Last updated a year ago
BroClan the mulstisig Wallet for the Cardano ecosystem, it is feature complete and live on the testnet today.
To ensure it is safe for everyone to use we need to test and validate the solution.
This is the total amount allocated to BroClan Safe Deployment Support.
Create a set of tests that ensure our core logic is not corrupted in the future by an upgrade, validate the correctness of the current approach with testing, bug bounties and reviews.
BroClan is fully open under Mozilla License V2.0
Multisig wallets are in essence a security feature for the users of a protocol, they allow hardening your security against any number of threats and dangers, including but not limited to stolen keys, coercion, destroyed keys or holder being incapacitated and more.
To provide the kind of reliability and safety our ecosystem is known for we don't just need to have an easy to use multisig wallet, but we need to take all processions needed to make sure it will function in the way intended and no funds can be stolen due to a bug or exploit.
By funding this proposal we can do exactly that.
As BroClan is posed to be the first Multisig Wallet with DeFi capabilities in the Cardano ecosystem this proposal will help keep everyone using this software safe.
I have developed a Multisig Wallet for Cardano that is already operational.
I have over 10 years experience in Linux operation and experience operating a high performance pool since the first days fd Cardano, deploying and maintain a high reliability service is trivial to me.
Additionally I have 2 years of JavaScript/Nodejs/MongoDB experience and given that the MVP of the product is already completed.
And I am now completing Catalyst proposal 100928 that will bring DeFi capabilities to Multisig wallets.
1) Write an array of unit tests that covers close to 100% of all the usage possibilities
Deliverable: A library of tests and a GitHub process rejecting any change that will make the tests fail
Tasks: Integrate lucid simulator, Write unit tests that cover a large number of wallet types and all functions with all parameters for each wallet type, setup GitHub automations to ensure no changes can not be merged if the tests fail.
Timeline: 1 Month
Setup a bounty program
Documentation: bounty announcement containing the Bounty limits, and bounty claim process.
Tasks: Advertise Bounty program, review bounty claims, fix issues found in bounty claims.
Deliverable: End document detailing the bounties claimed and the steps took to fix the issues found
Timeline: 3 Months
Upon completion of the prject BroClan must be live on mainnet with a high degree of assurance that users of the software are safe at all times.
Leandros Holleman- Project manager, Developer and SysAdmin
I am a 1 man team and given the limited scope of the project I can handle it on my own.
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Blockfrost 2 years = €600
SelfHosted Machine = €800
2 Yubi keys = €200
Dedicated laptop for accessing and managing the BroClan deployment: €200
1) Write an array of unit tests that covers close to 100% of all the usage possibilities
Effort Estimation: 160 Hours
2) Setup a bounty program
Effort Estimation 20 Hours
Bounties: 20000 ADA
180 Hours * €50 = €9000 ~ 26000 ADA
Bounties = 15000 ADA
Infrastructure = €1800 ~ 5200 ADA
46200 ADA
bounties not claimed will be returned to the treasury.
Cardano does not have currently a easy to use and high assurance multisig solution this is holding back institutional adoption, but also adoption by people that do not feel qualified to take full custody of their keys.
Multisig gives the user the ability to protect them self's from any danger including but not limited to keys stolen, keys destroyed, coercion or the key holder being incapacitated.
This could represent an enormous amount of liquidity that currently is unable to even consider entering our ecosystem.
And it will definitely offer a much safer experience to people already in the ecosystem.