Last updated a year ago
How can we create engaging, innovative, and diverse gaming experiences that leverage the Cardano blockchain and increase the awareness, adoption, and participation of Cardano in the gaming industry?
This is the total amount allocated to SlapVentures: Cardano-based Gaming Saloon.
Tomasz Kaczorowski (CryptoSurveyor)
Jay Webski
We will expand SlapVentures, a Cardano-based gaming saloon to offer diverse, innovative, and fun games, NFTs, rewards, and community for Cardano and $SLAP token holders.
No dependencies.
Our project outputs will not be fully open source because we will have 3rd parties prepare some games, some will be prepared by us using tools that are not open source, and some will involve proprietary NFTs and assets that we want to protect from copying or plagiarism. We believe that this approach will allow us to create more diverse, innovative, and engaging gaming experiences for our users, while also respecting the intellectual property rights and interests of our partners and collaborators. However, we will still adhere to the Cardano principles of transparency, security, and interoperability, and we will share the relevant parts of our code and protocol that are essential for the functionality and compatibility of our platform and games. We will also use open source licenses where appropriate and possible, and we will contribute to the Cardano community and ecosystem by providing feedback, suggestions, and insights from our project.
Our proposed solution is SlapVentures, a Cardano-based gaming saloon that offers diverse, innovative, and fun games, NFTs, rewards, and community for Cardano and $SLAP token holders.
7 SLAP-themed minigames are already live on
The idea is to develop more serious gaming experience for Cardano users with the help of Catalyst funding.
We perceive the problem we are solving as the lack of engaging, rewarding, and meaningful gaming experiences and opportunities on the Cardano blockchain, which affects the awareness, adoption, and participation of Cardano in the gaming industry. We believe that the gaming industry is one of the most promising and profitable sectors for blockchain innovation.
Our approach is to create a collection of games that cater to different tastes, preferences, and skill levels, from casual to hardcore gamers, and that leverage the power and security of Cardano to provide a seamless and user-friendly gaming experience across multiple devices and platforms. Some of our games will enable users to own, trade, and conquer unique and valuable NFTs and other digital assets, as well as access exclusive rewards and benefits. Our games will also foster social interaction, collaboration, and competition among players.
The positive impact our project will have on the wider Cardano community is:
We will measure this impact by using the following indicators and methods:
We will share the outputs and opportunities that result from our project with the wider Cardano community by using the following channels and platforms:
Our capability to deliver our project with high levels of trust and accountability is based on the following factors:
Research and analysis.
In this milestone, we will conduct extensive research and analysis on the gaming industry and the blockchain ecosystem, as well as the Cardano platform and protocol, to identify the needs, preferences, and expectations of our target users and stakeholders, as well as the opportunities, gaps, and challenges that our project can address and solve.
The output of this milestone will be a comprehensive report that summarizes our findings, insights, and recommendations that go beyond what we already have achieved with SlapVentures development.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone will be the completion and submission of the report that will guide us through the next milestones.
Ideation of games, community consultations and initial designs.
In this milestone, we will brainstorm and generate ideas for the games that we want to create for our platform. We will consider various factors, such as the genre, theme, mechanic, and challenge of the games, as well as the user needs, preferences, and expectations. We will carry out deep community consultations with $SLAP OGs, token hodlers and open community. Finally, after deciding, we will have initial designs ready to showcase.
The output of this milestone will be a list of game ideas that are diverse, innovative, and fun, as well as aligned with our vision and values with picked favourites (the rest may be developed in a later stage or if funds allow). Initial designs of at least 1 game will be showcased.
First game MVP.
In this milestone, we will select one of the game ideas from the previous milestone and develop it into a minimum viable product (MVP) that demonstrates the core features and functionality of the game. We will use $SLAP token and other digital assets (NFTs) based on Cardano.
The output of this milestone will be a working MVP of the first game, as well as a documentation that explains the features of the game.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone will be the completion and submission of the MVP and mentioned documentation.
Second game MVP.
In this milestone, we will repeat the same process as the previous milestone, but with a different game idea from the list. Ideally the second game will be developed by other dev team.
MVP of a second game will showcase a different genre, theme, mechanic, and challenge, as well as a different use case and value proposition for the Cardano community, and the $SLAP token and other digital assets.
The output of this milestone will be a working MVP of the second game, as well as a documentation that explains the features of the game.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone will be the completion and submission of the MVP and the documentation.
It may or may not happen in paralell to Milestone 3.
Testing, promotion, and distribution.
In this milestone, we will test the game, promote our platform and games, using various channels and services, such as crypto websites, social media, blogs, as well as other Cardano-related platforms and communities. We will invite users and partners to test our platform and games, and provide us with feedback, suggestions, and insights that will help us improve and optimize our platform and games. We will also showcase our project outputs, such as our games, probably also NFTs, as well as provide opportunities for users to participate, interact, and benefit from our project.
The output of this milestone will be a testing, promotion, and distribution campaign that generates user engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty, as well as value and utility for our platform and games.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone will be the completion and submission of the campaign, as well as the measurement and evaluation of the campaign - social media coverage, website statistics, the number of interested testers, number of players.
Games release and final reports.
In this milestone, we will release our platform and games, based on the results and feedback from our testing, promotion, and distribution, as well as the ongoing feedback and suggestions from our users, partners, and the Cardano community and ecosystem. We will launch our platform and games on the Cardano mainnet, and enable users to access, play, and enjoy our platform and games, as well as own, trade our NFTs and other digital assets, and access our exclusive rewards and benefits.
The output of this milestone will be a fully functional and integrated platform and games, as well as a report that summarizes the results and feedback from our release - Project Close-Out Report with Close-Out Video.
The acceptance criteria for this milestone will be the completion and submission of the platform, games, and report.
Nikodem Zegzda - Co-founder, project ideator. Deeply involved in CNFT scene. Owner of Wieczorową Porą brand, entrepreneur, founder of, company focused on organizing online and offline trainings and workshops and providing marketing services in web2 & web3-;
Tomasz Kaczorowski (CryptoSurveyor) - Co-founder, plays a pivotal role in shaping SlapVentures trajectory and success. Takes care of SlapVentures Discord channel. CryptoSurveyor is the co-creator of existing SlapVentures strategy and marketing initiatives and oversees their execution, acting as a kind of Project Manager. He's passionate about developing various products that foster family connections through a combination of entertainment and education. Currently crafting unique products which soon will be available both in the digital realm on Web 3 platforms and in the tangible world (see Stage II & III in SlapVentures roadmap for details).
Kornel Gajewski - Co-founder; the documentalist :-) advises on the road the project should follow thanks to his knowledge and experience coming from long and active involvement in blockchain projects since 2017; Cardano Stake Pool operator running CCPL stake pool; 6 years of experience as blockchain translator, writer and editor in top Polish crypto media outlet BeInCrypto (focused mainly on "Learn" educational series)(, Cardano Ambassador since 2018 ( -
mr.haysberg - Co-founder, CNFT collector, enterpreneur. SLAP mini-games developer. Respinsible also for collaborations.
Jay Webski - talented designer, “Craftman’s Tales” Comic Book creator, Storyteller of The Ape Society.
A possible cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources is as follows:
The total cost of the project is 2,500 + 200,000 + 10,000 + 25,000 + 30,000 + 18,750 = 286,250 ADA. We hope that it is acceptable and reasonable, given the scope and quality of our project. We will also try to optimize our costs by using open source tools and resources as well as utilize our internal contacts where possible.
The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem because: