Last updated a year ago
Cardano would benefit from the creation of AI-generated NFTs. Simplifying the process would empower artists and devs to produce securely and rapidly high-quality artwork collections at scale.
This is the total amount allocated to Open-Source API for generating NFT collections via AI.
An open-source plugin to connect AI models to NFT libraries, streamlining NFT generation. Upload input image, type a prompt, select the model, set parameters, then receive 100s of ready-to-mint NFTs.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source, under MIT license.
1/ The JS plugin available to developers will be fully open source.
2/ A sample webpage making use of the plugin will be fully open source.
SDG goals:
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.c.1 Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology
I aim to address the need for streamlined NFT generation by leveraging the platform, which I have developed and maintain. (OSAIS) was voted top project by the community of SingularityNet users in the Round 2 funding of April 2023. It empowers users to harness popular open-source AIs for Generative Arts through API calls, enabling the generation of artwork with customizable parameters.
For developers, I will develop an open-source JS plugin that seamlessly integrates OSAIS with an NFT creation library and with the requesting app (ReactJS or NodeJS). This plugin will automate the artwork generation process and make them readily available for minting on the target library. In terms of NFT minting, I intend to integrate two libraries to showcase the extensibility of the solution, and to force the design for such extensibility. The initial choice is to integrate Tango Crypto and NMKR.
The JS plugin will automatically create an NFT project, upload files, and metadata to the project, preparing them for minting. These files and metadata are the automated outputs of the plugin's calls to the AIs hosted on OSAIS. The plugin will provide APIs but will not include a User Interface (UI) component, which will be delivered as a separate component.
In addition to the plugin, I will create a sample webpage that implements a simple UI for a comprehensive end-to-end integration, from an end-user perspective. Both the plugin and the sample webpage will be available as open-source resources.
To demonstrate the easy integration of the plugin and its sample UI webpage into any application, and to make the service accessible to end-users, not just developers, I will make the sample webpage available on a dedicated URL. This webpage will enable end-users, such as artists, to effortlessly prepare an entire AI-generated NFT collection with just a few clicks. This collection is then immediately ready for minting, for example via Tango Crypto or NMKR.
This unique solution benefits artists, developers, and the overall growth of the Cardano ecosystem. By promoting accessibility, creativity, and growth, it propels the Cardano NFT space forward by incorporating the latest AI technologies for the Arts.
My proposed solution directly addresses the challenge of advancing the Cardano NFT ecosystem by streamlining NFT generation and promoting accessibility. By leveraging OSAIS, developing an open-source JS plugin for developers, and offering a simple web access for artists, AI-generated artwork will be easily created and minted as NFTs on Cardano via a plugin extension to NFT generation libraries, the first two implementations being NMKR and Tango Crypto.
This project brings a significant benefit to the Cardano ecosystem by opening the door to the world of AI Art. As the trend of AI-generated art continues to grow, this solution becomes a very valuable asset to the community.
Upon completion of the project, I anticipate that the plugin will be embraced by dozens of developers. Based on my past experience delivering open-source libraries, I have achieved over 1,000 downloads within a few months (see, and the libraries have been copied/relayed by others too.
The introduction of this solution not only expands the creative possibilities on Cardano but also attracts more users and developers to the ecosystem. It contributes to the growing adoption of NFTs and strengthens Cardano's position in the market, as well as simplifying the use of NFT libraries (such as those from Tango Crypto and NMKR).
I have a proven track record of delivering projects within the Cardano community, demonstrating my capability to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability. The following projects exemplify my successful delivery:
Furthermore, I am currently in the final stage of delivering the OpenSourceAIs project to SingularityNet, which was voted as the best project in its pool in April 2023. The specifications of this project can be accessed through the following application: (Link: The project is now in final Beta stage, and its integration within SingularityNet is imminent.
Payments will be made upon the completion of the three milestones, as described below. This approach ensures alignment with project goals and minimizes the risk of deviation.
Additionally, I have developed a fully documented JS sample application for integrating a NodeJS backend with OpenSourceAis, including accessing AI models via API (see here : This is a good backbone for integrating with NFT libraries such as NMKR or Tango Crypto. I believe that this demonstrates my capability to deliver and provide reliable technical solutions in a transparent manner.
Given my track record, experience, and the contained development effort (less than 20 days in total) required to refactor the solution into a plugin, I am confident in my ability to successfully deliver this project on time and on budget without any significant technology risks.
Delivery of the JS Plugin
Intended Outcomes:
Progress Tracking and Measurement:
Robust test, full doc, and delivery of an End-User Web Page for NFT Artists
Intended Outcomes:
Progress Tracking and Measurement:
Community Engagement, Video Production, and Packaging
Intended Outcomes:
Progress Tracking and Measurement:
The project team consists of Eric Duneau, who will manage, design, develop, and test the entire project. Eric brings extensive experience in the software industry, with over 20 years of experience and prior experience as CEO/CTO of a $30 million software business. After successfully selling the business in 2019, Eric has redirected his focus towards AI and Digital Identity projects on Cardano.
Eric has a proven track record of delivering projects within the Cardano ecosystem, and has set a delivery deadline for this project of three months. Note that this project is estimated at 32 days at most, of which 4 weeks only shall require Eric's time. Therefore, it is set on a path of "easy to achieve" deadlines over 3 months.
Video production, marketing, and documentation may be subcontracted to a team which Eric has been working with for several years.
Budget breakdown
The budget of the entire project is ₳49,556, which was rounded down to ₳49,500. It is calculated as follows:
The table below explains the cost per each activity
In summary, the payments are as per below:
The cost of the project represents excellent value for money. As the main developer, Eric is based in the UK, where he generally command a rate way in excess of the average $70 per hour agreed for this project.
The project's cost accounts for less than 0.65% of the allocated budget for this category. If all projects deliver comparable value, it would allow for the funding of 153 projects in this category alone.
This project addresses a growing need in the NFT market: using AI to generate Art. The value for money is not just felt by one single project, but by all the community of Developers and Artists on Cardano. The reach is wide.
Finally, the project's costs have been carefully considered and down-adjusted to reflect a fair and proportionate investment. By delivering exceptional value for money, at less than 50,000 ADA, this project maximizes the impact of the allocated resources and aligns with the goals and aspirations of the Cardano ecosystem.