Last updated a year ago
Filling the gap in terms of complete, secure & beginner-friendly wallets for Android.
Cardano needs a superior UI/UX wallet for Android to onboard newcomers in the ecosystem. Mantium is here for that
This is the total amount allocated to Android native version of Mantium Wallet.
Marc Bouthong
Damien Matabon
By developing the native version of Mantium Wallet for Android we aim to deliver the easiest and best performing wallet, designed with a customer-first mindset to onboard newcomers into the ecosystem. => All cardano interactions (read / send / receive) related to the blockchain. => NFTs.
Emurgo => Cardano Serialization lib
We intend to make the project fully open-source, but we're still deciding on the specific type of license to use.
Considering the expected complexity of our app's codebase (the iOS version of Mantium has around 89,000 lines of code), releasing the entire source code in its current form might not be as helpful as one might think.
But on the other hand, we really value what open-source can bring to the developer community, so we think that a more targeted approach, similar to what we intend to do with our iOS code might be a good solution. The plan would be to extract some key parts of the code in a repository of their own under MIT license, by breaking them down into clear, reusable components, while retaining the whole project itself open-sourced but under another kind of licence.
We believe that this modular approach would provide a much more practical and valuable resource for developers, allowing them to easily find and pick specific parts of our code for their own needs.
Our goal is to make a meaningful contribution to the ecosystem all while handling the complexity of a large-scale project like our mobile wallet.
Our solution is to create a native Android version of our already existing iOS wallet Mantium.
It will be meticulously craft for Android devices taking into account the specificities and features of the operating system.
Here's an overview of which features will be present day one in the wallet:
The majority of people around the world, especially in Asia & Africa, are mobile users only and spend most of their time on their smartphone.
A top-notch version of a wallet for Cardano is absolutely critical and to achieve that kind of result a native version is always recommended.
Native versions offer performance, fluidity, security, and full responsiveness that cross-platform and web-port options cannot provide.
Currently, most of Cardano's mobile wallets lack features, responsiveness, ease-of-use, and overall quality in their UI/UX, especially when compared to wallets from other blockchains.
Another significant issue is that most wallets for Cardano are not really designed for the average consumer, but rather for 'technophiles'.
Our iOS version already takes full advantage of the devices' native performance and offers the best in UI/UX, features, and user-friendliness, enabling non-tech-savvy users to quickly find their way and navigate the ecosystem.
We aim to bring to the same quality for Android users.
Mantium Wallet has been operational on the AppStore for iPhone and iPad since January 2023.
The exact same team behind the iOS version will be in charge of the development of Mantium for Android.
Our team members consist of at least 3 iOS & Android mobile senior developers, with between 12 to 15 years experience in native mobile app development including expertise in Swift, SwiftUI, Java, Kotlin.
Our technical expertise is also backed by a substantial portfolio of over 200 mobile applications developed for major international clients across various sectors (TV, Books, food delivery, insurance, AI, medical...).
Given our growing expertise in Cardano over the course of this year, we expect to produce an Android version that is at least equal or even superior of the current version for iOS in terms of quality & features.
There is no roadblock ahead for this project.
1) Writing a documents specifications.
2) Design main screens.
-> GitHub doc with all specifications.
-> Main screens on Android app.
Coding of all graphical interfaces and the navigation system, in order to obtain a functional mock-up as close as possible to the final version with "fake data".
Around 60 screens to code in XML
-> Video of Android mobile application interface and navigation workflow.
4) Development of the application engine.
5) Connection of the engine with the graphic interfaces.
Around 20 business logic to write. This millestone is a big part of the project.
-> Videos demonstration of major business logic
6) Writing of test scenari for each functionality => Testing & Debugging
7) Application put online for beta-testers => Testing & Debugging
8) Follow-up on feedback, corrections, improvements and re-tests.
-> Mobile App APK for Beta testing.
9) Launch on PlayStore.
10) Follow-up users feedback and bugs fix.
-> Publish mobile Mantium Wallet app on Google PlayStore :)
Yohann Hagneré
Marc Bounthong
Maxime Filippi
Damien Matabon
Must be recruit :
The budget is based on the time we spent on the development of the Mantium Wallet for iOS and taking into account the specificities of Android, on the basis of a development cost of 400 euros per day per developer.
+ Management & docs:
+ Design:
+ Development:
+ Marketing & Communication:
+ Services expenses:
TOTAL FOR THE PROJECT = 550 000 ADA (192 400 euros)
In the vast majority of countries in South-East Asia, Africa and India, users don't have access to a computer, but only to a cell phone, mainly running Android. The primary interface for interaction between these millions of users and the Cardano blockchain will inevitably involve a mobile application.
For the moment, Cardano does not have an Android wallet designed for this audience:
For Cardano, Mantium Wallet is a showcase for blockchain and its uses today and, above all, tomorrow. And this 1.0 version of the Wallet is just the tip of the iceberg. Our aim is to rapidly enrich it afterwards, to bring new functionalities and increase usage tenfold, for merchants, students, business owners...
In this project, nearly 40% of the costs are linked to marketing and communication with a new target audience to bring to Cardano.
What's more, once the Wallet is finished, as we're starting to do with the iOS version, we intend to extract a multitude of libraries accompanied by demo projects, to help Android developers who want to build DApps on Cardano, without having to waste time on the time-consuming "Learning the blockchain" part.