[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Daniel Mallett
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Not Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
Empower Creatives & we're all creative! Offer workshops filled with education on Web3, Cardano tools, the sharing economy, & homeownership to cultivate financial independence for our creative guests.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No Dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Not applicable. The stage of our project covered in this proposal won't require custom coding.
Our project as a whole contributes to all SDG initiatives, but we have only touched on those listed below as they correlate with the scope of this proposal.
1 - No Poverty - Many creatives live below the poverty line worldwide, introducing new tools & bolstering exposure can help support or even launch their career.
2 - Good Health - We have a holistic approach when designing our retreat environments & experiences. We have a focus on mental, emotional, spiritual & physical health awareness & offer tools such as hypnogogic light therapy, floatation therapy, sound therapy, yoga, & therapeutic art
4 - Quality Education - Educating creatives about Cardano by connecting them with video content, experts in their space, communities & tools to help them engage & thrive.
5 - Gender Equality - We commit to equal opportunities for all humans committed to the intention behind each individual workshop.
8 - Good jobs & Economic growth - Through introducing new creatives to communities & tools within Web 3.0, real estate & the sharing economy they will be empowered to contribute & thrive within the Cardano ecosystem.
9 - Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure - Through industry connections, networking meetups & workshops dedicated to boost creativity and technical knowledge. We don't put "Creatives" in the limited box of "Artist". We'll work to identify & onboard innovators/entrepreneurs that will benefit from the tools available through Cardano.
13 - Partnerships for the Goals - Flower Den plans to partner with all creatives attending our retreats, and is already partnered with Cardano Caravan, World Mobile Token & other projects (TBA) that are aligned with our SDG initiatives. We are better together!
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution.
We will design a web based curriculum & IRL workshop experience to be made available to our "Test Groups" & all future guests that visit any of our existing & future Flower Den locations.
Upon our teams completion of the workshop curriculum & schedule, we will invite accepted applicants, not actively contributing within the Cardano ecosystem, to stay at our Mission Viejo retreat location in Southern California while they go through our Cardano workshop.
Proof of concept - Test groups - We'll host 2 groups total, each group for a 1 week workshop covering Web3, Cardano basics, & much more. Both creatives & guides will sleep, eat, travel locally, and learn for free.. thanks to Project Catalyst.
Through interactive video tutorials, e-cademy learning hub, hands on learning & a local Cardano community mixer; creatives will receive an all encompassing hands on experience with the Cardano ecosystem, along with the tools and connections to thrive.
The Workshop Experience
During their stay guests will have access to specialty tools to help with information retention, creative flow, team building, mindfulness & relaxation such as floatation therapy & Roxiva hypnagogic light therapy, cold plunge, sound therapy, yoga, etc. Other amenities include a private pool/jacuzzi, art studio space, musical instruments, full kitchen, BBQ, fire pit, walking trail & nearby beaches.
Guests dietary needs will be considered when creating wholesome meal plans, snacks & beverage options available throughout their stay with us.
We will book a guest Cardano musician & invite local Cardano community members to our networking mixer toward the end of each week long workshop. All guests, hosts & event participants will receive a Flower Den NFT.
Online/Digital curriculum examples:
- What is Blockchain & why Cardano
- Web3 wallets, digital identity & security on Cardano
- Cardano governance, voting & staking
- Creating NFTs on Cardano
- Exploring NFT utility
- Fractionalization & DAOs
- Branding for creatives
- Social Media Marketing
- Future of Real Estate in Web3
- Online networking & community management
- Sharing economy - Benefits & tips for success
- Writing Catalyst / grant proposals
Workshop coaching to include:
- Training on Cardano tools as they apply to attendee interests & goals.
- Deep dive on how to monetize their skills through the Cardano community, marketplaces & galleries
- Education on our sharing economy business model, real estate ownership, crowd funding techniques using Cardano tools & more.
- Guide & assist marketing efforts, introduce creatives to the Cardano community, while integrating their existing sphere of influence into Cardano.
- Review / creation of business & marketing plans.
- Catalyst / grant proposal writing.
Networking opportunity exposure:
- We'll attend leading "X Spaces" hosted within the Cardano community throughout the week of their workshop.
- Introductions to individuals & teams / projects within the ecosystem that can coach & collaborate on specific needs.
- Guest highlight - Interviews with Cardano X space
- IRL mixer towards the end of workshop
We will accept volunteers & or contract with vetted members of the Cardano community who are actively contributing to the ecosystem to collaborate on digital content creation & or co-host "Guide" the workshops, adding their unique skills & experience to the curriculum.
Would love the opportunity to work with special interests groups within the Cardano community such as CAMO to help bring together at least one of our initial test groups.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.
- Onboard new contributing members while guiding their deep dive into all the Cardano ecosystem has to offer.
- Educate with an equitable and free online curriculum for exponential Cardano onboarding
- Partner with Cardano’s community through cross promotion & utilization of tools & services offered by projects & individuals currently contributing to the Cardano ecosystem.
- Track guest & co-host experience, work, milestones & analytics as we share them through "socials" & spreadsheet report with the Cardano Community.
- Expand our outreach by remotely offering this digital workshop to all guests who stay in all our Flower Den & partner retreat locations.
- Incentivize all past & future guests to interact with Cardano in order to access the benefits of our reward program, upgrade their Cardano NFT passport & much more.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
https://youtu.be/wRBBa7mqBLs?si=1n1bP7bdkjf7b97tDaniel Mallett (Project Lead, Sharing Economy Entrepeneur, Traveling Educator)
- Twitter handle @ChivalrousOne / @FlowerDenNFT
- Attended CNFT 2022 & NFTxLV 2023 events & Float Conference 2018-2023
- Sharing economy entrepreneur with multiple short term rental locations and towable trailers to support Cardano IRL events
- 8 years short term rental property design, management & maintenance.
- 10 years of sales, marketing & project management experience within the construction industry.
- Successfully hosted multiple artistic wellness retreats
- Offering Artist incubator program at Flower Den Retreats
- Currently outfitting Flower Den Retreats locations with tools for wellbeing & human optimization: Float tanks, cold plunge, sauna, hypnagogic light therapy & more.
- Outreach efforts have successfully brought many Web 2.0 connections to Cardano
- Goal to grow existing Short Term Rental network into a global platform integrated with Cardano, guided by a DAO structure, token gating with NFTs & crypto payments for real estate rentals worldwide
Angie Weeks (Traveling Realtor/Broker, Educator, & Artist)
- Twitter handle @AngieWeeks / YouTube @HomebuyingRegistry
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/angieweeks/
- Founded Cal Coast Web Design, a successful Web 2.0 marketing & SEO company
- Networked and well connected for 20+ years in the real estate industry; including marketing, sales, and CA Broker’s license
- Created Vow2Save, a crowdfunding platform for Homeownership, with a goal to transition into Web 3.0 with DAO2Save
- Passionately educates on ways to become financially free through owning property, including a 12 year running annual event with Chapman University, National Association of Women in Real Estate Business (NAWRB), and Young Professionals Network (YPN) called Homeownership Day
- Homeownership Day is now a virtual event, and was a pioneer in offering free classes on safely buying property with cryptocurrency. HOD offers educational courses, tutorials, and guides to help empower anyone interested to buy property.
- Mints a commemorative NFT for every closed real estate transaction on Cardano blockchain to raise awareness
- Goal to eventually incorporate every real estate transaction on the blockchain
- Attended CNFT 2022 & NFTxLV 2023 events
- Regularly conducts and hosts video interviews, workshops, and IRL gatherings at her Short Term Rental spaces
Allen Curry (Traveling Educator, Creator of Psychoz & Cardano Caravan)
- Twitter handle: @Flawwed1Art
- Previous Work: Actively engaged in the Cardano community since April 2021,
- Hosted 400+ educational Twitter Spaces.
- Previous community events attendance.
- Led a successful Caravan project in 2022 (4000-mile round trip, 18+ days).
- Contributed to Cardano teams for 2.5 years.
- Experienced in community management, marketing, project development, creative direction, art and graphic design, and project leadership.
- Consulted countless individuals and teams on networking and community growth.
- Enriched ecosystem with new use cases: The Caravan enriches the Cardano ecosystem with new use cases, expanding possibilities for users and attracting more interactions.
[Project Milestones] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Within 90 days of funding approval
- Add additional SEO’d section to website for Cardano workshops & eLearning courses
- Wallet / Web3 integration & functionality added into website
- Create application form.
- Workshop marketing via X, Discord, Instagram, email, and LinkedIn campaigns to identify creative & cohost applicants
- Goal to generate minimum 50 submissions from creatives, and 15 Cardano co-host instructor submissions
- Write workshop curriculum & schedule (Includes Web 3 security, Cardano & Web3 wallets, creating NFTs on Cardano, branding for creatives, social media marketing, online networking, sharing economy success, building a Catalyst proposal)
Within 120 days of funding approval
- Interview minimum 10 potential Cardano guest hosts
- Interview minimum 30 potential guest Creatives
- Specify dates for workshops & mixers
- Select 4 guest hosts + 2 local backups ICE (2 hosts per workshop whether IRL or virtual)
- Curate minimum 8 workshop curriculum courses into an online educational platform for measurability, scalability, and use at future workshops
Within 150 days of funding approval
- Solidify workshop itinerary & post on website
- Confirm up to 12 Creatives (3-6 creatives per workshop dependent on sleep arrangements)
- Book workshop service providers (catering, housekeeping, etc.)
- Create quizzes & workshop feedback survey; results shared in final milestone.
- Make mixer invite announcement to Cardano Community, create guest list.
Within 180 days of funding approval
- Host workshop #1 (3-6 creatives + 2 Cardano guest hosts over a 7 day period)
- Host mixer #1
- Curate workshop content (includes 60 second promotional video for each creative - 6 total, 2-3 minute highlight video of workshop for community members, both vertical and landscape versions, blog post citing lessons, discoveries, and workshop breakthroughs)
Within 333 days of funding approval
- Host workshop #2 (3-6 more creatives + 2 more Cardano guest hosts over a 7 day period)
- Host mixer #2
- Curate workshop content (includes 60 second promotional video for each creative - 6 total, 2-3 minute highlight video of workshop for community members, both vertical and landscape versions, blog post citing lessons, discoveries, and workshop breakthroughs)
Within 365 days of funding approval
- Publish & present collected content, data, analytics, & guest feedback to Cardano community.
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Daniel Mallett
- Onboard guest Creatives
- Business Developement
- Book guest Guides
- Partnership acquisition
- Contract negotiation
- Curriculum curation
- Content Creation
- Event Planning
- Event host
- Web Design
Angie Weeks
- Curriculum curation
- Event planning
- Event host
- Marketing
- Web Design
Allen Curry
- Consulting
- Curriculum curation
- Partnership acquisition
- Business Developement
- Marketing
- Event host
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
- Venue - Mortgage, insurance, utilities, cleaning... - 17,000 ada ($7,000 usd)
- Curriculum creation - 10,500 ada ($4,200 usd)
- Website programming - 6,250 ada ($2,500 usd)
- Marketing - 5,000 ada ($2,000 usd)
- Guest Hosts - 5,000 ada ($2,000 usd)
- Entertainment - 2,500 ada ($1,000 usd)
- Events & food - 6,250 ada ($2,500 usd)
- Post Event Content Creation - 2,500 ada ($1000 usd)
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Let alone the potential sphere of influence each individual we introduce to Cardano has, the average group size hosted at our locations are 4-10 guests with 8 being the average. Between our 4 active locations we average about 10 groups per month. We're preparing to onboard more locations some able to offer accommodations to dozens of guests at their large acreage campgrounds. All guests will be incentivized to at the very least set up a wallet to hold our NFT's in order to benefit from token-gated discounts, amenities or experiences offered at our retreats.
Our ask is based on our averaged costs over the last 6 years of successfully operating the offered space as a full time vacation rental/event space. We've included anticipated marketing & web design costs to revise our existing website as to better represent & raise awareness for our Cardano focused workshop offering.
Additionally, we've budgeted for:
- Curriculum creation
- Guest Guides / speakers
- Excursions
- Meet-up events
- Meals
- Marketing
- Content creation
We're grateful to the community for your support to this point & your time while considering our proposal. We're believers & we're here to stay.

[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agrees to Fund Rules and also that data in the submission form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept