Last updated a year ago
There are a lack of ways to bout friends in games with automated payment distributions for backers. is the total amount allocated to Win to Earn - Uppercut.
Uppercut will allow fighters to settle disputes with sponsored automatic, on-chain payouts.
No dependencies.
Smart contracts will be open-sourced while game source code will remain close sourced.
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth)
SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities)
Friend and foes will be able to 1v1 in a sponsored match in an MMA-styled bracket where the winner of the match earns a payout. The player may then share a percentage of their winnings with their sponsors as a way of reciprocating the support. The proposed solution would formalize that shared percentage by leveraging Cardano blockchain. Each player would be issued a token using CIP-68 and CIP-102 standard. The token would represent their participation in the match.
The royalty token will be stored at a validator for the match. The player can user their participation token to set a price to buy a percentage of the royalties. The player can also set a maximum royalty percentage.
A backer may buy a percentage of the royalties by submitting a transaction to update the royalty metadata for a player. They may also just directly contribute to the winnings pool.
Uppercut will look at the royalties when distributing winnings to the winner and backers according to the royalty percentages.
We have "Fight Nights" (publicly testable) in discord.
A little more about the game this will be tested can be summarized as
Success hinges on overwhelming opponent pressure, astute predictions, or the artful interweaving of attacks. Instead of grappling with controls, players can immerse themselves in honing creative combos and devising strategies and fighting styles.
Releasing a fighting game which lowers the bar to fighting your friends that is positively received by the masses will bode well for Cardano user adoption and perception. When players and brands realize new use cases of backing fighters and automatic tournament payouts, we aim to help put Cardano on everyone's attention not just in web3 but to the masses.
Although quiet builders, Genun Games has a fulltime team and vast game dev experience and web3 experience from Ikigai Technologies (parent company) which shares talent which built a fully on-chain marketplace on mainnet.
The team has done some test streams and public footage of development, live testing and debugging, attending game conferences showcasing steady, quiet progress. As the game has become more publicly testable/demoable, we hope to spread a success case of Cardano publicly with continued streams and soon start developer/community updates.
We intend on testing our approach with "spikes" and continued consulting with partners. Agile and scrum methodologies help us quickly identify mistakes to move as quickly as possible.
As we flush out some new features, we will resume streaming for increased transparency and more fun! Check out a recent stream here: mode and protocol
Smart contract deployed to preprod and Backer System
Royalty Tokens and Payouts
Backed fights!
Core Developers - and Previous Experience
Alejandro Hitti - Technical Project Lead; Rockstar Games, DigiPen
Jason Dempsey - Senior Engineer; Microsoft, DigiPen
Zander Jensen - Gameplay Engineer; Treyarch, DigiPen
Hiago Desena - Senior Engineer; Firewalk, DigiPen
Aleksei Seleznev - Pixel Artist; Indie
Michael Yagi - Engineer; 2K Games, DigiPen
Other developers from our team (Genun Games, Ikigai Technologies)
Steven George - Lead Engineer; Level 11, DigiPen
Stan Hayes - Aesthetic Engineer; Epic Games, Nvidia, DigiPen
Michael Yagi - Creative Director; 2K Games, DigiPen
Ming Chi - Artist; NetEase
Scott Meyers - Audio Engineer; Respawn Entertainment, Riot Games
Jeff Uong - DevOps Engineer; Samsung, DigiPen
Clifford Garvis - Solutions Architect & Smart Contract; Level 11, DigiPen
Lowell Vaughn - Principal Strategist Epic Games
Shoutout! 1+ Year(s) Fulltime contribution
Ahn Do - Producer; 343, GEC, DigiPen
Mickey Cushing - Designer; 343, Blizzard, Wizards of the Coast, Rockstar Games
Brian Park - Designer; Riot Games
Anon Developer - Senior Engineer; Respawn Entertainment, DigiPen
We have taken significant pay cuts leaving AAA in order to pursue our passion of making games ourselves. As such, we have based the proposal off of international average of $108,471 USD salary as opposed to our previous salaries reaching upwards of $400k USD.
Milestone 1: Tournament mode and protocol
Milestone 2: Smart contract deployed to preprod and Ingame Sponsors
Milestone 3: Royalty Tokens and Payouts
Milestone 4: Tournament Testing!
(ADA amount estimated based on an ADA price of $0.36)
We're confident that the traction we've gained from and the potential user base we anticipate bringing will significantly benefit the ecosystem as we up the ante for gaming and web3 consumer use cases. We hope the community sees our passion reflected in the game's results which can help adopt mass users. We've poured years of fulltime development, leaving behind previous roles, into creating this game we hope to share with the whole Cardano ecosystem!