[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Nha Tran
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
We will build an opensource Flutter SDK (Tools, libraries and documentations) for developers to work with Cardano-wallet
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
Cardano Wallet: HTTP server & command-line for managing UTxOs and HD wallets in Cardano.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
The project will be fully open source. Everything will be open source on Github
Apache open source license: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Cardano-wallet does not offer a graphical interface, but it provides an HTTP API and a command line interface (CLI).
Cardano-wallet supports
- All use cases
- Managing a balance of ADA and tokens
- Submitting transactions to the Cardano network via a local `cardano-node`
- Personal use
- Staking
- Compatibility with legacy wallets
- Basic privacy with payment addresses creation
- Business use
- Minting and burning tokens
- Multi-party signatures
Our project aims to provide an easy to use Flutter SDK for developers. The SDK will combine all Cardano-wallet APIs into a single Flutter package, allowing developers to integrate the Cardano-wallet API into their own Flutter application.
Developers then can start working with Cardano-wallet using all of the easy-to-use functions which are available in the SDK without configuring the APIs and maintaining them manually.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
The SDK will simplify the development process, help developers build their apps faster and provide an easy entrypoint for working with cardano-wallet.
By using Flutter SDK, developers can build the app into all Flutter targets: Mobile (Android, iOS), Web, Desktop, ... with better performance, which will attract more developers and businesses to leverage Cardano's capabilities.
Impact measurement:
We plan to measure the project in both quantitative and qualitative ways:
- Quantitative: Github stars, issues, feature requests in Github repository and number of downloads of the package.
- Qualitative: feedback from the developer community.
Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:
- We will communicate our progress and insights to the Cardano community via blogs, social media, and forums.
- Regular updates, reports, and case studies to ensure transparency.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Our Team's Capabilities:
- Deep understanding of Cardano: Our team members have a proven track record of building high-quality blockchain applications on Cardano for either partners or their previous projects on Cardano (https://yoroi-wallet.com/; danogo.io, and a TG trading bot)
- We build blockchain tools for developers. We have extensive experiences to build tools for blockchain developers such as Unreal SDK for Aptos, Unity SDK for SUI.
- Open-source development: We have a history of successful contributions to open-source projects and been granted for our works by big projects like Gnoland, Nibiru, Aptos, SUI.
- Transparent Budgeting: We create a detailed project budget outlining all development costs.
- Regular Reporting: We will provide regular progress reports (weekly) that include project milestones achieved, budget expenditures, and any potential challenges encountered. This ensures open communication and allows for course correction if needed.
- Validation & Testing Strategy: Community involvement: (Mention plans for open-source community involvement in testing and feedback to further validate the approach.)
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Description: Add support for all Shelley (Sequential) APIs
- Wallets
- Assets
- Addresses
- Coin Selections
- Transactions
- Transactions New
- Migrations
- Stake Pools
- Keys
Outputs: A flutter package contains all functions which support all APIs above
- Completion of SDK functions with high-quality code.
- All tests pass with high code coverage and resolved issues.
- Developers can pull and integrate the package.
- Developers can see the development process on Github.
Description: Add support for all Shelley (Shared Wallets) APIs
- Shared Wallets
- Shared Keys
- Shared Addresses
- Shared Transactions
Outputs: the updated flutter package contains all functions which support all APIs above
- Completion of SDK functions with high-quality code.
- All tests pass with high code coverage and resolved issues.
- Developers can pull and integrate the updated package.
- Developers can see the development process on Github.
Description: Add support for all Byron (Random) APIs
- Byron Wallets
- Byron Asserts
- Byron Addresses
- Byron Coin Selections
- Byron Transactions
- Byron Migrations
Outputs: the updated flutter package contains all functions which support all APIs above
- Completion of SDK functions with high-quality code.
- All tests pass with high code coverage and resolved issues.
- Developers can pull and integrate the updated package.
- Developers can see the development process on Github.
Description: Add support for all Miscellaneous APIs
- Utils
- Network
- Proxy
- Settings
- Experimentals
- Node
Outputs: the updated flutter package contains all functions which support all APIs above
- Completion of SDK functions with high-quality code.
- All tests pass with high code coverage and resolved issues.
- Developers can pull and integrate the updated package.
- Developers can see the development process on Github.
Feedback and full launch - 01 month
- Collect feedback from beta release
- Make necessary adjustments and updates based on feedbacks
- Run full launch
Outputs: the final version of the package with all working features based on planning and community feedback
- Developers can pull and integrate the final package.
- Developers can see the development process on Github.
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
(1) Tan Tran
Role: Technical Leader
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tantv/
Profile: Tan brings a wealth of experience from the fintech and transaction solution sectors. He has a proven track record of successfully managing and executing complex projects, including O2O wholesale and retail solutions and various blockchain projects on Cardano (Danogo.io)
(2) Anh Nguyen
Role: Software egineer
Profile: Anh worked on many wallet and blockchain projects.
(3) James Nguyen
Role: Software engineer
Profile: James has extensive experiences building application using Flutter.
There are other team members like designers, QA/QC.
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Development Team (₳120,000):
- Salaries and compensation for developers, and technical team members.
- Software development tools and licenses.
Module design (₳25,600):
- Compensation for solution architecture services, development team.
Project management (₳38,400):
- Compensation for project management resources responsible for reporting and communications
Documentation (₳5,000)
- Technical writers for creating comprehensive documentation.
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways:
- Enhancing Development and Innovation: The investment in developing the cardano-wallet Flutter SDK and its associated components facilitates the creation of innovative applications and services on Cardano. This leads to increased developer engagement and brings new ideas and solutions to the ecosystem. The resulting innovation and growth contribute to the overall value and competitiveness of the Cardano platform.
- Supporting Ecosystem Expansion: The costs associated with the project contribute to the expansion of the Cardano ecosystem by enabling the creation of utility services. These services unlock the business value stored in Cardano's on-chain data, promoting the growth of the ecosystem as a whole. This expansion attracts more users, stakeholders, and investment, creating a virtuous cycle that amplifies the overall value proposition of Cardano
The costs of the project have been determined based on developer fees and the resources required to deliver the proposed features and maintain the SDK. The value for money is demonstrated by the positive impact and benefits that the project brings to the Cardano ecosystem. Providing speedy development experience with a simple and user-friendly SDK interface.