Last updated a year ago
The underlying technology within NFTs is more advanced than just a distribution mechanism of art. This limitation paired with continuous scams give NFTs a poor reputation and few real world use cases.
This is the total amount allocated to DocQ-mint: A secure option for onchain document storage and sharing.
AIDEV is a team of freelance blockchain developers managed by Eric Tsai. They specialize in providing contract services, with a particular focus on backend functionality. Our collaboration with AIDEV has a proven track record, including the successful development of the NFT-moments tool. As we move forward, we anticipate their valuable contributions to our upcoming projects.
By building a secure upload-to-mint system paired with multisig/smart contract based sharing features, we will encourage the conversion of personal/private documents to NFTs on-chain.
No dependencies.
Personal funds have gone into the MVP and research work for this project. This is expected to be become a central portion of our business model as we reach out to industry partners. We will provide limited periods of promotional access but this will eventuate to a pay to access service.
The current issue is that NFTs have become pigeonholed as artwork or means for content creators to generate revenue and a follower base. Unfortunately this has also meant a lot of scams, copycats and imitators have been operating under the banner of NFTs constantly giving them a bad reputation. There is however, an obvious under-appreciation for the technology that underpins these immutable pieces of data. NFT's can be utilised for so much more than many of the current use cases.
We have already built a functioning MVP, a successful end user minter whereby individuals can convert a range of file types to NFT. This has been set up for personal use with no resale value ( We will extend the underlying technology to facilitate the minting of NFT's like any other NFT. However, the focus will be ensuring that even the NFT is stored on-chain, accessibility will be via mutlisignatory access or via smart contract whereby express permission to view embedded content will be given. The solution called DocQmint will be hosted at
This currently proposed solution is on the forefront of NFT technology currently available to the blockchain and would rapidly create the NEED or WANT for people to use blockchain. We intend to specifically establish this system on the Cardano blockchain simply because we intend for the system to become used globally. The low minting and TX fees of Cardano makes it the blockchain of choice.
The solution is aimed at every single person who have personal documents and intend to create electronic records. Currently, storage to cloud servers and other similar solutions still have a greater possibility of failure, along with on-going fees to retain access. We aim to have a single upfront fee while only holding onto the content while the image is pinned. The user’s content will not be stored on our cloud or servers, further protecting their content from potential third parties. The goal being that only the owner or creator of the NFT has access to it’s content and they can choose to share this with individuals as they chose. We envision that such a system would not only work as a long term record store but also a pathway to sharing documents in an official capacity for example CV's, report cards, university certification, and passports, the list is almost endless.
We will initially reach out to schools and other small scale groups to incorporate personal NFT’s as progress reports. Similarly, we will reach out to law firms to supply minted contracts in addition to paper contracts to clients as a way to further remove paper trails while having a simple way to collate information in a single location.
In addition to volume of uptake for such a facility we will also measure success via the achievement of such a functionality. We purport that while the blockchain is great for transactional transparency, movement of personal information requires a degree of security that is critical to support movement of REAL WORLD information onto the blockchain. The project aims to blur the line between Web 2 and Web 3 onboarding users with low levels of complexity.
The mission for this project is to onboard as many users into a truly novel use case for NFT’s within and outside of the Cardano ecosystem but also the general non-crypto enthusiastic portions of the population.
Quantitatively, we will be able to provide numbers of NFT’s minted through this system with frequent posts on our socials and to the wider community. The specific impact we expect this to have will be tied closely into the above. Furthermore, we expect this system to be incorporated into a range of functionalities. On the private back end we hope to also secure contracted partners to opt into bulk use of this service. This would mark the beginnings of a industry benchmark for how important documentation ought to be created, store and circulated.
Success will allow recruitment of 1-2 full time staff to ensure smooth running with ongoing upgrades and promotional usage packages.
Cardano is the SAFEST blockchain with the most ROBUST smart contract system with the lowest minting and TX fees. We are building this use case specifically on Cardano to contribute to the long-term success of the chain, both in adoption and utility.
Dr. D'Souza works in a funding based environment and is perfectly equipped to manage teams and ensure the delivery of products. To this end, he has collaborated and built a team of highly responsible and skilled individuals within the Trifecta management (a newly formed alliance of three NFT projects (Elysium Titans, Secret Bulls Society and Non Fungible Devils)). We have already built our own smart contract NFT marketplace which we tested for three months. While it worked perfectly the limited funds we were working with forced us to pause it. We take pride in our:
1) Professionalism: We have managed to pull in a highly dedicated core community and have successfully built high quality end user products - an example is
2) Breakthrough technologies: We have alpha tested a tokengated arcade system that allows players to interact with old school arcade games IF they hold the eligible NFTs
3) Passion: We constantly seek partnerships and work hard to get seen. While the whole team currently holds down real world jobs we work extremely hard to ensure we can contribute to not only our communities but to the development of the blockchain as well.
4) Transparency: We have members from the community who constantly provide feedback on our operations and ensure we are building in a manner that puts people in front of ourselves.
Our main goals are to:
1) Refocus the narrative around NFT’s toward the potential they represent rather than using them for art pieces alone.
2) Establish a novel system for smart contract based permission based access to NFT content there by promoting the storage of personal and confidential documents on chain.
3) Onboard new users to Cardano via this pipeline of events, even via VISA or non native asset purchases.
4) To incorporate such a system in the generation of official documentation (alongside) paper copies as a pathway to long-term solutions of storage.
We have already perform extensive research into the outlined work and have developed a series of milestones to achieve successful completion of this project. Within each step we have also identified redundancies to ensure no single milestone would be a limiting factor toward completion of this project.
Furthermore, we have engage with a reputable team to build specific portions in tandem with in-house developers to best streamline the build process.
Step1: Basic web design and systematic layout of minting system. (0-4 month) (build out from
Step 2: Setup payment and NFT pinning to transient cloud storage (2-5 months).
Step 3: Establish two tier token privacy system (4-9 months)
Step 4: Create off chain/non native asset converter to allow minting (8-9 months)
Step 5: Establish a partnership with 2-3 services who provide certification (6-12 months)
Step 6: Large scale marketing and written documentation
Dr Randall F. D'Souza - Founder and Ideation.
At the Lead, Dr. D'Souza works as a real world academic and has been successful in securing >$2m USD in grant funding. The result of this funding has been 50+ peer review research articles that have informed not only funding bodies and scientific communities but also had a translation into everyday real-world knowledge.
Naeri Adam Fernandez - Full Stack Developer
Matt Stephens: AI artist and graphic designer
Eric Tsai - Contract backend developer from AIDEV (private consortium of developers)
Audie Martin - Full Stack Developer
Nathan Barkell - Marketing Lead
Monique Bercx - Legal advisor
All software tools required will be purchased within the budget.
Step 1: $8,000
$4000 front end devs and wireframe for UI/UX
$2000 marketing and outreach for consumer feedback
$2000 software and tools.
Step 2: $20000
$7000 back end dev work to establish payment systems, address linkages and minting setup.
$7000 in house server set up for guaranteed clearance of uploaded info for guaranteed content security.
$2000 initial user-flow integration from back and front end
$2000 consumer alpha test and feedback
$2000 marketing
Step 3 $37,000
$9000 establishment of multisig mint functionality for docu-sharing but also option for safe doc storage if required.
$13000 smart contract NFT minting and content sharing.
$4000 UI/UX integration for easy of use
$4500 Alpha test and single partner onboard and testing
$2500 marketing to reach out to further customers.
$4000 legal contracts setup
Step 4-5 $27,000
$5500 linkage for all native fungible assest to be used for mint
$7000 establish non native asset functionality (conversion step to ADA via back-end)
$5500 2-3 industry partners for a round of testing mints plus onboarding users and associated outreach
$3000x3 - $9000 legal contracts for each partner
Step 6 $38,000
In house team salaries. Commensurate per time and experience.
All salaries and contract quotes are in line with US salary standards and fair pay systems.
Please note the prices of these services may change slightly and we will use either other grants or other cashflow options to try bridge the gap in the event we exceed our planned costs.
Cardano as a chain has very little to low users + interest in NFTs particularly due to low volumes. This indicates that in terms of a chain for circulating and encouraging content creation it is lagging.
Using the proposal we aim to refocus to the true intrinsic value of what NFTs truly are and what they can be used for. To leverage this there is no better chain due to the basic foundational values that have it setup for mass scale adoption.
We have requested quotes from a few external team while also using our internal resources. The prices presented reflect the best pricing but also the most ethically sound team we could find. This is based on our previous working relationship together.
Costings and salaries are quoted based on the standard bands expected in the respective line of work for each individual proportional to the expected time that will go into the specific nuances to complete this work. Our contract development team are amongst the best priced while also being established contributors to products in the space.