Last updated 4 weeks ago
There are few Cardano use cases in Japan in spite of the many reports of the use case in other block chain. It is serious problem to unable to provide answers to What is Cardano used for?.
This is the total amount allocated to Shrine Stamp NFT with sustainable system in Tokushima Japan. 3 out of 5 milestones are completed.
Demonstration experiment of shrine stamp NFT
Cost: ₳ 47,000
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
New collaboration with young illustrators for regional revitalization
Cost: ₳ 47,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
Donations and exploring new Goshuin NFT candidates
Cost: ₳ 18,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Aug 2024
PR for media, development of utility functions using NFT
Cost: ₳ 70,000
Delivery: Month 7 - Oct 2024
complete the project
Cost: ₳ 53,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Nov 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
(Both are Japanese shrines at Tokushima Prefecture)
RANKT pool
We offer NFTs linked to Shurine Stamps provided at Japanese shrines. Additionally, a portion of the sales of this system will be donated to anti-poverty causes, increasing Cadano's popularity & image.
Our product itself does not depend on organizations. In the PR process, the system distribute and donation process, the acceptance depends on other organizations. However the core of the project can be achieved without others.
Our system is based on real product linked with Cardano NFTs. So everyone can buy and use our services.
The following Universal Human Rights Index(es) are applied:
r) take account of parents' limited capacities to cope with such economic strategies as labour deregulation and flexibility because of their child-rearing responsibilities and to carefully monitor whether provided financial and other support can secure a family life needed for children's well-being and development
• There are over 70,000 shrines in Japan, more than the 56,000 convenience stores, and they have been a part of Japanese life since ancient times. Our shrine will issue the shrine's goshuin NFT as an example of the use of Cardano-based NFT with a physical link. Furthermore, young illustrators will be appointed to design the goshuin stamps. A portion of the sales will be donated to community-based SDGs projects, contributing to the spread and image improvement of Cardano products. We will also promote this kind of initiative on product packaging to other shrines and increase the number of examples of its adoption.
• Currently, blockchain-related implementation cases such as physically linked NFT are being reported around the world. The underlying blockchain technology itself is often an on-chain service, but in the case of full-on chain services, the economic reason may be that the probability of the economic value of the blockchain itself has not been determined. . The concept of blockchain market capitalization is complex, but Metcalf's law that it is proportional to the square of the number of active users and the concept of achievable market capitalization are important. In other words, establishing a use case with non-speculative liquidity while linking the use case to a certain amount of fiat currency is a key strategy to increase Cardano's value. In that sense, it is important to introduce not only on-chain products with large fluctuations in value, but also physically linked NFT real products. In fact, in Ethereum and Polygon, the conversion of physically linked NFTs and securities to NFTs is progressing.
• In this situation, I think Cardano should take a similar approach. It is especially important to create products that are easy for general users to experience. But at the same time, there is no need to inherit the shortcomings of physical link NFTs currently being advanced in other chains. Specifically, it is the physical storage of speculative assets such as Rolexes and Pokemon cards. Because the state of preservation of these assets is often important, physical custodians sell the right to receive them as NFTs. However, since physical storage companies are not manufacturers, it is unclear how they will respond in the event of damage. Additionally, there is a possibility that the business may end without all NFTs being collected. Based on this idea, it is considered desirable for manufacturers to basically develop and sell products that are linked to NFTs on their own. Alternatively, a strategy could be to add value to the NFT itself.
• In this way of thinking, goshuin is considered to be a good example. Goshuin stamps are issued by shrines, but they are less religious than offerings. Therefore, it can be issued independently of shrine rituals. On the other hand, shrines are very popular places in Japan. There are many festivals, and it is natural to go to shrines for each seasonal event. Additionally, there are over 70,000 shrines in Japan, more than there are convenience stores. Meanwhile, the hobby of collecting goshuin stamps has already been established. Since Goshuin stamps are basically pasted on Goshuin books, we have made it possible to link them to NFT by pasting an NFC chip on the backside of the Goshuin stamps, which does not damage the Goshuin design. In this situation, NFT-linked stamps are considered to be friendly to the spread of Cardano.
• This project is a further expansion of the NFT-linked Goshuin stamp system, which has already been prototyped. There are three directions for expansion: contributing to regional revitalization, increasing the number of employees, and increasing the number of functions. Shrines contribute to regional revitalization because they are rooted in local activities. Shrines have a long history, making it difficult to implement blockchain. But on the other hand, for Cardano it will be a great advantage to be the first to create an example in this field. Based on this idea, the company plans to actively hire young illustrators and donate a portion of its profits to local children's cafeterias and other donation-based cafeterias. We also hope that by packaging a series of NFT products like this and creating a proven track record of operation with a simple system, it will be adopted by other shrines.
• Tokushima Prefecture has the highest number of shrines per capita in Japan. It is also adjacent to Kochi Prefecture, which has the highest number of shrines per capita in Japan. The prefecture is also close to Japan's major cities, Kobe and Osaka. We will keep this point in mind and carry out effective public relations. Furthermore, if the number of NFTs issued and sold increases to a certain extent, we plan to add membership functions to NFTs for the purpose of returning profits to owners and utilizing NFT transaction functions. We are also considering a feature where NFT buyers can list NFTs with the same policy ID as a collection. This works as a digital goshuin hari, stimulating the desire to collect it.
A practical example in Cardano can be provided. Shrines in particular are popular in Japan, and there are more of them than convenience stores. Furthermore, since it has a ceremonial nature, the adoption of Cardano's products here will have a strong effect on improving Cardano's image. Adoption of this project alone can be expected to have a great effect by promoting it in magazines, but an even greater effect can be expected by packaging the product and disseminating it to other shrines. This project will also contribute to regional revitalization. This perspective is also important for the spread of blockchain.
The main proposer is the priest of a shrine with a long history. Participating shrines have already begun promoting themselves through stamps, and have been interviewed on TV and in magazines. We are currently negotiating with a famous Japanese magazine company. It is also attracting attention on Instagram. The company has already created a test product with the cooperation of SPO and related Japanese engineers, and has a grasp of the technical aspects. Especially considering the history of shrines, it is nearly impossible to relocate a shrine, and it is extremely difficult to create a new shrine. Therefore, it can be said that it is quite reliable for a project that started from a shrine. Additionally, the test product has already been completed, including the link system with NFT, so there are no major technical problems. What is needed is a connection to the local economy, including collaboration with new illustrators, and a complete structure for the local economy. It is also important to promote these initiatives.
Demonstration experiment of shrine stamp NFT
This milestone includes the following major activities:
The acceptance criteria for this milestone are as follows:
1. More than 10 different versions (different illustrations) NFT
2. There have been over 300 test sales of NFT-linked Goshuin stamps.
Evidence of milestone completion
As evidence of milestone completion, we will provide the following:
1. Submit at least 10 different versions (different illustrations) of photos with NFC chips (links to NFT).
2. We will report the number of test sales of NFT-linked Goshuin stamps.
Planned schedule until delivery
Month 1
47,000 ADA
New collaboration with young illustrators for regional revitalization
This milestone includes the following major activities:
1. Generate a new shrine stamp NFT in collaboration with a young illustrator
2. Establishing a detailed donation system for regional revitalization
The acceptance criteria for this milestone are as follows:
1. At least one new shrine stamp NFT and NFT collaboration system
2. Complete the donation scheme with NFT
Evidence of milestone completion
As evidence of milestone completion, we will provide the following:
1. We will present a new illustrated shrine stamp and NFT collaboration system.
2. Complete the donation scheme with NFT and present it.
Expected schedule until delivery
3rd month
47,000 ADA
Donations and exploring new Goshuin NFT candidates
This milestone includes the following major activities:
1. This is a donation using the benefits of NFT-linked shrine stamps.
2. Through this process, our NFT-linked shrine stamp system will be completed.
3. If you would like to become a new affiliated shrine, please use this system.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone are as follows:
1. NFT linked shrine system completed (donation amount depends on NFT sales. We aim for 1000 shrine stamps by the milestone. Our system has two stages of NFT linking, so simple items can be converted to NFT) Just use the link for information, the customer does not purchase the NFT itself)
2. Two meetings with other shrines regarding new goshuin candidates.
Evidence of milestone completion
As evidence of milestone completion, we will provide the following:
1. We will report the overview of the NFT linked shrine system.
2.We will report the names of new shrine affiliate candidates.
Expected schedule until delivery
5th month
18,000 ADA
PR for media, development of utility functions using NFT
This milestone includes the following major activities:
1. We will promote the system in real media such as newspapers and magazines. (This does not mean paid PR. However, we also carry out PR using a system independent from media PR.)
2. We will also begin developing utility functions using NFT, such as NFT locks and NFTkeys.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone are as follows:
1. At least one article has been published in real media.
2. Progress in developing utility functions using NFT
Evidence of milestone completion
As evidence of milestone completion, we will provide the following:
1. Show the media where the article is published.
2. We will report on the progress of developing utility functions using NFT.
Expected schedule until delivery
7th month
75,000 ADA
complete the project
This milestone includes the following major activities:
The acceptance criteria for this milestone are as follows:
Evidence of milestone completion
As evidence of milestone completion, we will provide the following:
Expected schedule until delivery
8th month
47,000 ADA
Shakudo Yamashita: Project manager, media promoter, management team, new partner search
Collaborate illustrator 1: Creator of Goshuin stamp illustrations(Graduated from famous art university)
Collaborate Illustrator 2: Creator of Goshuin stamp illustrations(Graduated from famous art university)
NFT Minter: Creator of Goshuin NFT(RANKT Pool)
NFT Link Developer: Links real products and NFTs. (ranket)
Kokoroyoshi shrine: Goshuin NFT entity
Kokoroyoshi shrine Goshuin stamp distributor: The person who actually sells the Goshuin stamps
Bentenyama-Benzaiten shrine: Goshuin NFT entity
Bentenyama-Benzaiten shrine Goshuin stamp distributor: The person who actually sold the Goshuin stamp
Goshushi administrator: Administrator of the distribution of Goshushi
See below for a detailed breakdown of the budget. The current base conversion rate for ADA-USD is 0.4 and for ADA-JPY is 60.
Total cost 235,000 ADA ($94,000, 14,100,000 yen)
Milestone 1: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 28,200,000 yen)
Milestone 2: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
Milestone 3: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
Milestone 4: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
Milestone 5: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
Milestone 1: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 28,200,000 yen)
・Consulting fee for NFT developer: 25,000 ADA ($10,000, 1,500,000 yen)
・NFT creation fee 5,500 ADA ($2,200, 330,000 yen)
・NFC chip creation fee 5,500 ADA ($2,200, 330,000 yen)
・Goshuin stamp creation fee: 5,500 ADA ($2,200, 330,000 yen)
・Sales-related expenses 5,500 ADA ($2,200, 330,000 yen)
Milestone 2: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
・Illustration fee for collaboration illustrator: 37,500 ADA ($15,000, 2,250,000 yen)
・NFT creation fee 2,200 ADA ($880, 132,000 yen)
・NFC chip creation fee 2,200 ADA ($880, 132,000 yen)
・Goshuin stamp creation fee: 2,200 ADA ($880, 132,000 yen)
・Donation system construction cost 2,900 ADA ($1,160, 174,000 yen)
(SInce the catalyst rules we will claim 47000 ADA for the milestone 3 instead of the large amount for milestone4, if it is not acceptable after funded, we will increase milestone 4 to milestone 5)
Milestone 3: 18,000 ADA ($7,200, 1,080,000 yen)
・Final adjustment fee for NFT-linked shrine stamp system 5,000 ADA ($2,000 300,000 yen)
・Search fee for potential new partner shrines: 10,000 ADA ($4,000, 600,000 yen)
・Meeting fee with new partner shrine: 3,000 ADA ($1200, 180,000 yen)
Milestone 4: 75,000 ADA ($30,000, 4,500,000 yen)
・Promotion fee 25,000 ADA ($10,000, 1,500,000 yen)
・Development of utility functions using NFT 50,000 ADA ($20,000 3,000,000 yen)
Milestone 5: 47,000 ADA ($18,800, 2,820,000 yen)
・Project management fee 25,000 ADA ($10,000, 1,500,000 yen)
One of the things needed in Cardano is the establishment of use cases. New Dapps services seem sensational, but most of these blockchain developments end in failure. There is no doubt that these developments will form the basis for the future. However, in order to revitalize these Dapps services, there needs to be an increase in the number of people who have experience with NFTs, Dapps, and multi-token functions, even if it is just a light function. Furthermore, there is a need to increase the number of holders of 100 ADA or more, which currently only has around 1 million wallets. From this perspective, current Dapps are too targeted at existing users. We need a way to acquire new Cardano users, including from other blockchains.
In this sense, Shrine Stamp NFT is easy to implement and can be expected to be expanded to other companies in the same industry. On the other hand, there is also the problem that this cannot be realized unless there is a priest who understands crypto assets. In this sense, creating examples of the adoption of Cardano-based systems has great significance in developing future Cardano use cases. Considering these backgrounds, the budget we are requesting is by no means high, and the cost-effectiveness is sufficiently high just in terms of establishing a use case. Furthermore, we plan to search for new candidates for employment. It is also realistic to attract Shrine Stamp users who are not so involved in crypto assets. For the above reasons, we judge that the contribution of this cost to Cardano is high.