Last updated a year ago
I am SPO myself and the problem I have is to track my Staking Pool on the go when I'm away from computer, there is no mobile app on the market for that
This is the total amount allocated to Mobile App to track SPO performance.
We want to develop the app to be useful for SPOs and bring all useful metrics into mobile app together with useful push notifications
I will use Prometheus as a backed as time series product to get all the data.
It make sense a lot because it is already compatible with Cardano Nodes and it is open source
Mobile Application code will be published as open source here
I am proposing to develop a mobile app to track the state and performance of the Cardano Stake Pool and its nodes.
The app will not require any backend, my idea is to use available solution based on Prometheus which is gathering all the relevant information and use Prometheus API to show the data on the mobile application frontend. It will simplify solution and decrease its development time and costs.
The main target of the application are the SPOs but not only. This app can be used by usual delegators who delegate their wallets to particular SPO to track its state and performance (of course, SPO should have prometheus access publicly available in this case)
The impact of the app is more stable Cardano network as SPOs can have more control and better awareness about their nodes performance and issues.
Delegators will have more transparency and details on the Stake Pools where they have delegated their assets
I am solution architect and have long experience (around 20 years) working with different technologies and platforms, I have enough knowledge and resources to develop and maintain this kind of application.
I'm going to use this application myself for my own staking pool [BKV],I am very motivated to deliver as this app will make also my experience as SPO easier.
I'm creating this solution together with the professional Mobile Flutter Developer (
The mobile application will be published on Google Play and Appstore and will be available for download for Alpha and Beta Users
It will have basic functionality
Second version of the mobile application will be published on Google Play and Appstore and will be available for download for everybody
It will have extended functionality
The mobile application will be published on Google Play and Appstore and will be available for download for everybody and will be well documented so any SPO can setup it for its own need.
Basic information will be detected and shown automatically.
I will develop the application on my own, designing the solution architecture and developing the app itself.
Me and my colleague already developed even much more complex solutions and have proper experience to justify the estimation. Anyway, as we are working as a small team, it is easier for us to mitigate the risks of the development costs.