[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Nguyen Mau Luu
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- V2target is an app that helps Cardano users process transactions on the crypto market in two directions.
- People can both increase their profits and also increase the amount of ADA they own..
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
We plan to release license keys to users in this release.
However, there will be a trial version released and the source code will be published on our GitHub https://github.com/vknighthub/v2target
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution.
- The majority of people who love and participate in the Cardano ecosystem are ADA holders. And the ADA holding vision is 10-20 years.
- Currently, the crypto market is entering a downtrend phase. People tend to hold ADA firmly to wait but many investors will also leave.
- There are many ways for an investor to participate in the crypto market to increase the number of coins he holds such as using money to buy coins, and trading based on exchange rate differences.
- However, financial trading in volatile markets like crypto is always considered a high-risk action, and not every investor is financially savvy or has enough time. to participate in the 24/7 trading market like crypto.
- Currently, there are many financial management applications that help investors to automatically trade, but most of them have many potential risks in terms of safety and security. Two major types of applications can be mentioned bot trading (copy trade) and yield farming (dapps).
- Many people staking ADA for passive income but still want the opportunity to increase their assets when the market fluctuates. However, withdrawing from the wallet to the exchange, from the exchange placing buy-sell orders, calculate the amount to sell, and calculate the snapshot time to withdraw to the wallet to optimize staking.
From the above factors, the following challenges can be seen:
- Maximizing the efficiency of using ADA can help investors increase ADA or USD
- Attract and retain ADA investors when the market is in a downtrend period
- 1 financial transaction management and transaction application to ensure the safety and initiative of users.
- 1 team of product development have enough trust from the community or investors.
Here is our detail solution
V2target or we call it the DUAL-TARGET action for ADA HOLDER is a financial application researched and developed by 2 groups:
- Research on "Dual target" solution: clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC4XiVL0Rkg
- Technical building and development (apps): Vknight.io team (Vknight.io website or github: https://github.com/vknighthub)
V2target is an application that will automatically and simply withdraw from the exchange to the wallet, from the exchange to the exchange, execute trading orders on the exchange, calculate the ADA balance, and withdraw according to the snapshot time. to ensure optimal stasking... all done automatically even when the ADA holder is asleep.
However, to deploy a product for many people, it is necessary to have more technical solutions, financial operations, and plans to deploy the product to the community...
Solution for technical and financial:
a. V2target 1.0 application has the following functions:
- Automatically withdraw and send from wallet to exchange and vice versa
- Automatically calculate when the snapshot is transferred to the wallet to optimize staking
- Always ensure ada staking number to ensure income
- Only staking ADA on SPO system
- If selling: excess ADA to generate cash flow
- If buying: buy back the amount of ada previously sold and keep the money
- If the ADA price drops more than that set parameter, it will continue to buy down to ensure that the total amount of ada staking generates the correct expected monthly income, if the amount is small the amount needed to buy the amount of ada staking of the reduction. Next price, please notify to top up
- Solution for security and safety: V2target 1.0 only develops versions for PC or Laptop using Windows operating system. Security level if to run 24/7: 2 layers of security, if running directly on a clean machine (copyrighted window) and only used for running V2Target, 99.9% is guaranteed
- The next versions in phase 3 of the project will develop applications on mobile, cloud or web.
- System requirement to run the app: core icore i5- 7th generation or higher, minimum 16Gb Ram (24Gb recommended), Hard drive 200Gb (currently Database 110 Gb)
Details of V2target 1.0 can be checked on github https://github.com/vknighthub, attached manual file, demo clip
b. Financial and product distribution solutions to the community (phase 2)
- As mentioned above, there are many financial and asset management applications similar to V2target, but most of them fail because of lack of trust and security risks.
- The idea of “Dual target for ADA holders” has been researched by a team of Cardano-savvy people and the solution has been known around for a long time in our Cardano community (the community can test it with a demo version of the product) And now we are still constantly researching more about financial solutions to apply to V2target.
- Many similar projects have failed because the implementation team does not have enough trust with users and the community. Therefore, in phase 2 of V2target, we will cooperate with reputable community groups and funders to promote the product to the community. Specifically, the first groups will be the Vcoincheck.io team.

[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.
This Proposal has the following characteristics suitable for this challenge
- Business solutions - Software products
- Creation or improvement of different products that provide value to the Cardano community and wider ecosystem.
The impact
- This product will provide the community with an effective financial tool for optimizing capital.
- Applications with functions that can be installed automatically help users to use without having to manipulate them directly.
- Users outside the Cardano ecosystem will better understand the advantages of the ADA staking mechanism. From there will be deeply involved in the ecosystem.
- In the long term, V2target will develop the next versions with integrated wallets, transactions connected to Dapps, and swapping processes via smart contracts.
Benefit for ecosystem
- V2target will be a financial application that can help the community of ADA holders to optimize the efficiency of their ADA safely, and automatically, without spending much time to closely monitor price fluctuations. market.
- Keeping ADA holders will also help attract new investors to have more faith in Cardano and increase Cardano's reputation with many people because the "Dual target" solution is only suitable and most effective for ADA. and Cardano's staking mechanism.
- In the future, V2target will develop into Dapps with more advanced financial solutions, creating excitement in the Cardano ecosystem, and increasing the ADA transaction volume in the ecosystem while ensuring the safety of users. use
Key metrics to measure the success
Number of MVP products:
This parameter measures the output of the product
Number of people who use the product:
This parameter measures the user's attraction to the product
Number of people who know the product:
This parameter measures the spread of the product as well as the uniqueness of Cardano's staking mechanism
Output shared source
Product source code: GitHub https://github.com/vknighthub
Google share document: Instruction manual, project report.
Number of customers: product license key distributed
Our partner website and community: https://vcoincheck.io and https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
The preparation
We also build a test product - the community can check in: https://github.com/vknighthub
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUJ_q6RipjgThe core-team
Software Dev team - Vknight.io team
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we have many projects so the members listed below are the primary members to implement the V2target project. We also call other members of our team to implement this project if needed.
Vknight.io product: Vcoincheck.io, Proskill39s platform.
Product Business Development Partner
Vcoincheck.io is a big team, we have 5 funded proposals in funds 7, 8, and 9. We have experiments and enough ability to control all of them. We also can share some of the workload with community members if needed
[Project Milestones] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Research financial solution
Main task
- Creating core-team
- Research and perfect the idea of "Dual target" (week 1-2)
- Making implement plan
Acceptance criteria
- 1 document set of product: product research document, details implement plan
- Public shared document (Google Docs)
Intend outcome:
Est cost: 13500 ADA
Timeline: month 1
Research technical solution
Main task
Dev team:
- Research on requirements to create applications for "Dual target" solution – week 1
Searching for suitable technologies and languages: using .Net core, C#. – week 2-3
+ Database management system
+ How to connect to Cardano API.
+ How to connect to Binance API.
+ Security standards.
- Analyze system requirements. – week 3-4
+ Analysis of system features.
+ Analyze workflow.
+ The algorithm calculates when to place a buy order, when to place a sell order and the amount to buy/sell.
- Making solutions and developing app plan – week 4
Acceptance criteria
- 1 document set of product: product research document, technical specification, technical deployment plan,
- App Source code of all related work
- Technical solution (google docs)
Intend outcome:
- Technical specification document: 1 docs
Est cost: 21710 ADA
Timeline: month 2
Building app system core and main features
Main task
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app building activities (weeks 1-4)
Dev team:
- System core development – week 1-4
+ System platform design.
+ Framework design
+ Design system parameters
+ Database design
+ Manage user information / item permissions (Menu)
+ Dynamic web development, support language switching
- Development of main features: week 3-4
+ Make the purchase or sale of coins when the market fluctuates.
+ Manage capital information
+ Manage staking when the market is not volatile
Acceptance criteria
+ Make the purchase or sale of coins when the market fluctuates.
+ Manage capital information
+ Manage staking when the market is not volatile
+ Make the purchase or sale of coins when the market fluctuates.
+ Manage capital information
+ Manage staking when the market is not volatile.
- Technical document: 1 doc
- Product system core development
- Product main features
- Technical report (Google Docs)
- product source code (GitHub)
Est cost: 17763 ADA
Timeline: month 3rd
Building main and user features
Main Task
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app-building activities (weeks 1-4)
Dev team:
- Developing main features: week 1-2
+ Monitor exchange rates on market info
+ Complete or incomplete transaction information
- Developing features for users to make purchases and sales according to their own judgment/needs: week 2-4
+ Framework design
+ Design the necessary parameters for trading.
+ Make purchases when the coin price on the market fluctuates.
+ Manage Binance account balance information.
+ Manage buy/sell orders (see list of buy/sell orders)
Acceptance criteria
+ Monitor exchange rates on market info
+Complete or incomplete transaction information
+ Framework design
+ Design the necessary parameters for trading.
+ Make purchases when the coin price on the market fluctuates.
+ Manage Binance account balance information.
+ Manage buy/sell orders (see list of buy/sell orders)
- Technical document: 1 docs
- Product main features
- features for users to make purchases and sales according to their own judgment/needs
- Technical report (Google Docs)
- product code (GitHub)
Est cost: 18749 ADA
Timeline: month 4
Test and complete app V 1.0
Main Task
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app-building activities (weeks 1-2)
- Test app V2target 1.0 week 3-4
Dev team:
- Perform unit test – week 1-2
- Perform user acceptance testing (UAT) week 2-3
- Complete and write manual week 4
Acceptance criteria:
- Product ver1.0
- Product testing report
- User manual
- Technical report (Google Docs)
- product code (GitHub)
- product video walkthrough
Est cost: 21711 ADA
Timeline: month 5th
Launching and marketing product
Main task
Dev team:
- V2target 1.0 maintenance and technical support: weeks 1-4
Operating team:
- Introducing the product to the community: week 5-8
+ Making introduces clips, and creating advertising on the website https://Vknight.io or Vcoincheck.io.
+ Choosing and distributing promotion product keys to big ADA holders or those who have many contributions to the Vcoincheck.io community
Acceptance criteria:
- Launching app
- Product business strategy
- 50 key distributed or download turns
- 500 reaction turns
- Github: app source code, app installed package
- Partner website: create advertising on the website Vcoincheck.io.
- Google Share doc: List of customers
- The product will be distributed to 50 ada holders or people who have many contributions to the community (50 license keys or download turns)
- The product will be known to at least 500 people on the Vcoincheck.io platform and other community
- Create 4 clips introducing V2target and Dual target solutions for ADA holders.
Est cost: 7900 ADA
Timeline: month 6-7th
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
1.Mr.Luu Nguyen (Project co-manager – also as leader of Vknight.io team):
- Software engineer - Education of Technology University HCM City, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Master of Business Administration Knowledge: banking operation, accounting, statistics,…
- Co-developed and co-owned software such as Optimal9 core banking software, Flex reporting system, software connecting peripheral channels with core banking system (HUB), etc. Had successfully implemented many projects for all local bank and oversea bank below: • Local bank: VietNam Asia Comercial Joint Stock Bank, VinaSiam Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Saigon Bank, SACOMBANK,… • Oversea bank: Far East National Bank (VietNam), Huanan Bank (VietNam), HSBC (VietNam), Cambodian Public Bank (Cambodia), Vattanac Bank (Cambodia), Angkor Capital Bank Plc., Phongsavanh Bank (Laos), Ayeyarwady Bank (Myanmar), etc. In charge of foreign markets for JITS company such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc.
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nguyen-mau-luu-0999a6238
- Email: nguyenmauluu@gmail.com
2.Jimmy Lee – Project co-manager
II. Dev team - Vknight.io team ( please see attched file for specific information and experiment)
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we have many projects so the members listed below are the primary members to implement the V2target project. We also call other members of our team to implement this project if needed.
1. Mr.Luu Nguyen (Team leader – leader of Vknight.io team):
- Software engineer - Education of Technology University HCM City, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Master of Business Administration Knowledge: banking operation, accounting, statistics,…
- Co-developed and co-owned software such as Optimal9 core banking software, Flex reporting system, software connecting peripheral channels with core banking system (HUB), etc. Had successfully implemented many projects for all local banks and overseas banks below: • Local banks: VietNam Asia Comercial Joint Stock Bank, VinaSiam Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Saigon Bank, SACOMBANK,… • Overseas bank: Far East National Bank (VietNam), Huanan Bank (VietNam), HSBC (VietNam), Cambodian Public Bank (Cambodia), Vattanac Bank (Cambodia), Angkor Capital Bank Plc., Phongsavanh Bank (Laos), Ayeyarwady Bank (Myanmar), etc. In charge of foreign markets for JITS companies such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc.
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nguyen-mau-luu-0999a6238
- Email: nguyenmauluu@gmail.com
2. Mr. Tri Nguyen
- Software engine: University of Finance and Marketing Cyber security: Jetking Digital Marketing & Sales system: many years of experience Blockchain Knowledge: consulting, building software solutions and infrastructure, operating CRM systems for marketing and sales automation systems, .... Blockchain knowledge
- Sales and consulting many solutions for banking and securities, ERP enterprises Participated in domestic banking projects such as Sacombank, Dong A Bank, Nam A Bank, SCB, SHB, De Nhat Bank, Viet A Bank, Lao Viet Bank, An Binh Bank, HDB, Techcombank, Maritime Bank,... Participated in domestic securities projects such as Dai Viet (DVSC), Sao Viet (VSSC), Rong Viet (VDSC), Sacombank (SBSC), Dong A (DAG), Cho Lon (Cholonsc), Da Nang ( DNSC), Saigon (SSI), Ho Chi Minh City (HSC), Golden Lotus (GLS), Thanh Cong (TCSC), Thien Viet (TVS), Vien Dong (VDSC), Kim Eng… ERP enterprises such as Tiki, Insee, TheCoffeeHouse, JUNO, ...
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tri-nguyen-trong-2023aa24
- Email: trint2@gmail.com
3. Mr. Hoang Nguyen (Tech-lead)
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry: ✓ Thematic Oracle ✓ Artificial Intelligence ✓ E-government ✓ Computer Science
- Design and develop Autosar-based embedded software components. He has participated in many projects for the company and has over 6 years of experience in core banking system consulting. Now he is in charge of project management for a number of major projects in the market Cambodia and collaborates with many clients in the field of Microfinance.
- Github: https://github.com/nguyenvuhoang
- Email: nguyenvuhoangz@gmail.com
4. Mr.Thao Tran
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Language: Java, C#, Python, JS (NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS) - Database: Oracle. Mysql, NoSql, … - Have AI experience (Build Bot, machine learning, …).
- Github: https://github.com/thaotlh94
- Email: hoangthaoh2@gmail.com
5. Mr. Dang Ngo
- Education of Technology Can Tho University, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Two and a half years of experience working with Oracle DB, Java, VB.Net ✓ Programming with ReactJs, C#, MS SQL server.
- LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/ngo-dang-kane-33b917195
- Email: ngodangdt@gmail.com
II. Researching and operating team
1. Mr. Giang Phung
- Master of Business Administration
- 5 years of experience in Blockchain research and crypto Currency investment
- Telegram: https://t.me/giangpt
2. Ms. Hanah Nguyen
- Founder of Cardano Community (more than 40k followers)
- One year experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
- Blockchain product and market research specialist
- Telegram: https://t.me/hannahgates
3. Mr. Vu Do - Analyze projects
- Experience in research on blockchain ecosystems, especially on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
- Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vu-do-4ba0a2109/
- Telegram: https://t.me/VuDo2312
4. Mr. Neo Nguyen – Marketing Specialist
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Total budget: 101333 ADA
Milestone 1: 13500 ADA
Research and create “Dual target for ADA holder” solution fee: 13500 ADA (50 working hours)
Milestone 2: 21710 ADA
- Find out the situation and make a request for "Dual target": 3552 ADA ~1350$ (18 man-days)
- Research technical solutions: 9671 ADA ~ $ 3670 (49 man-day )
- System requirements analysis: 6316 ADA ~ $2400 (32 man-day)
- Develop solutions and plans to build apps: 2171 ADA ~ $825 (11 man-day)
Milestone 3: 17763 ADA
- System core development: 17763 ADA ~ $6750 (90 man-day)
Milestone 4: 18749 ADA
- Main feature development: 9868 ADA ~ 3750$ (50 man-days)
- Developing features for users to make purchases and sales according to their own judgment/needs: 8881 ADA ~ 3375$
Milestone 5: 21711 ADA
- Exchange rate tracking function on market info: 3553 ADA ~ $1350 (18 man-day)
- Function Information transaction completed or incomplete: 3553 ADA ~ 1350$ (18 man-days)
- Perform unit-test: 5921 ADA ~ $2250 (30 man-days)
- Perform user acceptance testing (UAT): 7500 ADA ~ $2850 (38 man-day)
- Write reports and finalize documentation V1.0: 1184 ADA ~ $450 (6 man-day)
Milestone 6: 7900 ADA
- Business operation: 7900 ADA ~ 3000$ ( 50 working hours in 1 month)
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
- Currently, we have completed the test app so part of the fee is sponsored by Vknight.io team
- The technical development fee of the product is calculated according to the basic level developer as sponsored by the Vknight.io team
- Marketing costs are optimized by leveraging the community and customers of the vcoincheck.io team
- Research fee: 270 ADA/hour ~ 100$
- Business operation: 158 ADA/hour ~ 60$
- Application developing details cost: google document

[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agrees to Fund Rules and also that data in the submission form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept