Last updated a year ago
We want to improve the UX on our DAO management platform and prepare the back-end for Cardano smart contract implementation. We will also provide documentation so others can implement it.
This is the total amount allocated to Paideia DAO Management Open Source App.
Improve the codebase so its easier to maintain and others can use in their own projects, integrate the login and notifications with Cardano, and update the UX.
No dependencies on this aspect of Paideia.
Project will be fully open source under the GPL license. This means that any derivative software must also be open source.
As has been the case with our prior projects in the Ergo community, everything the Paideia team creates will be 100% open source.
We rely on open-source code for portions of our project and look forward to others using our code for future projects in the Cardano ecosystem.
There are smart contracts that exist on Cardano to manage DAOs, but the front-end services don't cover the all the various features that DAO management requires. We already have a working prototype/beta on Ergo, and have worked through many of the issues with the platform.
Aspects of the prototype which will work for Cardano DAOs include:
We want to improve the codebase, make it easier to maintain, and make it compatible with Cardano.
Please test our proof-of-concept here:
bPaideia test tokens available here:
The implementation of the Paideia platform will also greatly benefit the Cardano ecosystem. It will attract projects to launch their DAOs on Cardano, fostering innovation and growth within the community. Not just because our platform will be easy to use, but because interacting with smart contracts is significantly cheaper on Cardano than on Ethereum. There are no gas fees. Moreover, it will enhance the accountability and transparency of projects that do choose to launch on Cardano, thereby boosting community trust and engagement.
We have already created this project on Ergo, and it works. You can join our Discord or Telegram and request bPaideia tokens, then test the platform.
We are aware that Cardano has similar smart contracts for DAOs which already exist, and would like to pair them with our UX.
We have proven with our other projects that we are responsible with treasuries, having built Crux finance, Ergopad, and Paideia on limited budgets. We are also the team behind Coinecta.
Eliminate all UX issues and polish the front-end, including updating the codebase so that it would be easier for any dev familiar with React/NextJS to work on it. The project is open source and anybody could run a custom front-end for their own DAO.
Implement Cardano logins with a robust auth system. This will mean we can limit access to certain features for DAO members only, including discussions and proposals.
Update the back-end to work with Cardano smart contracts that already exist, and to allow us to plug in updated Paideia smart contracts for Cardano when they've been developed.
Document how it all works, so that other devs could use the API or project for their own purposes. Any DAO should be able to easily spin up Paideia to manage their own project
Release the website so that people can experiment and try it out, with an area for any feedback or issues (github issues or a ticket system). Allow devs to run their own front-end using the API. We will release full documentation on how to use the platform.
Backend and Smart-Contract Developer
Luivatra has many years experience in fintech software development. He has been a member of this team since pre-funding, and designed and built the on- and off-chain functionality for Paideia on Ergo.
Lui has an MSc in Computer Science and Games & Media Technology, and worked in TradFi as a Software Engineer and Software Architect for 10+ years.
Full stack developer
Noob joined the Paideia team pre-funding, and has been instrumental in building the backend services needed to run both the Ergopad launchpad and Paideia. He designed a general purpose blockchain notification system, and will continue to provide innovative solutions on the Coinecta platform.
Noob has a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and enjoys learning about Distributed Systems and Databases. He will continue to help design optimized back-end solutions for Paideia and future platforms.
Founder, Front-end developer
Marty will take on the role front-end developer, and will continue to do so with Paideia. He will assist with connecting the Paideia front-end to the new back-end and off-chain code designed for Cardano.
Update codebase - 50k ADA
The codebase was originally built by a few contractors and there are no standards in place, so it needs an extensive rework to be easy for others to use and maintain. This would involve two full-stack devs 2 to 3 months to implement the standards, test all the code, and document its use.
Implement Cardano Auth and notification system - 30k ADA
The authentication system will be built using CIP-8 and CIP-30 wallets. Much like what is used on Coinecta, this auth system will be implemented throughout the app. The session will always know how many DAO tokens a user holds which allows them to participate in DAOs, including creating proposals, voting, leaving comments, etc. This is a smaller task because some of the work is complete on Coinecta and we can port it over.
Implement smart contract SDK, with API - 120k ADA
This will involve using existing smart contracts, but creating a custom SDK including an API for the paideia platform to consume. This will be a longer process which requires much more testing to ensure the front-end can't make bad requests which will result in user funds being lost. Estimated 6 months, 1 dev full-time, one contractor to help audit code.
This will provide a good value because other projects will be able to use any of the components. Since there are already existing smart contracts for DAO management, the API we build for them can be used by anyone for their own front-end.
The auth system we implement can be used by other projects to do the same type of Cardano Authentication, meaning they won't need to use email/password or third-party credentials from Google or Facebook for example. This allows people to keep their identity separate from the Cardano accounts when they want, and allows Cardano projects to have authentication systems that are also aware of user's assets. This allows for new functionality and features that any project can access by using our open source code.
Beyond that, the platform itself will offer a robust feature-set for DAOs to use, making it easy to manage a DAO.