Last updated a year ago
The Blockchain is „bulletproof“ but its users are not.
Passphrase phishing or theft is a serious threat for novice users.
This is the total amount allocated to Passkeys for decentralized IAM.
This project wants to utilize Passkeys in conjunction with DIDs and traditional identity providers to enable a subset of blockchain functions in a more user oriented way.
Atala Prism is currently the only solution for creating and managing DIDs on the cardano blockchain.
I will be using a GNU General Public License v3.0 for this project and all of the produced code will be made public.
This solution reduces the barrier to entrance for novice blockchain users and traditional institutions with legacy infrastructure.
The core idea is to utilize the emerging passkey standard in a relatively conventional setting with an identity provider (server). However the innovation is that users are not stored in centralized databases, but instead their DIDs will be dynamically looked up on the blockchain. This approach offers a variety of access management modes, which are vital to integrate legacy infrastructure with blockchain solutions.
In this GitHub project you can find a more detailed explanation of the idea.
There is a reasonable chance that this concept will bridge the gap for many decentralized identity solutions, to gain wider adoption. Because blockchain systems face usability issues and legacy identity federation systems rely on legal assurances to be secure.
Hence a decentralized identity system should tolerate human errors and still follow code as law principles.
If this proposal can help to find synergies between legacy and blockchain systems, the impact for the SSI community on cardano would be positive.
In terms of measuring impact, developer engagement is the key.
So the main metrics are:
For more details about output sharing please consulate the documentation and communication milestones.
In Fund3 I have already delivered a project around utilizing smart contracts as accounts.
Furthermore I maintain and develop the ScriptExplorer, which is a blockchain explorer focused on visualizing smart contracts.
This Concept is also the topic of my bachelor thesis and funding this project allows me to bring this research to the Cardano blockchain.
The actual workload of this project is split into research, software development, documentation and communication of the results.
The prototype will be based on keycloak, which is an open source identity provider that can be modified to facilitated the users needs. Also the prototype has to be connected to a Cardano node, this will involve an Atala prism node to read and write DIDs.
As a result users can login to a webpage by using a Passkey and be authorized by their DIDs.
The Documentation will span all relevant devops information and the Youtube videos will demonstrate how a user can interact with the running prototype.
The Communication will be handled over a discord server, which provides faqs but I will also give personal support.
Quirin Schlegel
Implementing the Keycloak extension and flows will be the most time consuming.
Thus I expect 3 months for these tasks.
Integrating Atala will be done in parallel as soon as the first running version is available.
After that I will work on the Documentation and begin to test the implementation, if errors show up I will also fix them at this point.
These tasks should take around 2 months.
At last recording the videos and setting up the Discord server will take around 2 weeks.
An average for wage for a developer (20hour part-time) in Germany is over 2000 €, with around 5 months of development work this amounts to 10000€.
At the current Ada price of 0,34€ this amounts to 29411 ₳. The additional round up is warranted by at least 1 year of guarantied Support.
30k Ada is 0.4 % of the total Cardano Use Cases: Concept Budget this is from my opinion a fair share for a concept that offers many new use cases and eases the path to adoption for new user groups.