Last updated a year ago
Cardano, connecting all coins in a single accessible platform. Here, users can view price fluctuations, profit and loss statistics, and mark and note important announcements.
This is the total amount allocated to MgCoin: A Platform That Connects Every Coin.
o Integrate all coins in a single platform for the Cardano community
o Profit and loss analysis chart, coin price
o Receive notifications from coin sources. Take notes and mark important notifications
The project will be completely open source
o How do you see the problem you're solving?
- With the Cardano community of players owning many different coins, to update news, receive important announcements, monitor prices or transactions, you must visit the websites of each different coin, causing confusion. It's convenient for players, so we propose a solution to build a single access platform, from here players can see all the things they need to know from the different coins they own without having to visit. different coin pages.
o Your reason to approach it the way you have
- The Cardano player community is very large, it is very normal for one person to own more than one type of coin, but apart from the exchanges, there is currently no tool to support Cardano players in managing their information. What kind of coin do I own?
o Who will your project attract?
- This is a useful tool for any cardano player in particular and the crypto community in general, we believe that with this tool it will help players better manage their account information and experience their favorite coins. like the easiest and most convenient way
o How will you demonstrate or demonstrate your impact
-With a cardano-centric inspiration, each cardano wallet owner will be able to access the app and create his or her own unique coin space , and can customize notes and important reminders. corresponding to each type of coin
-With the desire to build a unique coin access platform for crypto players
We will be of great help to users in managing information of different coins, making it easy for users to remember and easily track important information from coin sources. In the future, we will continue to develop the platform on mobile applications from which users will easily receive hot notifications, important information and news from many different coin sources.
-From using the cardano wallet as the only access platform, when the system is operational and supported by the majority of the crypto community, we believe that it will attract more players to join the cardano community, helping let cardano thrive
What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
-To implement this idea, we have drawn a master model of feature blocks, system logic model and model of use cases for each user role. At the same time, he also studied about exchanges such as coineckco, coinmarrketcap,… these exchanges also have the function to view coin prices, view profit/loss information but do not display enough tokens of the cardano ecosystem which is a disadvantage for our cardano community, so we built to solve this problem
-System functional model
-Logical model of product building
-UseCase model
How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
o Project goal:
- Giving the Cardano user community a platform to access all Cardano coins without having to remember or go through too many different forms of access
- Increase the number of users joining the Cardano community from other communities through the convenience of accessing a single platform to manage all coins
- Personalize notes, important work
- View profit/loss statistics of all coins owned in a single platform
- Get hot notifications, latest news from different coin systems in a single platform
- Share interesting and important news about coins in the Cardano community
o Validation method when the project is feasible:
- Provide documents during product development: analysis and design documents, documentation/videos on how to use the committed functions
- Notify the Cardano community through telegram groups to call for participation in the product
-Make statistical reports on the number of users using
System design analysis (4 weeks of implementation)
- Analyze and make a list of use cases about usage needs
- Design functional models, system logic models, database models, and bases for programming
- Output products :
+ Documentation of user needs analysis
+ System design documentation: system logic model, source code directory organization structure, database model
- Acceptance Criteria:
+ For the requirements analysis document, do the following:
o System functional model
o Describe the tasks and functions of each component in the system functional model
- For technical design documents, perform the following contents:
o System logic model
o Source code organizational structure model
o Database Model
o Programming standards
- Proof of Milestone Completion
Upload videos and documents made to, including:
o Requirements analysis document (.pdf file)
o Technical design document (.pdf file)
- Handover date: March 18, 2024
- Cost: 29,900 (Total Fundraising * 30%)
Programming to build products related to the access channel (5 weeks of implementation)
- Output products : Complete the interface, functions and processing flow of 3 modules
- Acceptance Criteria:
o Specifically, do the following:
+ Finish building the access channel framework (home page)
+ Complete the Login Wallet module
+ Complete the coin Catalog module
- Handover date: April 19, 2024
- Cost: 14,950 (Total Fundraising * 15%)
Programming to build products related to languages, news, announcements (5 weeks of implementation)
- Output products : complete interface, function and flow of 3 modules
- Acceptance Criteria:
o Specifically, do the following:
+ Complete the Notification module
+ Complete the News module
+ Complete log analysis module to synchronize news, coin price
- Handover date: May 19, 2024
- Cost: 14,950 (Total Fundraising * 15%)
Programming to build products related to coin prices, profit and loss statistics (5 weeks of implementation)
- Output products : Complete the interface, functions and processing flow of 2 modules
- Acceptance Criteria:
o Specifically, do the following:
+ Complete the Coin Price Chart module
+ Complete the Profit/Loss Statistical Chart module
- Handover date: June 17, 2024
- Cost: 14,950(Total Fundraising * 15%)
- Proof of Milestone completion:
o Upload a video to return to product manipulation by each screen built according to user request documents and upload to
o Updated build of modules at
Software testing (7 weeks of implementation)
-Output products:
o Document reporting test results
o Test documents for each functional screen have been approved and met requirements
-Acceptance criteria:
o To test the software, do the following:
+ Complete Test Case documents
+ Complete test report: functional test, security test, performance test
o Usecases in the feature block must meet the following standards:
+ Complete the building access channel frame (home page)
+ Complete the Login Wallet module
+ Complete the Coin List module
+ Complete notification module
+ Complete the News module
+ Complete the log analysis module to synchronize news and coin prices
+ Complete the Coin Price Chart module
+ Complete the Profit/Loss Statistics Chart module
o Upload videos and created documents to, including:
+ Record videos of pages in Test Case documents
+ Record videos of pages in product test results documents according to Test Case
+ Test Case documents, test results report documents (function, security, performance)
+ Error recording documents, error handling during testing and product error correction
o Upload videos and documents to and test the system
-Handover date: August 18, 2024
-Cost: 14,950 (Total fundraising amount * 15%)
Completed and officially announced (1 week of implementation)
- Official product announcement through community and other forms of promotion
- Output products :
· Run the mainnet and announce to the Cardano community
- Acceptance Criteria:
o Documents on the official release plan:
+ Announced run time
+ Assign personnel to make announcements
+ Assign personnel to develop product promotion materials
- Proof of Milestone Completion
o All announcements and links, publication documents are updated on the system
- Handover date: August 26, 2024
-Cost: 9,966 (Total Fundraising * 15%)
o Our team consists of 7 people, a group working together for more than 6 years in the field of Blockchain and Crypto, participated in consulting, designing and building products for many big partners.
o Members list:
Project Management,Technical Leader: Lê Ngọc Mậu ,As a Mid-level Developer With 20 years of experience ,10 years in Blockchain & Crypto field
Lead developer: Nguyễn Chí Trung, Being a Lead Developer, 6 years in Blockchain & Crypto field
Frontend Developer: Nguyễn Quốc Thắng, As a Senior Developer, 5 years in Blockchain
& Crypto field
Backend developer: Mai Trương Tài, As a Senior Developer, 5 years in Blockchain
& Crypto field
Designer UI,UX: Nguyễn Ngọc Mai Oanh, 7 years of UI and UX design
Software Tester: Vu Vạn Quang, 5 years experience as a tester
Community Manager, Digital Marketing: Tạ Quốc An
Total cost of implementation: 99,667 ADA
(exchange rate: 1 = 0.3 USD)
o Our project has 3 sources of costs that need to be spent:
- Cost of construction and product development
- Cost of renting a server to deloy products
- Product promotion and marketing costs: video clips, livestreams , AMA sessions, project workshops
o Product development and construction costs are calculated based on each role and the number of weeks involved in each project team member.
o Other costs are referenced from the Cardano community, from members who have been successful in Cardano projects.