Last updated a year ago
Pop Up World & Investor Connector Launchpad–The Problem: Start-ups, small businesses and projects find it hard to raise capital and liquidity for their projects using the Cardano Blockchain and ADA.
This is the total amount allocated to Pop Up World & Investor Connector Launchpad.
The Solution: Pop Up World’s - Investor Connector Launchpad– Pitch and Launch your start-up project, or small business to investors/liquidity providers using ADA and/or PUW tokens.
No dependencies
The output of this project will not be open source for the following reasons:
· The project will consist of proprietary information that if made available publicly could allow bad actors to ‘game’ the system and gain access to funding opportunities they would not otherwise receive.
· The project is part of a wider ‘Super App’ – (Pop Up World – – A platform that provides digital tools for entrepreneurs and small businesses to launch and grow effectively. As such, the Connector Space app would be designed as part of that ecosystem.
· As an incorporated entity it would be advantageous for any proprietary IP to remain within the company.
The Solution! Pop Up World’s - Investor Connector – Will provide a platform to Pitch and Launch start-up projects and small businesses to investors/liquidity providers using ADA and/or PUW tokens (Pop Up World’s native token).
Although there are millions of start-up projects launched each year many do not receive the funding to realise their dreams. - (Get2growth).
Out of all start-ups launched, less than 1% ever receive external funding to realise their dreams.,0.05%25%20of%20small%20businesses%20raise%20startup%20venture%20capital. (-Fundera).
For ethnic minority founders, the figures are even lower, with less than 1%, of those 1% of founders finding success. (-Techcrunch).
Unfortunately, this problem persists even in the Cardano ecosystem where large projects receive the majority of funds while smaller projects languish on the sidelines. (See video). Catalyst Results and Criticisms -Convincing Crypto YouTube Channel).
Our solution aims to provide a structured Launchpad and a pathway to success to assist the smaller projects that are always overlooked or worst still, ignored. A real-world use case for Cardano.
Use Cases:
Token launches – Although launching a new token on Cardano is relatively straightforward, raising the necessary liquidity to get the project moving is hard. Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to raise funds for token projects on the Cardano ecosystem.
Digital Artists/NFT projects – Although launching a new NFT project on Cardano is relatively straightforward getting sufficient traction on the project can be hard. Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to raise funds for Digital Artists and NFT projects.
New Cardano Stake Pool Operators – Although launching a new stake pool on Cardano is relatively straightforward, gaining sufficient traction and delegations for new stake pools on Cardano is very hard. Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to raising early delegations for new stake pools.
Traditional start-ups and small businesses – Many traditional start-ups are looking for a way to either utilise blockchain technology in their business or are looking to tokenise their business model. Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to realising start-up ambitions.
In addition - Many traditional start-ups are simply just looking for capital! Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to raising funds using traditional methods and Cardano, ADA and/or PUW tokens.
Film creators – Many small film creators find it incredibly difficult to raise money for their projects via traditional means. Investor Connector provides a structured pathway to raise funds for film shorts or features using Cardano, ADA and/or PUW tokens.
How it Works
The platform will be easy to use for new projects. Projects will need to go through an automated online ‘Accelerator Phase’ and those that pass the initial phase will move on to the next phase of the process. Projects that pass the initial phase will have a structured pathway to follow to achieve their funding goals.
Any projects that do not pass the initial phase will have the opportunity to update their pitch and re-apply to take the ‘accelerator’ test again, as many times as needed.
The aim of the ‘Accelerator Phase’ is not to penalise or restrict new start-ups but to encourage increased learning to help realise their dreams. All start-ups that can demonstrate sufficient knowledge will pass on to the next phase.
The app will also form part of the Pop Up World ‘Super App’ ecosystem – (An all under one roof platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses).
User Journey
Users must then enter details of their start-up/project as follows:
· User Name. Start-up Name. Incorporated or not. Funding required.
· Stage of start-up. How long trading. Website. Currency.
· Location UK, US, EU or Rest of the World.
· Market Sectors the project operates in.
Next the project must enter details of their pitch.
· Elevator pitch (200 characters).
· A Logo.
· Pitch Deck presentation.
Should the project not have these in place they will be directed to resources on the Pop Up World platform to:
· Create a Pitch Deck.
· Create A Logo.
Next the project will have to create and connect to a Cardano compatible wallet
· Connect to Cardano wallet.
And/or pay a small Registration Fee via PayPal, ADA, or PUW tokens.
The registration fees will be heavily reduced or non-existent for those that pay with ADA and/or PUW tokens.
Users can then Submit their proposal for the next stage of the process.
Evaluation Step 1.
Pitch Deck submissions will be evaluated automatically via an AI algorithm so users can get a quick answer to the evaluation of their pitch.
Evaluation Step 2.
Pitch Decks that pass Evaluation Step 1. Pitch decks will be checked manually by a human as a final compliance check and verification. If all is Ok they will ‘Go Live’ to be put through to the next stage of the process.
Those that do not pass can re-submit their pitch decks until successful, (No further payment).
Projects that pass the Evaluation Steps 1 & 2 will then pass on to the Accelerator Phase.
Accelerator Phase
The Accelerator Phase will set the start-up/project leader a series of questions, challenges and tasks in relation to their business.
· The accelerator phase has to be completed online.
· The process is fully automated.
Once completed the start-up will then go to the Funding Phase.
Funding Phase
Start-ups and projects that reach this stage will have proved that they have sufficient knowledge and materials to move forward with funding.
The start-up will be allocated a Pathway to Funding depending on:
· Market sector.
· Amount of funding requested.
· Whether Tokenisation of the project is required.
· Whether the project is a Stake Pool.
Pathway to Funding
The Pathway to Funding will consist of a segment of contacts on the Investor Connector Database that may be interested in the project and a strategy to raise awareness and funding for the start-up project.
The path may or may not include any relevant promotion and marketing elements to help aid the raise. The Pathway to Funding will be allocated automatically according to answers to questions provided by the start-up previously.
· The start-up will then follow the Pathway to Funding and their pitch will be delivered to the necessary contacts on the Investor Connector Database.
· If a project requires Tokenisation, the tokens will be created at this stage of the process and will be registered via the Investor Connector platform on the relevant Cardano DEXs.
Non-Funded Options
If the start-up fails to fund, we would at our discretion aim to be the first source of liquidity/investor in these start-up projects. The platform will allocate automatically start-ups that are eligible for Non-Funded Options based on the metrics of their Pathway to Funding phase. We would aim to fund 6-12 small projects annually on this basis and would expect tokens in exchange.
· An automated, non-discriminatory system for evaluating early-stage start-ups and projects.
· Easy connection to the Cardano Blockchain via compatible wallets for all projects.
· A structured Pathway to Funding for all projects.
· A lifeline for projects that fail to fund via the Pathway to Funding process.
Impact on the Cardano community
The impact of the Investor Connector platform on the Cardano community could be immense.
Increased engagement and promotion of small projects
Supporting the smartest and brightest small projects is essential for the Cardano community. If Cardano is to thrive it will be on the basis of these ‘tiny acorns’ that will one day grow into trees.
Increased diversity of Cardano projects
Increasing the diversity of quality small projects on Cardano would be of great benefit to the Cardano community. Fresh new ideas that excite those within the community but also those outside, are critical for ecosystem growth.
Reduced risk when supporting smaller projects
Of course, the risk when supporting smaller projects is that they may fold or pull the rug once they have gained any significant traction. Our Accelerator Phase ensures that only the highest quality smaller projects are passed through to the final funding stages.
We will use technology to ensure start-ups and projects are assessed thoroughly, not only on their ideas but also on their ability to execute and their trustworthiness. Our process will encourage the community to have trust in the projects that pass through the process.
Reduce bias, favouritism and fraud
When dealing with important issues such as funding and start-up growth, it’s not surprising to find bias, favouritism and even fraud enter the playing field. By presenting an automated solution the Investor Connector platform will reduce drastically the likelihood of bias, favouritism and fraud. A fairer system for all smaller projects is of benefit to all Cardano community members.
Increased wallet registrations
The platform encourages new wallet registrations from users outside of the existing Cardano ecosystem and gives an incentive for traditional businesses and individuals to incorporate blockchain technology into their businesses and projects. This will have the effect of increasing the Cardano community members.
Increased ADA transactions and value
increased ADA transactions by real world users (not just traditional Cardano users) could see the value of ADA appreciate. An increase in value of ADA is of benefit to all Cardano community members.
Increased networking and collaboration
The platform will give rise to increased opportunities for collaboration and synergy with those traditionally outside of the immediate Cardano community as well as those within it. Increased networking and collaboration would result in increased opportunities for all Cardano community members.
Increased awareness of Cardano as a viable blockchain solution
The Investor Connector platform can give rise to a greater awareness of Cardano as a serious blockchain solution for both start-ups, small businesses and projects. Increased awareness of Cardano is of benefit to all Cardano community members.
The impact on the Cardano community can be measured by recording all the relevant KPIs from the project backend. Community engagement, registrations, views, funding successes etc. Results will be shared via our social media channels.
Capability to Deliver
Pop Up World (PUW Media Ltd) is founded by author & entrepreneur Graham Jules. He has over 20 years’ experience in Business Development and Legal. As a Business Law graduate (LL.B), he famously won a trade mark dispute against multi-billion-dollar media company, Marvel & DC Entertainment Inc over the title of his book, “Business Zero To Superhero”.
The founder is also an experienced coder who worked in the computer industry in the 80’s. He has developed Certified Apps on Amazon (Amazon Alexa) using Python on AWS -
He has since developed many applications and projects on the Pop Up World platform including:
Launched the Pop Up World “Super App” for businesses. – 2019
Launched the Investor Connector App – 2019
Launched a Native Token on Cardano – The Pop Up World Token (PUW) – 2021The PUW token is available on Minswap. Muesliswap, Sundaeswap and Wingriders, Cardano DEXs
Launched a Stake Pool on Cardano – (PUWSP) – 2022
Launched an NFT project on Cardano – (Business Zero To Superhero NFT) – 2023
Video Review of the Pop Up World project by ‘Convincing Crypto’ YouTube Channel: team is lean and bootstrapped with Graham at the helm. Select elements of each project are shared out to freelancers as and when needed.
The above shows that Pop Up World led by Graham Jules is able to deliver projects consistently and is reliable and methodical in its approach.
The value of ADA could fall, meaning reduced capital to complete the project. Contingency funds have been allocated in this proposal to mitigate this risk.
The feasibility of any proposed project is important to us. As a lean company we cannot afford to invest limited time and resources on projects that cannot be completed and brought to fruition.
As such, we have already created a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the Investor Connector platform. The MVP has been live for 2.5 years and we have hundreds of traditional start-ups that have used the platform to connect with traditional Angels and VC investors. We have also built a database of contacts in excess of 1000+ angels and VCs worldwide and have a database of close to 20,000 start-ups.
Of course, we would need to increase our reach to cater for Cardano and the Cardano community and ecosystem but we have confidence given the results so far that we can achieve this.
Of course, the MVP currently has limitations and will need to be substantially developed but this approach gives us high confidence that the project will work and can be delivered.
The MVP has the following functionality:
· User Login & Registration.
· Ability for the start-up to enter the following details:
o User Name. Start-Up Name. Incorporated or not. Funding required. Stage of start-up. How long trading. Website Address. Currency. Location UK, US, EU or Rest of the World. Market Sectors.
· Submit a Logo.
· Submit a Pitch Deck.
· Create a Pitch Deck from template if required.
· Create a logo (third-party) if required.
· Submit pitch deck and launch campaign to investors.
· Investor backend to view pitches and communicate with start-ups.
· 1st draft design concept.
· Desktop functionality and basic mobile functionality.
Functionality to be developed:
· The ability to transact and connect to Cardano wallets - (Currently any users who want to transact with Cardano or PUW need to do so manually via a wallet address provided).
· Evaluation Step1. Is to be developed.
· Evaluation Step 2. Is to be developed.
· The Accelerator Phase is yet to be developed.
· Funding Phase is not fully developed.
· Pathway to Funding is not developed.
· Non-Funded Options is not developed.
· On platform Tokenisation is not developed.
· Launch new tokens to Cardano DEXs is not developed.
· Stake Pool Operator Launch is not developed.
· Create a Logo app - In house-app is not developed.
· Investor View backend is not fully developed.
· Improved UI/UX design and mobile experience.
You can register and interact with the Investor Connector MVP here:
Milestone 1
Design & Engagement
The first milestone for the project will be finalising the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) for Investor Connector. We have a basis to work from but the user interface will need to be streamlined to make it as easier to use and appealing as possible to the target user.
· Engage with the Cardano community to seek out potential investors in new projects. Get these registered on Investor Connector.
· Design optimal branding elements for the Investor Connector platform (brand logo etc).
· We would expect there to be 2-3 iterations of the design elements until we come up with the optimal designs.
· Design user interface elements for the mobile version.
· Design of the Investor View backend.
· In addition, we would need to design UI/UX elements for the administration backend of the application.
· SEO review to optimise the site for organic visitors.
· Legal review of the platform and implications in particular tokenisation of start-ups and collecting tokens for funding and promotion for these services. Contracts and terms for tokenisation deals finalised.
Desired outcome: Final design for desktop, final design for mobile, final design for administration back-end. Final design for Investor View backend. Final legal ramifications including contracts and implementation of SEO strategy.
Timeframe: 2 months
Milestone 2
Backend Software
The second milestone would necessitate building the main elements of the software.
· Wallet Integration with multiple, Cardano wallets (4). (Nami, Eternl, etc).
· Build the administration backend of the platform.
· Build an AI enabled Logo creator.
· Write code for the Investor View backend.
· Build Tokenisation page – Projects can submit details to mint their token for distribution on Cardano DEXs.
· Build Stake Pool promotion code. – Stake Pools can promote via the platform to attract delegators for their Stake Pool.
· Build mobile versions of the above.
Desired outcome: Functional software that is able to interact with the Cardano blockchain and create a project logo. A portal where Investors can view the database of projects should be functional. Tokenisation and stake pool promotion solution should be functional.
Timeframe: 2 months
Milestone 3
Start-up and Project Journey
· Create media (video, questionnaires, challenges etc.) for the start-up journey processes.
· Write code to carry out Evaluation Step 1 – AI enabled.
· Write code for Evaluation Step 2.
· Build the Accelerator Phase.
· Build Pathway to Funding code.
· Build the Funding Phase code to distribute pitches via contacts in the database.
· Build Non-Funded code to automate and screen projects we will fund internally.
· Build mobile version for the above elements.
· Implement the completed start-up journey software into the main system.
Desired outcome: Functional software that is able to take the prospective start-up through the funding journey. All media files and questionnaires should be completed. Implementation of the software into the main software should be completed.
Timeframe: 2 months
Milestone 4
Testing, Bug fixing
· Test the application thoroughly with beta testers, fix bugs and issues.
· Test mobile & desktop.
Desired outcome: Bug free, functional platform.
Timeframe: 2 months
Final Milestone
· Project Completion Report - Completed
· Video Milestone – Completed
Graham Jules
Developer, Project Manager, Business Development.
Graham is an experienced business professional. He has over 20 years’ experience in business development. He is also an experienced coder who worked in the computer industry in the 80’s. He has created multiple web apps on the Pop Up World platform.
He has developed Certified Apps on Amazon (Amazon Alexa) using Python on AWS. He has launched several projects on Cardano including running a stake pool, (PUWSP), launching Pop Up World’s native token (PUW) and the Business Zero To Superhero NFT.
As a lean company additional team members will be required on a freelance/contract basis to assist with the project.
1x Legal Advisor - 2 Months
1x UI/UX Designer - 4 Months
1x Software Developer - 8 months
Cost Breakdown
Milestone 1
Design & Engage
· $2000 - Engage with Cardano community to seek out potential investors in new projects. Get these registered on Investor Connector.
· $1000 - Branding elements for the Investor Connector platform (brand logo etc).
· $3000 - Design of the Investor View Backend.
· $5000 - In addition, we would need to design UI/UX elements for the main platform & administration backend of the application.
· $8000 - Design user interface elements for the mobile version.
· $2500 - SEO review to optimise the site for organic visitors.
· $4000 - Legal review of the platform and implications in particular tokenisation of start-ups and collecting tokens for funding and promotion for these services. Contracts and terms for tokenisation deals finalised.
· $5000 - Business Development, Project Management.
· $1500 - Contingency and working capital.
Milestone 2
Backend Software
The second milestone would necessitate building the main backend elements of the software.
· $3000 - Wallet Integration with multiple, Cardano wallets (4). (Nami, Eternl, etc).
· $3000 - Build the administration back end of the platform.
· $2000 - Build an AI enabled Logo creator.
· $3000 - Develop code for the Investor View backend.
· $4000 - Build Tokenisation page – Projects can submit details to mint their token for distribution on Cardano DEXs.
· $4000 - Build Stake Pool promotion code. – Stake Pools can promote via the platform to attract delegators for their Stake Pool.
· $8,000 - Build mobile versions of the above.
· $5000 - Business Development, Project Management.
· $1500 - Contingency and working capital.
Milestone 3
Start-Up and Project Journey
· $1500 - Create media (video, questionnaires, challenges etc.) for start-up journey processes.
· $4000 - Develop code to carry out Evaluation Step 1 – AI enabled.
· $2000 - Develop code for Evaluation Step 2.
· $3000 - Build the Accelerator Phase.
· $3000 - Build Pathway to Funding code.
· $3000 - Build the Funding Phase code to distribute pitches via contacts in database.
· $2000 - Build Non-Funded code to automate and screen projects we will fund via Non- Funded Options.
· $8,000 - Build mobile version for the above elements.
· $6000 - Implement the completed start-up journey software into the main system.
· $5000 - Business Development, Project Management.
· $1500 - Contingency and working capital.
Milestone 4
Testing, Bug fixing
· $4,000 - Software dev & testing - beta testers, fix bugs and issues.
· $5000 - Business Development, Project Management.
· $1500 - Contingency and working capital.
Final Milestone
· Project Completion Report - Completed
· Video Milestone – Completed
Sub totals:
· Milestone 1 - $32,000
· Milestone 2 - $33,500
· Milestone 3 - $39,000
· Milestone 4 - $10,500
· Final Milestone - N/A
Final Total $115,000 (300,000 ADA)
When looking to evaluate whether the project offers value for money, we would need to recap and take into account the benefits that are potentially available to the Cardano community on successful execution of the project.
Significant benefits include:
· Increased engagement and promotion of small projects.
· Increased diversity of Cardano projects.
· Reduced risk when supporting smaller projects.
· Reduce bias, favouritism and fraud.
· Increased wallet registrations.
· Increased ADA transactions and value.
· Increased networking and collaboration.
· Increased awareness of Cardano as a viable blockchain solution.
The potential to target both Cardano projects and traditional start-ups is huge. Each year 305 million start-ups launch worldwide! (Get2growth).
The potential to target this new market and introduce these new members to the Cardano ecosystem is invaluable. The costs to create a similar platform at commercial rates for both desktop and mobile and the associated marketing, consultation for draft design, mock-ups, MVPs etc would far exceed the cost of the project proposed.
Taking into consideration all of the above it is our opinion this proposal presents excellent value for money for the Cardano community.