Last updated a year ago
Given research, there are high number of African students who crave digital skills but receive outdated curriculum which aren't applicable in the 21st century; high drop outs due to Educational Gap.
This is the total amount allocated to Reward 2 learn (Revolutionise African Universities) We are the Airbnb for all African Universities.
To build an MVP that offers tech skills 10 times better & are applicable in the 21st century along with mentors & professional opportunities. Tokens under Cardano native are giving after completion
We have partnered with Ribara and three other recruiting platform which gets our students to intern in 500 fortune companies.
Quality education reducing inequality, lack of understanding about tech Ai, blockchain. We promote quality education amongst students to end the narrative of outdated curriculum not applicable to the real world, also measure the efficiency of quality educational process. Improving the quality of education can help end inequality and terminate the cycle of poverty.
SDG GOALS by 2030
By 2030 We will equip over a million African students the tools to develop to their full potential, they become productive adults ready to give back to their communities and end the cycle of poverty.
By 2030, we will drive 40% -50% women into computer science by aggressive promotion of female mentorship & professionals in the Tech industry.
By 2030, we would totally reduce inequality at 80% in the African education system.
As stated in Guardians Newspaper (One of the News media in Africa) The Students Solidarity Group across Nigeria which is the largest gathering of students across Nigerian Universities are against Fees Hikedespite the outdated curriculum and regret of students with nothing to show for in the real world .
A teaser into survey states with reports that hundreds of thousands of Nigerian students are on the verge of dropping out at the Nigerian Universities as the fees of N40,000 naira ($40) skyrocket into N200,000 naira ($200) within 3 months, breaking record of decline of students admission process to further education since African history.
It is disheartening to see that even with the fee hike, the school management has been unwilling to provide.Over 10 million Nigeria youth are going through these challenges and it seeks urgent addressing.
The President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, has warned that about 50% of Nigerian university students may drop out of school within the next two years if the Nigerian government fails continuously lack interest in the fee hike across Nigerian universities.
The rights group in a National newspaper on the 14th Of July 2020 voiced their deep concern over the $6.2 billion education spending gap.
One of the things we’ve been disappointed with in much of the western world is how few women are interested in studying computer science and how this will not encourage more women into Universities across Nigeria.
Seconly,Nigeria’s tech deficit is ironical, to say the least. For a country with over 200 million people, an astonishing 56.3% are young driven adults and unemployed— by National Bureau of Statistics Nigerian students lack capacity to be employable into 500 fortune companies, start-ups or ability to be problem solvers.
In recent years, Nigeria and many African nations have witnessed rapid growth in technology. However, the benefits of this tech boom have not fully enhanced as there are very high demand on programming for lots of emerging startups across Africa.
Solution to address these problems.
Davinci Codes University, offers E-learning platform for tech skills and Educative programs as a computer Science University which will be a 2years degree that can be affordable, accessed with or without an internet connection, along with mentorship and global opportunities which will reward students with our token which will be under the Cardano native.
We would be the Airbnb or Uber for African Universities transform the computer science industry across Africa.
We’ve introduced a new way in which students will get quality education with degree level qualifications in Africa, making their degree level employable to global apprenticeships/internship worthy of the 21st century.
We want to resolve the ever-persisting minimal or lack of IT knowledge in African students. Given research, we've found that there is a high number of students who crave digital and IT skills but are receiving limited and education on it in their various higher institutions; this is where we come in. To engage and educate eager learners on digital skills including Software development, Ai and block chain Including English and Mathematics.
With the 2years degree Every semester real projects will be building that are applicable to the 21st Century and supervised by organizations as partners.
Reason for our approah helps student stay motivated with rewards
system and also students can learn with the impact of token under the Cardano,
which can help equality of 80% of learning at universities.
Our demonstration on proof of impact will come from students
completion of courses also rewards tokens under Cardano native.while they will
submit projects to mentors and organisations which will rate their performance
in the real world.
Industry will employ someone and they attend university 20% of the time and work towards their degree while they are in work.
So that is a new way to make sure the degree is appropriate for employers and these programs are employer-led so employers are part of designing the program. The other project we have is a digital skills partnership which is where we try and get industry and lecturers to work more closely together on things like developing curriculum.
HOW IT WORKS Inability of the country (Nigeria)Africa to adapt to technology:
We will have a team of professionals/lecturers who will handle courses our Computer science courses which is considered as part of a family of five separate yet interrelated disciplines: computer science, Data Analysis, information technology, software engineering, English and Mathematics.
This will reduce cost on waste on hundreds of lectures salaries which don’t get students focused but confused on priority and returning on learning, rather E- learning with Ai will execute on students of the 21st century, it work place and will also modified on trends.
Within the courses core focus Software development, gamification, Ai development and blockchain projects will be carried out within the 2 years degree at every giving semester.
Students will pay admission fee for as low as $20 dollar per year for every semester and have access our learning platform as they begin their educational test and examinations our Ai development alongside the MVP will be built for grading performance. Submission of projects will be conformed to organizations and our Ai track progress of learning GPA and live projects.
Students who are highly active and engaging in their studies and invite a student,10% will be stored up in our token in every semester.
This will encourage students to engage more and invite their colleague, students to partake in the opportunity of the first University/incubator to meet every student needs while learning and building rewards within token every semester.
We bring in subscription model or advertising brands.
Every income from an advertising brand, 40% will be giving to students in token under Cardano native to encourage more learning, engagement and growth while we earn 60%.
Also payment of school fees which will range from $20 dollars per semester.
- This project will address these issues especially as it concerns education, skill and poverty calling for an in-depth and thorough analysis, payments, rewards and transaction of token under the Cardano native and work will be done which should be aimed at showing, educating and rewarding every stakeholder in the education sector in not just Nigeria but Africa and the globe on how their actions individually and or collectively will save the collapse of the education sector, financial system and revolutionise total economic development in Africa if our solution is executed.
Impacts will build on these listed below:
1.Positve Mindset and motivation
will be driven towards African tertiary education and token under cardano.
2.This will encourage professional/ lecturers to tutor student
as a way to restore the African economic crises.
online (which is a very powerful tool)
job opportunities.
We have trained over 300 students, and have over a thousand students play our games created by our students. With absolutely no funding and we have gotten incredible feedback which help us towards this concept to addressing their needs and accelerate growth. With survey of universities students of over 1546 students on the waitlist.
We have incredible feedback testimonials from students. We have also had recent partners from brands like Green Hub Africa, United Nations, RemoStart in which will help recruiting our students, Ribara which gets students to intern in 500 fortune companies.
I have also had seven years experience as a Brand and Product manager winning multiple accounts for industries and Brand. I will guarantee my experience and believe strongly in the market place, and obsessed with our market audience to meet their best needs and wants.
I have lead an effective team an as Product management built solid validation, address painpoints strongly for users and key performance indicator, a quantifiable measure of performance over time towards our specific objectives. So with my product management skill we will validate on the feedbacks of our students especially addressing their pain points to building an incredible product.
--Draw up feature list, Ui/UX, wireframe.
A. Signing up User interface.
B. Entire design view & wireframe.
--Training content development
A. Computer Science Professional developer/Lectural for online E-learning content around
software development, Ai development and blockchain.
B. License officially as a E-learning University
C. Professional Videographer and Editor.
--MVP development
A. One month MVP with Ai and Token (Cardano native)
--Testing Phase
A. Testing and improving on feedbacks
--Testing Phase
A. Product Market fit/ KPI
B. Admission acceptance.
C. Promotions across online and partnership with current Universities in computer Science.
--Marketing and sales Lead
A. Partneship with 100 university in 3months
B. Partnership with 100 Companies in 3months
C. Partnership with sponsors and influencers on social platforms and Advertisers.
Emotu Onimowo CEO He is visisonary passionate businessman, over10 years experince in Branding and Product Manager. FULL TIME
Stephen Oluwafemi Herbert CTO Software Engineer for over 15 years, an Educator, MBA at WorldQuant University study Financial Engineering. OnlineLECTURER
Arinze Anthony 8 years expertise as Back End developer. OnlineLECTURER
Ubio Obu an expert at Machine learning Ai and Blockchain Researcher. OnlineLECTURER
Milestone 1
--Draw up feature list, Ui/UX, wireframe.
A. Signing up User interface.
B. Entire design view & wireframe. = ( 11,000 Ada)
Milestone 2:
--Training content development
A. Computer Science Professional developer/Lectural for online E-learning content around
software development, Ai development and blockchain.
B. License officially as a E-learning University = (5000 ADA) on all tutor
C. Professional Videographer and Editor. = (3000 ADA) on all Video grapher & Editor)
Milestone 3:
--MVP development
A. One month MVP with Ai and Token (Cardano native) = (11,000 ADA)
Milestone 4:
--Testing Phase
A. Testing and improving on feedbacks
Milestone 5
--Testing Phase
A. Product Market fit/ KPI (Rewards token) = (8,000 ADA)
B. Admission acceptance.
C. Promotions across online and partnership with c
urrent Universities in computer Science. = (10,000 ADA)
D. Team and running cost from call, logistic, and office space ($10,000 ADA)
Final Milestone:
--Marketing and sales Lead still on promotion and partnership
We have been able to reach close to two thousand audience with very little funding of my own, bootstrapping. With our market size of problem being address at 10 million youth, the cost of this project we will be able to reach over 20,000 audience through and rewards will be given in token under the Cardano native. The Cardono ecosystem will be encouraged especially with our special courses across Blockchain for students. Scalability will introduce influencers, our current partners "Green hub Africa & United Nation" 2024 partnership as it plan to also reach another 100,000 youth. This 58,000 ADA will revolutionise thousands of students along with Cardano impact and ecosystem.