Last updated a month ago
In several Latin American countries,the computer systems for counting votes are highly manipulable, not very auditable, not very transparent, not very reliable and do not allow citizens to be audited
This is the total amount allocated to Blockchain voting system. 2 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Planning and design
Cost: ₳ 29,300
Delivery: Month 3 - Jun 2024
Development of project components
Cost: ₳ 29,460
Delivery: Month 6 - Sep 2024
Development of project components
Cost: ₳ 24,710
Delivery: Month 9 - Dec 2024
Final Milestone
Cost: ₳ 14,730
Delivery: Month 10 - Jan 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We'll create a vote counting computer system using Cardano's blockchain technology to enhance transparency and security, strengthening electoral processes in developing countries.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
1.- Context.
In developing countries, the adoption/implementation of electronic voting or telematic voting is not yet viable, mainly due to the low levels of confidence in the Electoral Organisms and the socio-political reality of the region.
2.- Current voting systems.
In most of these Latin American countries, the counting of votes in an election process (president of a country or deputies, etc.) is done manually, and these results are transferred to a sheet of paper called tally sheets.
Subsequently, the processing of the tally sheets is carried out in a computer system, in the following phases: scanning of minutes, entry of votes (ICR, Entry of Vores, QA), totalization and dissemination of results.
3.- Blockchain Scrutiny Systems
This project proposes the incorporation of blockchain in a scrutiny system commonly used in Latin America; that is to say that public scrutiny is maintained and the vote is counted one by one in front of the citizens and that later in the computation process blockchain technology is implemented.
a.- Digitize the scrutiny act (Acanning ).
A hash will be obtained from each image of the scanned records and will be published on the blockchain.
The images will be stored decentrally (this point will depend on several factors such as cost, maturity of some decentralized storage solution on the cardano blockchain);
b.- Intelligent character recognition.
The values obtained in the intelligent character recognition process will be assigned to a candidate within the chain of the cardano blockchain;
c.- Cut image in sections
A hash will be obtained from each image of the scanned records and will be published on the blockchain.
The images will be stored decentrally (this point will depend on several factors such as cost, maturity of some decentralized storage solution on the cardano blockchain);
d.- Fingering.
The users of the system called "digitators" will enter the values that are shown in the image (sections of the records that previously had to be cut), it should be noted that a validation of the hash of each existing image in the blockchain is previously performed.
The values entered by the “digitizer” users will be assigned to a candidate within the Cardano blockchain chain;
e.- Quality Control.
The “validation 2 of 3” is done on the Cardano blockchain.
In the case of requiring a new digitization (quality control), the votes entered by the users will be assigned to a candidate within the Cardano blockchain;
f.- Totalization.
The totalization process is the sum of the votes of each candidate and will be carried out in the Cardano blockchain.
g– Publication of results (dissemination of results).
The votes of the candidates will be published from the Cardano blockchain.
3.- Blockchain Scrutiny Systems
This project proposes the incorporation of blockchain in a scrutiny system commonly used in Latin America; that is to say that public scrutiny is maintained and the vote is counted one by one in front of the citizens and that later in the computation process blockchain technology is implemented.
a.- Digitize the scrutiny act (Acanning ).
A hash will be obtained from each image of the scanned records and will be published on the blockchain.
The images will be stored decentrally (this point will depend on several factors such as cost, maturity of some decentralized storage solution on the cardano blockchain);
b.- Intelligent character recognition.
The values obtained in the intelligent character recognition process will be assigned to a candidate within the chain of the cardano blockchain;
c.- Cut image in sections
A hash will be obtained from each image of the scanned records and will be published on the blockchain.
The images will be stored decentrally (this point will depend on several factors such as cost, maturity of some decentralized storage solution on the cardano blockchain);
d.- Fingering.
The users of the system called "digitators" will enter the values that are shown in the image (sections of the records that previously had to be cut), it should be noted that a validation of the hash of each existing image in the blockchain is previously performed.
The values entered by the “digitizer” users will be assigned to a candidate within the Cardano blockchain chain;
e.- Quality Control.
The “validation 2 of 3” is done on the Cardano blockchain.
In the case of requiring a new digitization (quality control), the votes entered by the users will be assigned to a candidate within the Cardano blockchain;
f.- Totalization.
The totalization process is the sum of the votes of each candidate and will be carried out in the Cardano blockchain.
g– Publication of results (dissemination of results).
The votes of the candidates will be published from the Cardano blockchain.
4.- Why implement this solution?
5.-Legal validity.
In general terms, there are 3 forms of vote control.
Manual counting, also known as traditional or simply scrutiny, is the classic method of vote counting in an electoral process. In this system, voters cast their votes on physical ballots, which are then deposited in ballot boxes. Once the voting is complete, the ballot boxes are taken to a counting center where each vote is manually counted.
In the process of traditional scrutiny, electoral officials review and manually count each vote on the ballots, ensuring their validity and correctly assigning votes to each candidate or option. Once the manual counting is completed, the results are recorded in scrutiny records and later processed (vote tally) by a centralized system before being officially published or disclosed.
Telematic voting is a voting modality that allows citizens to cast their votes from any location using electronic devices connected to the internet, such as computers, smartphones, or tablets. Instead of physically going to a polling station, voters can vote remotely through secure and authorized online platforms.
Electronic voting is a voting modality in which voters cast their votes using electronic systems instead of traditional paper ballots and ballot boxes. This method utilizes computer and electronic technologies to register, count, and transmit votes efficiently and quickly.
The most common way to implement this type of voting is through electronic voting machines, where voters select their choices on a digital voting machine (physically similar to an ATM), and the system records the votes electronically.
The vast majority of developing countries, such as Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, have laws that establish manual voting, using physical ballots that are later tallied in a centralized computer system called the scrutiny system. Our project adheres to these specifications, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, while adding an additional layer of transparency to the existing systems.
Electoral Organic Law (Pages 71,72,73)
Organic Law of Elections (Pages 40,41,42)
In what way will the success of your project bring value to the Cardano Community?
The benefits this proposal will bring to the Cardano ecosystem are:
Validation and strengthening of the technology:
Implementación de un sistema de recuento de votos (escrutinio electoral) en Cardano will demonstrate the blockchain's capability to handle mission-critical applications in a real-world setting. This will validate the robustness and reliability of Cardano's underlying technology, attracting more developers, investors, and users to the ecosystem.
Attraction of collaborations and strategic partnerships:
Implementación de un sistema de recuento de votos (escrutinio electoral) en Cardano can draw the attention of government agencies, electoral organizations, and other entities interested in enhancing transparency and security in electoral processes. This could open up opportunities for collaborations and strategic partnerships with governmental entities and relevant organizations, further strengthening the Cardano ecosystem.
Number of potential beneficiaries:
The potential beneficiaries of the project include the large number of voters in each country, such as Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru, with millions of potential users. This demonstrates the scalability and widespread impact of the proposed solution.
Adoption by electoral authorities:
We will measure the number of electoral authorities showing interest in implementing our Cardano-based scrutiny system. This will give us an idea of the level of acceptance and trust in our solution by electoral authorities.
User opinions:
We will gather qualitative feedback from users, including electoral officials, political parties, and voters, to evaluate their satisfaction with the system. Their opinions and experiences will provide valuable information about the usability and effectiveness of the solution.
Expert and auditor assessments:
We will seek the review and evaluation of independent experts in security and electoral systems. Their opinions and analyses will give us a measure of the effectiveness and reliability of our scrutiny system.
The strategy for sharing the outputs and results of our project includes:
Documentation and reports:
We will prepare detailed documentation and reports describing the development process, implementation methodology, and key findings of the project.
Presentations and workshops:
We will organize presentations and workshops to share the project results with government agencies, electoral organizations, and the Cardano communit.
Participation in trade shows: We will participate in trade shows and events related to technology and democracy, where we can share our results with an interested audienc.
Publications and case studies: We will publish articles and studies that highlight project achievements, lessons learned, and best practices. These articles will be shared with relevant industry publications/magazines, academic institutions and research forums for example "Revistas Democracias"
Online and social media presence: We will actively promote the project results through social media, blogs, and online communitie.
Collaboration and partnerships: We will seek collaborations and partnerships with other electoral organizations in Latin America and international collaborative bodie, In our project, we recognize the importance of establishing political connections and strategic collaborations to promote the adoption of this type of system. One significant advantage is that we have connections with consultants and individuals who work directly with international organizations specialized in electoral support, such as the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations (UNIORE), and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).
Our ability to deliver our project with high levels of confidence and accountability is based on the following:
Team expertise: We have an experienced and competent team that possesses in-depth knowledge in the field of blockchain technology, electoral systems, and IT security:
+30 national elections in Ecuador.
+10 years of experience in electoral systems development.
+Plutus Program Pioneer.
Transparency in execution: We are committed to carrying out the project in a transparent manner, providing regular updates on progress, milestones achieved and obstacles overcome
Independent audits and evaluations: We will seek independent audits and/or evaluations of our project by experts in security and electoral systems, mainly experts coming from academia.
Establishment of accountability mechanisms: We will implement clear accountability mechanisms at all stages of the project, both the source code and the documentation will be 100% available.
Administration of the funds: All the invoices of the expenses made with the found 10 funds will always be public on the website and the Github repository of the project
Scheme of the project, definition of macro tasks and tasks as well as the teams involved in each of them.
Define detailed system architecture and select technologies.
Interface design.
Database schema for configuration.
Deliverables of this phase:
1.- Project roadmap
2.- Architecture design
3.- Blockchain component design.
4.- Database schema (script).
The acceptance criteria are:
Development of the configuration module
Development of scanning module.
Development of the intelligent character recognition module.
REST API of modules modules of this phase.
Blockchain component.
Deliverables of this phase:
1.- Configuration module (versioned source code).
2.- Scanning module (versioned source code).
3.- Intelligent character recognition module (versioned source code).
4.- REST API of modules modules of this phase (versioned source code).
5.- Smart contracts.
The acceptance criteria are:
Fingering module development (versioned source code).
Development of the quality control module (versioned source code).
Development of presentation of results (versioned source code).
security tests
Blockchain component
Deliverables of this phase:
1.- Fingering module (versioned source code).
2.- Quality control module (versioned source code).
3.- Results module (versioned source code).
4.- REST API of modules modules of this phase (versioned source code).
5.- Security test report
6.- Smart contracts.
The acceptance criteria are:
POC of Blockchain voting system.
Final report.
Video summary
he team is made up of people with great experience in software development, we also have knowledge of blockchain, cardano, the team is mainly composed of:
David Tacuri
Electoral Software Engineer / Lead Full Stack Developer
David Has actively participated in more than 30 electoral processes in Ecuador, acquiring a profound understanding of electoral procedures and election laws. Additionally, he possesses technical expertise in various programming languages and databases. As an enthusiastic advocate for blockchain, David has conducted several presentations on blockchain and Cardano at schools and universities in Ecuador and Paraguay."
Roberto Cerrud:
Blockchain lead developer
Plutus Pioneer Program. 18+ years of experience as a developer. 25+ years of experience in technical support and DevOps. 8+ years of experience in mining, and extensive knowledge of blockchain technologies.
Currently teaches Haskell and Plutus Cohorts in Emurgo Academy.
Fernando Yánez
Electoral Software Engineer / Lead Full Stack Developer
Fernando has been involved in electoral processes from a technical perspective, possessing knowledge of multiple programming languages. He has worked in various industries, taking on roles such as developer, team leader, and project manager.
David Quintanilla
Software Engineer / AI Engineering / Full Stack Developer
he cost estimation was carried out taking into account the following aspects:
Impact on society
1.- Real solution to a concrete problem.
Incorporating blockchain into a scrutiny system is one of the most tangible ways to demonstrate the technology's validity and true contribution to society. We create value for Cardano by providing a mechanism of transparency and security to an entire society that defines the future of generations through voting
2.- Justification of the budget
Salaries and expertise.
The average salary of an experienced developer and experts in information technologies was considered, according to the standards established by the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador. These salaries reflect the competence and specialized knowledge required to effectively carry out the Cardano-based scrutiny project.
Infrastructure and resources: It is considered that at least the first two phases of the project will not require significant resources (such as AWS) as it will still be in the development phase.
It is important to emphasize that these values are referential and are taken from the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador since the proponent is from this country.
Reference price of ADA is USD 0.23, at the time of publication of the proposal, ADA is USD 0.33