Last updated a year ago
In the world very people die of hunger and CARDANO can give a solution to this problem because CARDANO help and contribute to all the world
This is the total amount allocated to Hunger Heroes CARDANO.
Create a platform where the people in all world can share ideas for eradicate the hunger and nobody die for this. The ideas will be send to Lawmakers in all the world. CARDANO will be project sponsor
No dependencies
The results of this project will be share with all comunity but isn't necesary in this stage that the project is open source
This project consists of a platform where people from around the world can share ideas for eradicate hunger. With this project CARDANO is helping to solve of humanity's major problems: The Hunger. It will also contribute to the positive image of CARDANO and its community globally.
IMPORTANT: This project want create a product as following: a web platform for share ideas about erradicate the Hunger in the world, this ideas will have score by users and the best will be send to Lawmakers around the world, etc.
This project will contribute significantly to the positive image of CARDANO and Project Catalyst because it will be highly beneficial for the world and obtain global recognition. With this project CARDANO will have a better adoption
I have been part of the community since Fund 4. I am a lawyer with a master's degree in Political Science and many years of professional experience. I have successfully completed a project in Project Catalyst. Additionally, I have been a trader for several years. My LinkedIn profile is:
Project structure and Documentation
Legal Framework and Compliance Documentation
Create MVP:
Verification Criterion:
Project Compilation and Summary
The project will be carried out by the main proponent, who, in addition to being a lawyer, has been a cryptocurrency trader for several years and will work full-time on this project to fulfill all proposed objectives. Also, I will hire the developing the minimum viable product (MVP) prototype of the platform with Christian David, He is a programmer specializing in computer security, his LinkedIn profile is:
The requested budget for this project is 68,000 ADA, and it will be distributed as follows: 10.000 ADA for market research, 10.000 ADA for project marketing, 24.000 ADA for developing the minimum viable product (MVP) prototype of the platform and the fees for the main proponent, who will work full-time for 3 months, as follows: 60 days of work x 8 hours per day = 480 hours in total at 50 ADA per hour = 24.000 ADA.
This project will obtain for CARDANO and its community a significant recognition. Furthermore, the budget for this project isn't high and it promises substantial benefits for people worldwide who are suffering from hunger. CARDANO and Project Catalyst will be sponsors for this initiative.