Last updated a year ago
SpeedThrone aims to expand Cardano's user base by attracting global gamers, offering a completely free multi-chain solution to showcase Cardano's strengths. Our gameplay demo can be found here.
This is the total amount allocated to SpeedThrone - pioneering Cardano adoption through free accessible E-sport gaming.
SpeedThrone offers a free-to-play, zero-barrier racing game, merging both gaming and blockchain, and is aimed at attracting people to Cardano from other blockchains like IMX and Ethereum. dependencies
All aspects related to the game economy are all hard-coded and published and can be reviewed by any party.
The main game code is the intellectual property of Orion Eunix AB and is not open-source.
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SpeedThrone is currently already available to play, in a demo version available on our website. We currently have around 500 users that have played our game, and we aim to expand this through several areas.
Native token $SPDT
As SpeedThrone is a free-to-play game, the most important metric is the amount of players we can attract within our game economy. The game economy mainly revolves around our native $SPDT token, which operates as an ERC20 token, and which will be the main currency that can be both earned and spent when interacting within the ecosystem.
There has been a community driven seed round investment for the $SPDT token, and there are already several agreements in place with CEXes and launchpads, ensuring there is sufficient liquidity for our token when the launch time arrives.
In-game marketplace
One of the milestones we want to release within SpeedThrone is our in-game marketplace, acting similar to marketplaces within other free-to-play games such as League of Legends for example. The items being made available within the marketplace can range from buying unique in-game assets to even buying assets on Cardano, such as our Prime Series NFTs. This will allow us to illustrate Cardano's strengths, such as low transaction fees and security, through the game, potentially attracting Ethereum enthusiasts.
$SPDT thus serves as a bridge, bringing Ethereum-minded individuals into Cardano to acquire native assets, thereby opening up additional tools on Cardano such as
The primary benefit of owning assets lies in their role as a gateway to special events, providing access and a deeper immersion in the gamified aspects, including missions and challenges.
We strongly believe that SpeedThrone, due to its multichain nature by design, is in a unique position to boost the adoption within Cardano.
Project custom assets
As part of launching SpeedThrone on Cardano, we have also used our game environment as a marketing hub to increase exposure for projects through interactive billboards. Several projects have put up graphics for these billboards, which are then visible within the different gameplay levels. A recent example being for the Toolheads mint from
This ensures additional exposure for these projects to the players playing our game. Currently, this is a manual, design-intensive, process involving a lot of back-and-forth between both the SpeedThrone team and the interested projects. This is something we want to evolve into an interactive portal that allows project owners to upload custom banners that become available within the game.
We believe that web3 is a prime example of an attention economy, an economic system where the scarce resource is not traditional goods and services, but rather the attention of the consumers.
At every point throughout the day, we are competing with various forms of media, such as social media, websites, apps, and traditional advertising, which are designed to capture and retain people's attention. The more attention a product or platform can attract, the more valuable it becomes.
At SpeedThrone we believe that we will be able to strengthen the adoption of Cardano, by providing both an enjoyable gaming experience for players and an additional marketing stream for projects.
Through continuing to develop SpeedThrone we envision there are two major positive impacts that we will be providing to the broader Cardano community:
We have already illustrated that we are capable of delivering an enjoyable gaming experience, by the demo version of SpeedThrone that we have released and which is currently available as a downloadable game from our website.
The game currently features several levels that are available to be played, and players can connect their Cardano wallet to integrate their Cardano SpeedThrone NFTs into the game. These assets serve as cosmetic upgrades and don’t impact the overall gameplay - avoiding a pay-to-win environment. Below is some gameplay footage of the demo version:, we also have several partnerships where we have provided in-game-assets, such as for Eternals, another game that is set to launch on Cardano: building
Our first milestone is aimed at growing our community by really boosting the marketing efforts of SpeedThrone.
We will measure on-chain how many new wallets are created on the Cardano blockchain that are exclusively used for in-game SpeedThrone assets, which directly reflects the impact of SpeedThrone in attracting new people to Cardano. The higher these numbers, the higher the acceptance degree.
In-game marketplace
Our second milestone is aimed at releasing our in-game marketplace. By doing so, we can both expose our playerbase to the benefits of Cardano, even though they might not have started interacting with the blockchain yet, as well as provide several payment methods.
We will actively measure the overall interaction with our in-game marketplace, as well as correlate how many of those transactions resulted in onboarding additional users on Cardano.
Multi-chain portal
Our third milestone is all about providing our portal for multi-chain cooperability. This portal will enable us to adopt people that are not connected to Cardano currently and still give them the opportunity to acquire Cardano native assets by connecting wallets from different blockchains than Cardano.
We will actively measure these connections on-chain, and report how many of these unique accounts we manage to onboard on Cardano.
In-game events
Our fourth milestone is focused entirely on providing exclusive in-game events. Within these events we will follow the familiar e-sports route, organising not only singular events but entire tournaments.
During these events we will engage with the community, ensuring that their testimonials and experience while playing SpeedThrone is shared within the Cardano community.
Project custom assets
Our fifth milestone is all about providing other projects the ability to create custom assets within SpeedThrone, boosting their exposure to the Cardano community. This can range from billboards along a race track to even custom cars.
We will ensure that this stream ties in closely to our overall in-game economy, for example by providing our native token $SPDT as a payment option.
Game launch
Our final milestone is all about launching our game. In this phase we'll also be looking at launching on gaming platforms such as Epic from Unreal Engine itself.
The most important metric here will all be about users trying out and playing the game. We are aiming at a total of 100,000 players, with of course as many daily users as possible!
Per milestone within our proposal there are several cost factors we need to take into account:
In order to ensure we can reach these milestones we also foresee costs in the following domains:
This brings the total ADA requested to 160,000 ADA.
The project cost of SpeedThrone represents value for the Cardano ecosystem by directly contributing to its growth and exposure. Being able to achieve our milestones will offer substantial visibility and additional engagement for Cardano through an active community.
This influx of users, potentially new to the Cardano blockchain, translates into increased adoption and a broader user base. The project's success in integrating gaming and blockchain technology also showcases Cardano's capabilities, potentially attracting more developers and projects to the ecosystem.
Thus, the investment in SpeedThrone is not just funding a game but also fostering the expansion and diversification of the Cardano community, which is a valuable return for the ecosystem.