Last updated a year ago
SWARM Treasury system, being an key operating system to multiple groups and ecosystems can enhance its adoption and use for other Web3 Projects and Communities through a dedicated PBL
This is the total amount allocated to SWARM Treasury PBL.
SWARM is due to its strong engagement in multiple blockchain ecosystems in a good position to generate a Innovative Treasury PBL which can help others to improve their systems
No dependencies
All gathered knowledge and the PBL itself will be fully open sourced through the Treasury Guild Github
The dApp that does the transactions
The new Dashboard
A new admin tool to help with managing the database -
The SWARM Treasury system, in development since late 2021 is a set of processes which combine Community Contribution systems to an on-chain Treasury System, making it easy for a community to build fully public and transparent contributions and treasury processes into a modular system.
First serious developments of the system have been funded through the Fund 9 DAO - Tools proposal ( which has been successfully completed in March 2023.
Biggest Success so far:
The SWARM treasury system has been implemented in the SingularityNET Ambassadors program, where a task-based contribution system handles currently between 100 to 200 tasks on a weekly basis and is currently on the road to become a supporting System for SingularityNET’s innovation fund at DeepFunding and to support community-driven operations, starting with DeepFunding Reviewers.
The Treasury PBL
Our System has been proven to be a nice fitting solution and ecosystems definitely benefit from the stuff we built so far. However, it is not easy to integrate a system and to adapt it to its own needs and use cases. Therefore, we want to take all previously gained knowledge and experiences and wrap everything into a SWARM Treasury PBL, using the Andamio Platform to ensure that anyone is able to have easy access to an education format to use SWARM’s gained knowledge and experiences for their own needs.
! More about Andamio at:
Our System has been proven to be a nicey fitting solution and ecosystems definitely benefit from the stuff we built so far. However, it is not easy to integrate a system and to adapt it to own needs and use cases. Therefore, we want to take all previously gained knowledge and experiences and wrap everything into a SWARM Treasury PBL, using the Andamio Platform to ensure that anyone is able to have easy access to an education format to use SWARM’s gained knowledge and experiences for their own needs. Projects using the PBL will have access and guidance on a more than 2 Years accumulated knowledge on SWARM Contribution and Treasury systems, enabling them to leverage our knowledge to innovate, enhance and further develop their projects with strong and 100% practice based knowledge.
Swarm has been active in Catalyst since its earliest days in early 2021. Since inception, we played a key role in building up the Catalyst Ecosystem and communities, initiated and supported the emergence of whole communities, projects and companies and have since then, grown our networks and engagements across multiple ecosystems where we play a key role in building up decentralised communities and ecosystems. Our Treasury System has been proven to be of great use to not only projects, but whole communities and ecosystems such as the SingularityNET Ambassadors program and the currently built Project DeepFunding, SingularityNET’s innovation fund. We have years of experience, and we know what we do and what we speak about. We are builders and craftsmen, deeply committed to building decentralised communities and ecosystems.
Having the Andamio platform as service provider also enables us to have direct access to the Andamio developer team, which will help us to ensure that the PBL will get all the needed eyes and hands on needed to have a top notch PBL up and running for everyone to benefit from. The Andamio is consist of seasoned Cardano Developers, building a all-stars team with a outstanding capacity on all things education and Cardano Blockchain development
Milestone 1 - March 2024
Setup & Kick Off
Setting up the Project Management & Team
Completed Proposal Onboarding
Initiating the SWARM Treasury PBL roll out
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation.
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Milestone 2 - April 2024
Course creation Part 1
2X Train the Trainers sessions
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Structure and SLTs ( Student Learning Targets )
Workshops will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel
Async work on Course Structure and SLTs
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation.
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Milestone 3 - May 2024
Course creation Part 2
2X Train the Trainers sessions - Setting up the PBL Course Modules
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Modules
Async work on Course Modules
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
2X Train the Trainers sessions - Defining PBL Course Roles and Role-Tokens
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Roles and Role Tokens
Async work on Course Roles and Role Token
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Monthly Progress Meeting at the end of the month
Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Milestone 4 - June 2024
Course creation Part 3
2X Train the Trainers sessions - Setting up the PBL lessons and assignments
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Modules
Async work on PBL assignments
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Monthly Progress Meeting at the end of the month
Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Milestone 5 - July 2024
Course Launch
Installing up the Andamio Instance
Setting up a PBL Treasury
Launching the SWARM Treasury PBL
Facilitate and moderate Course participants through Andamio & SWARM Discord
Monthly Progress Meeting at the end of the month
( Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel)
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation, as well as a publicly accessible Treasury PBL URL
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Final Milestone - August 2024
Retrospective and Close out
Retrospective and reflection on the Course Creation
Identifying best practices of course creation and lesson learned
Outcomes published to the public via Notion/Github Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Providing a Close Out Report in text and video format
Final Close out Meeting at the end of the month
Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel
Relevant URL's will be provided in each Milestone Report*
Tevo Saks
Development and Documentation.
Tevo is a Cardano and Catalyst OG, additionally a SingularityNET Ambassador and a leading Member of the SWARM. Tevo has been highly engaged in Catalyst since Fund 1 and is deeply committed to decentralised community and ecosystem tools and architectures.
André Diamond - Development
André is a seasoned Cardano & Catalyst Community member, teached himself how to become a Cardano Developer and since then has been leading the development of the SWARM Treasury Systems at the Treasury Guild.
Miroslav Rajh - Transaction Building and Project Management
Miroslav, as well a seasoned Cardano & Catalyst Community member, played a crucial role in the establishment of the Treasury Guild, taking responsibility at the overall operations and building top notch transactions on the Cardano Blockchain
Milestone 1 - March 2024
Setup & Kick Off
Budget: 10,000 Ada
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Milestone 2 - April 2024
Course creation Part 1
Budget: 10,000 Ada
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Structure and SLTs ( Student Learning Targets )
Workshops will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Milestone 3 - May 2024
Course creation Part 2
Budget: 15,000 Ada
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Modules
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Roles and Role Tokens
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
( Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel)
Milestone 4 - June 2024
Course creation Part 3
Budget: 15,000 Ada
Online Workshops with advisory from the Andamio Team to collectively design the Courses Modules
Outcomes published to the public via Github/Dework Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
( Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel)
Milestone 5 - July 2024
Course Launch
Budget: 10,000 Ada
( Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel)
Final Milestone - August 2024
Retrospective and Close out
Budget: 10,000 Ada
Outcomes published to the public via Notion/Github Project Management and Gitbook Documentation
( Progress Meeting will be recorded and uploaded for the Public on the SWARM Youtube Channel)
Total: 70,000 ADA for a timeframe of 6 Months
If the price of ADA goes significantly down over the next few months until proposal approval and budget payouts, we will execute the proposal anyway.
If the price of ADA goes significantly up over the next few months until proposal approval and budget payouts,, we will be lucky and be able to reward proposal members in a higher range and forward leftovers to the Swarm Fund, level up the Pledge at the SWARM Pool and use funds to rewards SWARM Contributors in other activities.
Looking at the previous success of SingularityNET using the SWARM Treasury system, we have a proven use case that our Treasury system is not only of great worth to smaller projects, but to whole communities and ecosystems. The Treasury system eases the onboarding process of newcomers to become engaged contributors and by default enhances onchain contributions, leading to a higher rate of Transactions on the Cardano Blockchain, feeding the Cardano Treasury and showcasing the Cardano Blockchain as an effective operating system to other ecosystems.