 2024 report, Online Version (2) Multimedia Research Anthology Web Portal
(3) Fully launched web-series with research-backed content
Criteria: The success of the Project will be determined by a qualitative and a quantitative factor. The qualitative factor is the research & aesthetic fidelity judged by a technical reception of Cardano Stakeholders, and the wider ecosystem. The quantitative factor will be the measurement of the reach of our media distribution.
Basil Childers acts as the Media Production Lead, Series Director, and DAO Catalyst/Architect. He has worked in film, photography, and multi-media production for over 30 years, with hallmarks related to the documentation and amplification of regenerative businesses and organizations, human-rights and environmental activists, artists, and investigative journalists. He co-founded and leads the media production company, dSTUDIO DAO, which has been operating as a DAO since 2020, which also produced
Dominic Chequer is the Research Director. He is an award winning published academic on global governance and political-economy. For the past 5 years he has developed a niche working in the interstice of Academia, Entrepreneurship, and Nonprofits. Today he works actively with the French & Russian research institutes of Transdisciplinarity (CIRET; ITT). He is a founding member of New World X.
Rob Hurwich is our Operations & Outreach Coordinator, as well as a researcher and writer. He currently leads the team for Holistic Systems Cooperative DAO, and is the Marketing & Content Strategist for Hypha DAO. His work with the coordination and implementation of sales and marketing strategy into digital technology and team processes will help keep this project on track and on time.
Adrian Eaton is a Researcher and Writer on the team. As an independent researcher, he is primarily interested in providing research support. Furthermore, his active experience informs our team about how to connect these findings to traditional models of organization. Adrian runs an SME in California focused on information technology (IT) and cybersecurity.
Alongside of the core team, we will be incorporating the aid of consultants, specialists and assistants for tasks in research along with media production, postproduction, distribution, and marketing. The entire process will be managed in a DAO structure, on-chain.
For this Cardano Open: Ecosystem project, requested funds from would be used as follows:
Budget Breakdown
Milestone 1 - Create Research Plan
Milestone 2 - Complete Interviews
Milestone 3 - Pilot Episodes Creation
Milestone 4 - Final Report Draft
Final Milestone - Project Completion | Dual Submission
Requested Funds: ₳200000
Our project budget may exceed the maximum funding request of 200000 ADA. We will be working with our Strategic Partner Better Worlds (Nonprofit) for any additional funding requirements. All actual contributions and detailed token payouts will be tracked on our Project specific DAO ledger for auditing and analysis. Any unused ADA will be used for additional marketing/advertising of the series.
Cardano will benefit from this project through increased brand awareness as the primary underwriter/sponsor of the publicly distributed State of the DAO (SotD) report, podcast and web-series. This project should educate and attract new users to the Cardano ecosystem.
We believe there is exceptional long-term value for the Cardano ecosystem through this project. The assets that will be produced will enhance the knowledge base, strategic direction, and global perception of the Cardano community. This project, by fostering a deeper understanding of DAOs and their impact, positions Cardano at the forefront of thought leadership in the blockchain space, which we see as a long-term boost and strategic investment into the future of the ecosystem.
Note: Traditionally, the cost of two siloed academic researchers for one half year is ~208,224 ADA (USD$94,000). With the assistance of our existing partners, we are proposing to conduct the same research with a larger transdisciplinary team.