Last updated a year ago
Students face challenges in connecting with like-minded individuals, balancing academic responsibilities with gaming interests, and usually lack resources for skill improvement and pursuing careers
This is the total amount allocated to Web3 Gamers Guild for Students.
Azeem Shoukat
We will use the SingularityNET Ambassador program Bounty Board to effectively onboard and engage students to the Cardano Ecosystem through focus on Cardano Games.
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
The core solution will include creating a web 3.0 site with core functionalities of bounties system in which new games launched on Cardano Blockchain can part take for beta testing tasks and rewarding students for accomplishing these tasks.
This proposal introduces the concept of using the Gamers Guild Bounty Board to organize and manage bounties, which incentivize and onboard newcomers to engage in Cardano Projects.
The reason for this proposal is based on two experiences within the Cardano ecosystem which started to explore the effective use of Bounty Board.
Based on these first experiences, we believe that there still needs to be a lot to be discovered in order to launch a successful Cardano Bounty Board - StartUp. We will take learned lessons from these initiatives to further discover and explore the best use cases for bounty boards and to develop further possibilities on how to best use the Bounty systems for Web3 communities and ecosystems.
The effective use of Bounties has been explored and established by SWARM, furthermore has been successfully implemented into the SingularityNET Ambassadors program, where after one year, more than 5000 tasks and bounties have been completed by the community.
The main idea is to create 3 different levels of Bounties ( Gold, Silver and Bronze ) which allow students from the South Asia or from all over the world to engage in different levels of Bounty - difficulties.
Bounties would be incentives through Ada Tokens.
The Bounties would be hosted in the Gamers Guild Dework space: which will be managed by our Team
Communications between Bounties and applicants will be done via Discord and all transactions will be tracked through a Treasury System which allows us to provide a fully transparent distribution and track of rewards.
The impact of this proposal surely lies on the concept of a general use of Bounty Board to target Students. Outcomes from this proposal aim to conceptualize gained knowledge and experience will be used to blueprint best practices and to allow other initiatives to take benefit of achieved Bounty systems and processes and to adapt and apply these processes to their own projects.
The success of the Project will be measured through
( easy measurable through the Dework Platform )
( easy measurable through the Dework Platform )
( easy measurable through the SWARM treasury System & Dashboard )
( easy measurable through the Dework Platform )
( easy measurable through the Dework Platform )
Functional Gamers Guild website with core functionalities (Month 1-4)
Marketing and outreach for Gamers Guild site (Month 4-6)
Launching events (Month 6-8)
Completed Close Out report
Completed and published “how to bounty board for students” Guide
Malik Huzaifa - Project Lead and Discord management
2nd Year Computer Science student at COMSATS University, Lahore campus
Participated in Michael Cenker's study buddy program and an active participant at the SingularityNET Ambassadors program.
Catalyst Swarm Bounty Master
Linkedin Profile:
Github Profile:
University Email:
Asad Nadeem - Event Handling and Social Media Management
2nd Year Computer Science Student at COMSATS University, Lahore campus
and an active participant at the SingularityNET Ambassadors program, with focus at the SNET Writers Workgroup
LinkedIn Profile:
University Email:
Azeem Shoukat - Framework Development
Last Semester Computer Science Student at COMSATS University, Lahore Campus and a Full Stack developer working at Experts Cloud Tech.
LinkedIn Profile:
University Email:
We will hire more team members from our institute for development and community reach when we will secure the funding.
The gained knowledge and experiences through this proposal will generate an important “how to Bounty Board and Guilds Involvement” Guide which will be made public to the community and ideally helps other projects to benefit from our efforts.
Furthermore, the gained knowledge will be a crucial foundation to develop an emerging Startup, which ideally generates activity and new community members to the Cardano Ecosystem.