Last updated 9 months ago
The differences in responses and data structures between Cardano data providers make it troublesome to develop for Cardano. Developing for a single provider makes dApp developers too locked in.
This is the total amount allocated to 45B - Mesh as a Cardano data-abstraction layer.
Enhance the MeshJS SDK with auto-fallback multi-provider habilities and greatly enhance the diversity of data sourced from bare data providers and flowing through Mesh.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
Apache 2.0, MIT License
On a high level, we will enhance the MeshJS SDK with auto-fallback multi-provider habilities and greatly enhance the diversity of data sourced from bare data providers and flowing through Mesh.
Please refer to the Milestones breakdown for greater detail.
The hability for a dApp developer to focus on a sigle source of data, abstracting away the nuances in specific providers can greatly fast track Cardano dApp development.
45B is composed of and has access to professionals with an extensive track record of delivering solutions in Finance, Banking and other lines of business. Also they are responsible in helping the promotion and socials of some players in the Cardano ecosystem.
Having deep understanding on how the Cardano blockchain can be used, we are in an ideal position to take this project forward. Many of the components of this project/budget will be extended to Cardano community developers sponsored by bounties from this proposal.
Surveying and gathering community engagement - 2 months
Multiprovider fallback mechanism - 2 months
Enriching endpoints and data structures - 2 months
Enhance extensibility - 2 months
Making it Language agnostic - 2 months
Final milestone
Product/Project Manager; Technical specifications
Pedro Lucas -
Maestro Developer Experience, BizDez;
Pedro Lucas has over 20y experience in IT. Working as a Technical Business Analyst in Business Process Management and Decision support DataViz solutions in Finance and Banking. He has been in Crypto for 3y and 100% dedicated to Cardano communities and technology for almost 2y. Pedro has helped in Gimbalabs, amongst other communities, created and ran 'Cardano for non-techs' workshop sessions, and now collaborates with Maestro focusing on Developer Experience and Business Development.
Engineering tech leads
To be recruited from the Cardano community
Marketing and Community
To be recruited from the Cardano community
Community survey and interaction
63 hrs x ($/hr) 50 = 3150
Product and Project Management
72 hrs x ($/hr) 50 = 3600
288 hrs x ($/hr) 50 = 14400
Documentation and resources
90 hrs x ($/hr) 50 = 4500
Total in USD 25650
Total in ADA, valuing ADA at $0.30 85500
This project can save all dApp developers on Cardano time and effort, bring stability to their apps.
Unlike most proposals who simply aim for the max amount in that Category, we are providing a reasonable estimate for the effort we will put in.
The services budget is according to or below standard rates for these professional services in Europe or the USA.