Lack of quality data center for protocols in the ecosystem. It's painful for people to find optimal strategies as well as compare the actual performance and reveal potential risks across protocols
This is the total amount allocated to Data Platform On Cardano.
Dang Quyet Chien
Vu Quynh Mai
We will gather, aggregate, analyze, and visualize on-chain data, focusing on portfolio, farming, lending, and Dapp interactions. Analytics dashboards will be available on our website in real-time.
No dependencies.
Since the analyzed data and APIs are available on our website, we decided to keep the source code private to maintain the team's competitive advantage. In the future, we will re-consider to open-source code again.
To encourage the community to contribute more to the analytics process as well as transfer knowledge, we tend to publish a technical blog bi-weekly after the release of version 1, which provides a detailed explanation of the analysis process, including the data collection and analysis process so that anyone can easily understand the data pipeline and analysis results. During this process, we will gather further valuable feedback that helps move the project forward in the best possible direction.
How we perceived the problem
As the ecosystem continues to grow, the numerous protocols appear gradually presenting several challenges.
1. New protocols need mass adoption by people in the ecosystem. Nevertheless, it's not always easy to encourage people to learn and analyze new protocols until they realize the benefits.
2. Data is fragmented from protocols as there is no central point to compare the rewards and performance of different protocols. As a result, it's painful for those who want to collect and analyze protocol data manually
Therefore, we would like to make an analytics tool that visualizes the actual benefits, and performance of protocols based on historical on-chain data as well as reveals potential risks that enable everyone to access.
The solution must correctly provide the following analytics
1. The overall performance of protocols supporting farming & lending
The first step is to evaluate the overall performance of the protocols in the ecosystem is measuring liquidity, total amount locked, daily volume, weekly volume, daily active users and so on. These key numbers give a first impression of the degree of acceptance of the protocol in practice.
2. Rewards and benefits comparison across protocols
After understanding the overall performance of protocols and clarifying the current adoption status, users should be able to compare the APR, rewards, and risks between protocols to find the optimal strategy.
3. Liquidity flow across protocols, how participants are doing around protocols
Additionally, users need to understand how liquidity flows between protocols in order to respond as quickly as possible. The tool should provide real-time visualization of liquidity flows to understand what is happening around the protocol by tracking participants' interactions with the protocol.
Our reasons for approaching it in the way that we have
Based on our experience in data analysis using different types of data platforms. If we can explore the data properly, we will see how important it is. A good analysis will not only increase the protocol's adoption but also reveal potential/hidden risks.
Unlike Taptools, we not only provide valuable insights into trading markets and DEXs but also provide different types of more detailed protocol-level analysis that can be performed to generate actionable insights for users.
We could see many different analytics tool in the Ethereum ecosystem has been very successful and provides valuable insights focused not only on the overall market but also on diving deep into the protocol level. Like Debank, Nansen, etc.
Who our project will engage
This tool will be available to everyone so that the broader community can easily reveal the real performance of the protocol, compare them, and diversify their strategies.
How we will demonstrate or prove our impact
The following two points illustrate our impact.
1. Impact on protocols
To measure impacts on protocols, we will monitor pageview and click events of users on our website to know which parts are most interested in. Additionally, while collecting data from protocols we also make dashboards to monitor their performance. So If people use our analysis frequently and the performance of protocols increases, there will definitely be a connection between them.
2. Impact on users
If people use our analysis and move their strategies from trading to farming or lending or to explore further features of existing protocols. They not only get more profits but also gain knowledge of the protocols then our influence is proven as well.
Value to the Cardano Community
From the beginning, this project was designed to provide significant value to the entire Cardano community. We will serve as the data department for protocols within the ecosystem, providing actionable insights to users.
By using analyzed data and data visualization, users not only learn more about what is happening around their ecosystem but the protocols team can track their product performance as well.
Additionally, rewards and protocol performance are visualized in an easy-to-understand way, increasing people's engagement in exploring the protocol, which in turn increases protocol adoption.
Measurement of Impact:
By monitoring pre-defined key metrics including website activity such as daily active users and weekly active users, as well as liquidity provisioning, lending volume, and protocol interactions in real-time, we could track how the project delivers new experiences to users.
Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:
All project results will be published on the website and can be easily accessed and used by anyone on a daily basis. To broaden our results, we will also share them through our partner projects' Twitter and Discord.
In addition, we will publish a technical article bi-weekly after the release of version 1, which provides a detailed explanation of the analysis process, including the data collection and analysis process so that anyone can easily understand the data pipeline and analysis results.
With this result, users can discover more ways to make profits with the protocol and gain more knowledge about the ecosystem. Developers who are interested in analyzing On chain's data could learn more, and re-use system design and analytics processes too.
Our team is made up of highly qualified and talented people with diverse backgrounds in mathematics, software development, and data analysis, demonstrating our skills. Especially, in the data domain, we excel in working with data warehouse solutions, that is, aggregating and analyzing petabytes of raw data to provide advanced analysis.
We joined the Cardano space in 2021 and have completed several Cardano courses including Plutus Pioneer Program 3rd, 4th and Cardano Blockchain Alpha Program combined with past experience working on Ethereum and EVM chains.
For better demonstration, we completed our first MVP in her DEV environment where users can manage their Assets, NFTs, delegation performance, and transaction history as well as center data from 10 protocols including Minswap, Sundaeswap, Wingriders, Spectrum, Muesliswap, TeddySwap, Levvy, Lenfi, CherryLend, and Indigo fully with their data presented below. Maintaining this consistent pace over the past two months will ensure we can over-deliver the project in the future.
I. Market View
Trading Realtime
Money flow
II. Farming view
Deposit & withdrawal realtime
Liquidity flow
III. Lending view:
Overview & Loan History
P2P Requests
Lending Pool
IV.DexHunter swap
Sample Loan & Debt positions
NFT Detail
Delegation Performance
Transaction History
VI. Protocol Explorer
Indigo Explorer
Indigo Liquidation history
This milestone will focus on building a solid codebase and infrastructure that will be ready for production deployment and enable easy integration with diversity protocols.
Milestone output(s):
The following items should be completed:
Acceptance Criteria:
This milestone will focus on Integrating new DEX and lending protocols.
Milestone output(s):
The following items should be completed:
Acceptance Criteria:
This phase focuses on creating monitoring dashboards to measure the success and impact of the project, as well as optimizing the UI/UX to ensure the website runs smoothly. Additionally, we are enhancing our portfolio capabilities by adding Dapp interactions, farming, borrowing, and lending positions. Then calculate the profit and loss. Dig deeper and provide an analysis of key protocols
Milestone output(s):
During this phase, we aim to complete the following items
Acceptance Criteria:
In the last milestone, we'll be exploring additional protocols at a deeper level and from different aspects to gain more actionable insights and integrate more protocols into production.
Milestone output(s):
The following are items that will be done in this phase.
Acceptance Criteria:
Dang Tien Manh
Lead Engineer, Senior Blockchain Engineer, Fullstack Engineer
Dang Quyet Chien
Senior Fullstack engineer.
Vu Quynh Mai
Data Analyst
I. Storage and Computing Cost
We decided to purchase the one-year package to reduce the overall cost since It's much cheaper if we pay for a year in advance.
Although this proposal is for a 5-month duration, we would like to request an additional 3 months to keep services running after that. Therefore, the final requested months for storage and computing cost is 8 months (approximate upfront cost). We will pay for the remaining 4 months ourselves.
Total Requested Server Cost = 13800 * 8 / 12 = 9200 $ ~24000 ADA
II. Development & Marketing Cost
Milestone 1: Setup project and implement basic features for the launch v1 (4 weeks)
There will be a group of 2 engineers and a data analyst work for 280 hours to deliver the following items:
Development cost: 16800 ADA (hourly cost: 60 ADA)
Server Cost: 24000 ADA
ADA allocation: 40800 ADA
(Percentage of Total Project Cost: ~34%)
Milestone 2: Integrate DEXs and Lending protocols in the ecosystem (4 weeks)
There will be a group of 2 engineers and a data analyst work for 320 hours to deliver the following items:
Development cost: 19200 ADA (hourly cost: 60 ADA)
ADA allocation: 19200 ADA
(Percentage of Total Project Cost: ~16%)
Milestone 3: Enhance portfolio management, and dashboards for tracking performance of top protocols (8 weeks):
There will be a group of 2 engineers and a data analyst work for 640 hours to deliver the following items:
Development cost: 38400 ADA (hourly cost: 60 ADA)
Incentive Program: 2000 ADA
ADA allocation: 40400 ADA
(Percentage of Total Project Cost: ~33.67%)
The final milestone: Optimize data accuracy and query data speed. Integrate the newest protocols in the ecosystem (4 weeks )
There will be a group of 2 engineers and a data analyst work for 280 hours to deliver the following items:
Development cost: 280 * 60 = 16800 ADA (hourly cost: 60 ADA)
Incentive Program: 2800 ADA
ADA allocation: 19600 ADA
(Percentage of Total Project Cost: ~16.33%)
Total ADA allocation for the project: 120,000 ADA
Value for Cardano:
The project itself is an analytical tool. Therefore, we will bring many valuable insights to protocols and users within the ecosystem.
The project's value for money is presented by:
1. User Engagement:
This project will encourage people to explore farming, lending, and other features within the protocol. This increases user interaction with the protocol. Additionally, we gain more insights, there are more chances for new users who come from chains to stay with us.
2. Protocol Transparency
Current project performance metrics are analyzed and visualized in a central location. Therefore, the actual performance of the project will be transparent.
3. Protocol Adoption Improvement
Our analysis provides valuable insights and reveals potential risks to the protocol. From this, development teams can consider improvements to increase adoption
4. Knowledge Transfer
With articles about technical and analytical processes and real-time dashboards publicly available, both users and developers within the ecosystem can gain more knowledge together.
Cost of the Project:
Regarding the budget breakdown, we mainly considered two points.
1. Storage and Computing Cost
We considered various cloud providers such as Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure for building infrastructure. We found that AWS is a great choice for startups since it is cheaper compared to other providers and has been adopted widely. Storage cost is pretty high compared to other projects since we are developing analytics tools that require collecting all on-chain data and building indexers to optimize query speed combined with the backup solution.
2. Wage rate
Our country is Vietnam where the wage rate is pretty low. The costs estimated here are sufficient when compared to the average wage of senior freelancers in Vietnam.