Last updated a year ago
For jobseekers and freelancers - Finding a job can be a challenging and stressful process.
For employers and recruiters - reviewing credentials, conducting interviews and evaluating could take ages!
This is the total amount allocated to AI-powered Job Seeking and Talent Scouting Through Tokenized and Authenticated Credentials.
Our AI-powered solution will automatically match recruiters with job seekers giving priority to candidates with authenticated credentials to eliminate slow and monotonous job posting and application.
No dependencies.
Some portions of our libraries can be open source, but in order to protect our intellectual property rights to this product, we will not disclose the entire source codes to the public.
In a nutshell, idenft - pronounced [ ahy-de-nef-tee ] - provides students, employees and professionals, academic institutions and other entities, a simple but powerful tokenization and immutable storage platform to digitize and authenticate credentials such as transcript of records, diplomas, training certificates, personal works, and anything that needs a secured storage that can not be deleted and forged.
Although possibilities are endless, our use case is currently centered towards students, employees, freelancers and professionals who want to authenticate and tokenize their credentials in order to prove to potential employers and clients the authenticity of their achievements and skills.
We automatically match recruiters with job seekers giving highest priority to candidates with authenticated credentials. This removes the unnecessary and tedious tasks for recruiters to verify each of the candidates' expertise and accomplishments.
Our AI-powered matchmaking engine eliminates the slow and monotonous job posting and application sending by immediately identifying qualified candidates and connecting them directly to the recruiters who are looking for specific skillsets and experience, unlike the traditional and ineffective method of keyword-related searching.
During the initial launch, we will target graduating students and universities to offer tokenization of school diplomas and transcripts of records, plus conduct seminars and educational programs about Cardano blockchain in general to explain to them the importance of having an immutable storage for the authenticated student credentials. This will greatly expand the market reach of Cardano to the younger generation, given the fact that every year, there are always fresh graduates in all universities worldwide.
Our secondary market will be the unemployed or those seeking for new opportunities who find it so difficult to land a job due to stiff competition or lack of credentials. We will partner with training institutions in offering tokenized certificates that will prove the authenticity of the participants achievements, then once authenticated, they will be automatically matched with our partner employers who are looking for the same authenticated credentials. This will shorten the gap between finding a job and seeking a qualified candidate through our AI match making engine.
Blockchain has been around for more than a decade now and we've seen lots of articles online discussing endless possibilities of blockchain applications, and yet we have not seen a real world application of blockchain that impacts the lives of the masses especially the younger generation. I think it's time that we come up with truly unique application that's easily understood by the general population, and at the same time, that can be actually utilized in the daily lives of the students and professionals alike, by the employed and unemployed individuals, by companies and academic institutions.
One of my projects is which is a CNFT and native token minter. And I came to a point where NFTs nowadays are just a fad, nothing really of any use but to satisfy the greed of NFT makers and holders. I want to come up with something that makes use of the technology for something of real value and advantage to the lives of ordinary people.
I have completed the NFT minting platform which I plan to use to tokenize credentials at
Next Milestone: Develop a portal where individuals, universities and companies can register and allow them to tokenize their credentials, post jobs, apply for jobs, and eventually match jobseekers and recruiters automatically using AI / ML.
Next Milestone: Once the portal is launched, our marketing activities will now be centered towards partnering with academic institutions / universities to try to onboard their students especially the graduating ones, and offer them free trainings on blockchain and web development.
Use the power of social media and online advertising to capture the general audience composed of training institutions, universities, employers, students, employees and the unemployed.
I am currently the sole initiator of this project but I intend to locate additional team members especially those who are adept in blockchain, AI and ML technologies. As well as those who can help us in marketing and financing.
Larrimar Tia
The following are the foreseeable budget we will need in the span of 7 months:
₳13,000 - Operating Expenses (Office, etc.)
₳7,000 - Servers and Licenses
₳20,000 - Out of pocket Expenses, Travel, Allowances, etc.
₳30,000 - Company Formation, Marketing Budget, Shows, etc.
The rest, if we raise more than the expected budget, will be used for unforeseen expenses or standby funds.
The revenue model of this project will be primarily involve freemium and paid subscriptions, as well as income from advertisements and sponsorships.
In 2021 the estimated jobseekers worldwide was about 400M.
Using only 1% of the estimated figures from our Problem Statement page, we can derive the following approximation of income possibilities: