Last updated 4 weeks ago
Kotlin based open-source historical and latest prices indexer for Cardano Native Tokens.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Native Token Dex Price Indexer in Kotlin.
Proof of Concept progress release
Cost: ₳ 22,500
Delivery: Month 1 - Sep 2024
Initial release
Cost: ₳ 22,500
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
Final Release, project enters continual improvement cycle
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Dec 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A Kotlin based open-source historical and latest price indexer for Cardano Native Tokens. This will be the open sourcing of the indexer used by
The following dependencies are expected to be persistent for this system. These do not include any dependencies of components that are modular and replaceable within the system:
Cardano Foundation / Bloxbean - Technical dependency on the open-source Java Yaci Cardano mini-protocols and Cardano-client libraries.
Intersect Members Based Organisation (MBO) - Technical dependency on the open-source Cardano Node software.
License. This project will be released under the permissive MIT License. This license is chosen for its permissive nature allowing others to use, modify and distribute the code without restriction. We are committed to full transparency and community collaboration thoughout the projects lifecycle.
Project Repository. The entire project including the core indexer and the API webserver component will remain available at the following GitHub repository:
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Overview. This proposal is to develop a Decentralised Exchange (DEX) price indexer using the productive Kotlin language that is accessible and useful for a broad range of developers. The indexer will utilise the Ourobourous mini-protocols to sync the blockchain, compute trades and corresponding prices. This solves the problem of not having a Kotlin price indexer for bootstrapping new applications, analytics or reporting of Cardano related statistics. This also solves a problem of not having enough accessible examples of how to extract insights from the Cardano blockchain. The software, or an extension, will also be running with, providing a data API with a free tier and that is accessible by data scientists and traders without requiring them to operate the software themselves. The tool has been running since Jul 2022.
Key Characteristics. The indexer will have modular components allowing some options for external datasources (other than the blockchain data itself) such as token metadata providers and extensions for new or upgraded DEX smart contracts. The choice of Kotlin means modifications and extensions will be relatively simple and accessible by a wide developer base. The indexer will be operable and modifiable by moderately skilled IT operators or software developers.
Key differentiators. There are various general purpose Cardano indexers including DbSync and Carp. Various ecosystem tools or Decentralised Applications (dApps) have also developed bespoke solutions. There are also some examples of database indexer frameworks, however currently there are no examples of an open-source Kotlin based historical price indexer that can perform the functions as described.
Functional Description. The high-level functional requirements of the system are as follows;
Constraints. A summary of key constraints (must-do's) of the system are as follows;
Roadmap. This effort is part of a broader open-sourcing agenda leading to more comprehensive portfolio reporting and Decentralised Application (dApp) user funds transparency & accountability, in the following order;
CNT Price Indexer - This Proposal
-> (Backend) - Tentative next Project
-> (Frontend) - Tentative final project
Contribution of know how.
Reporting and Statistics.
Enhanced public price data.
Reduce complexity, effort & costs for new projects.
Inclusive Accountability.
Validating Feasibility
Milestone 1: Proof of Concept progress release
A: Expected Duration: 2 months, Max Duration: 4 months
B: Activities
C: Milestone Outputs
D: Acceptance Criteria
E: Evidence of Milestone Completion
Milestone 2: Initial release
A: Expected Duration: 4 months, Max Duration: 6 months
B: Activities
C: Milestone Outputs
D: Acceptance Criteria
E: Evidence of Milestone Completion
Milestone 3: Final Release, project enters continual improvement cycle
A: Expected Duration: 2 months, Max Duration: 4 months
B: Activities
C: Milestone Outputs
D: Acceptance Criteria
E: Evidence of Milestone Completion
We are a small team is comprised of:
Tim Edge | Engineer
Twitter | LinkedIn | Development Portfolio
Experienced Systems and Software Engineer primarily within the Information and Communications Technology industry with 15+ years' experience. Tim is responsible for development and maintenance.
Edgar ‘Jobe’ Gasper | Test & Evaluation
Experienced Information and Communications Technology practitioner with 17+ years experience. Jobe provides test & evaluation support and design guidance.
We are active members of the Cardano community, regularly engaging in discussions to progress the Cardano ecosystem, including as co-hosts of the Malaysian Cardano Summit.
Reduced rates are proposed to represent a very good value for money proposition. A flat rate is used: $500/day for principal team members.
Software Engineer: 20 days * $500 = $10,000
Test & Evaluation: 5 days * $500 = $2,500
Software Engineer: 25 days * $500 = $12,500
Test & Evaluation: 5 days * $500 = $2,500
Software Engineer: 10 days * $500 = $5,000
Test & Evaluation: 5 days * $500 = $2,500
The total comes to $35,000 (~= 75,000 ADA at time of writing) and will cover costs for one lead developer and one testing/operations support. Tasks may be delegated to other developers to meet the budget and schedule.
Development & Testing Costs. The cost estimate is based on reduced software and Information Communications Technology industry standard employment rates. This proposal reflects the skills and expertise of the development team, and is justified by the clarity of system requirements and progress on the product to date.
Value for Money.