Last updated a year ago
We understand the importance of collaboration in achieving real estate goals. Our platform allows people to work together and benefit from property ownership and profit sharing in ADA Token.
This is the total amount allocated to LandholdingsADA 🌏Innovative RealFi on Cardano.
Khairul Sholeh
Our goal is to provide a platform that facilitates the creation of strong bonds between investors and builders, unlocking new opportunities for growth and investment in the real estate industry.
No dependencies.
Our project will not be fully open source. The decision to keep some components of our project non-open source is driven by our ambition to establish a commercially viable product. This serves two purposes:
We aim to create real value within the Cardano ecosystem that extends beyond typical open-source community projects. We will perform a 3rd party audit for our product to ensure safety for people who invest in Cardano. By demonstrating the successful commercialization of projects within the Cardano ecosystem, we hope to inspire other entrepreneurs and businesses to leverage the technology, thus driving the ecosystem's growth and expanding its influence. Our platform will include a land plotting system, auto-profit sharing rewards for token holders in $ADA, and a verification system of the project's progress.
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Indonesia is ranked 114 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 93 a rise of 21.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.705 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.672, a difference of 4.68.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.95 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.16 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 6.77 tonnes (indexed value 0.94).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data: (table 7)
The real estate market has undergone significant growth and advancements in recent years. With increasing demand for properties, new investment opportunities are emerging. However, despite this growth, there are still a few challenges that need to be addressed.
The major challenge in the real estate market is the high barriers to entry. For many people, investing in real estate is simply not an option because of the large amounts of capital required. The high barriers to entry also make it difficult for new investors to enter the market and
participate in the growth and opportunities it offers.
Our proposed solution is the "Landholdings" a comprehensive blockchain-based ready-to-use solution aimed at reshaping the real estate industry, particularly building a healthy housing in Indonesia, profit sharing system in $ADA, utilizing the power of Cardano's blockchain technology.
People who buy our STO (Security Token Offering) will be called “landholders”, $LAND will represent the number of stocks and dividends that “landholders” will receive when we sell the property. People can buy the property using $ADA or FIAT. If a person buys the property with $ADA then dividends will be distributed in $ADA directly into the “landholders” wallet after taxes. If the person buys the property using FIAT, then the project owner will have to turn this FIAT into $ADA which will further increase $ADA liquidity and transfer the dividends into the “landholders” wallet. There will be an accounting report for each project that will be sold on the platform.
The impact of this project will be very positive for Cardano because it will lead to a significant increase in the number of traders dealing with $ADA. Increasing Cardano utilities and liquidity because people who buy the land will have to pay with $ADA or the profit from non-web3 people who buy our property with FIAT will be turned into $ADA. All profits will be converted into $ADA and distributed as rewards to the "landholders". The accounting report will be released after the sale of the projects ends.
I’ve been working as a Housing Project Manager since 2019, and crypto sector since 2021. I’m planning to combine this expertise of mine into a sustainable project in Cardano. The first step is to focus on the Indonesia market because I’ve already got the connection and experience before, I’m planning to have at least 1 housing project in Bali when we launch. You can check my portfolio here:
· Finalize research on profit sharing model and needed technology
· Edit the White Paper
· Research Tokenomics Model
· Finalize Partnerships
· Onboard CTO
· Onboard Two Devs
· Onboard Advisors
· Releasing our White Paper and identifying the final profit-sharing model for ADA rewards.
· Finalize any strategic partnerships for the success of Landholdings and create disclosure documentation for partnership confirmation.
· Talk with Advisors to have support with finding a CTO or technical advisor, and release job posts and opportunities to our community.
· With the CTO onboard two devs
· Finalize the first advisory board and release a board statement to the community
· Provide live weekly sessions about the Landholdings on Cardano
· Launch the community contribution fund for the first property project
· Onboard marketing support
· Onboard 3 new contributors from pockets across the globe
· Create a marketing/social media promotional plan
· Promote onboarding of community mods
· Continue the Landholdings Cardano for weekly live stream and update for the property project
· First property project launch for funding round (profit sharing system)
· Create proper material to onboard marketing support
· With marketing support create a social post plan to start and market and promote the content through social media channels
· Onboarding a minimum of 3 contributors to join our team
· Finalize the MVP and begin program testing
· Have Tokenomics reviewed
· Finalized our proposed tokenomics for the $LAND token and shared it with our tokenomics expert.
· Creating $LAND STO Token launch and pre-sale
Releasing video which shows the Landholdings dApp launched to Mainnet in MVP form, with a minimum of 1 property project activated and educational material inserted.
Provide a Closeout Report.
Andy Makkaraseng CEO: Linkedin
Housing Project Manager since 2019, and actively working on blockchain projects since 2021. Industrial Engineer with more than 6 years of work experience, with 4 years of management experience, including a high-level position.
Khairul Sholeh CMO:
Content creator and designer of various brands in Indonesia. A creative worker with more than 4 years of work experience, releasing dozens of Brand logos online via various sources.
Landholdings Platform: 100,000
The proposed budget for this project delivers excellent value for the scope of work and the potential impact on Cardano's ecosystem. Each budget item directly ties to core project deliverables that offer tangible benefits. The total amount requested maximizes community impact, keeping costs controlled through efficient execution plans, driving ecosystem growth - the purpose of Project Catalyst.