Last updated 2 weeks ago
As Marlowe transitions to a community project (its future is 100% in the community's hands), it's critical to facilitate from day zero the growth of a community of DApp builders who adopt Marlowe.
This is the total amount allocated to Marlowe PBL 2025. 1 out of 6 milestones are completed.
Preparation and Organization Setup
Cost: ₳ 35,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Feb 2025
Content Creation, Module 101.
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Apr 2025
Content Creation, Module 102.
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Jun 2025
Content Creation, Module 103.
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 7 - Aug 2025
Content Creation, Modules 201 and 202.
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 10 - Nov 2025
Content Creation, Modules 203 and 301.
Cost: ₳ 45,000
Delivery: Month 11 - Dec 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Gimbalabs will collaborate with the Marlowe core team of maintainers to create a PBL learning experience that prioritizes skills-building, using the Andamio platform (powered by Gimbalabs).
No Dependencies
The whole course building process would be on (an) open source Github repo(s) with Apache-2.0 license.
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG Subgoals
4.7 - By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
8.2 - Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Bullet Points:
Technical Implementation:
At Gimbalabs, we have built one of the best technical learning technologies in the Cardano ecosystem, with the ability to extract the fundamentals of complex topics (protocols, tooling, infrastructure, design patterns, etc) and package them into skills. That is our know-how.
Trust and accountability:
Approach validation:
Feasibility of implementation:
Title: Preparation and Organization Setup (1 Month)
Objective: Establish a solid foundation for the proposal by setting up the necessary infrastructure, assembling the team, and defining project management practices.
Milestone Outputs:
• Confirm core team members.
• Establish project management tools.
• Course outline formulation: Modules, Student Learning Targets (SLTs), Lessons, and assignments.
• Allocation and setup of the Andamio instance to the Marlowe project.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Project management tools and systems set up.
• Outline in JSON format, structured in Modules, SLTs, Lessons, and assignments.
• Lessons assigned to team members, with their respective role assignment for content creation
• Andamio instance ready to start creating and uploading content.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Outline in JSON format
• Miro board with assignment of lessons and roles.
• Images and/or videos of the Andamio instance allocated to the Marlowe project.
Title: Content Creation, topic “Micropayments (through Signed Inputs)” (2 Months).
Objective: Create the content of the module Micropayments (see the “Marlowe 2025” roadmap, above in the “Solution” section). Note: In general, each module is released to the community as its creation is completed.
Milestone Outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
• The Micropayments module is complete, following the structure stipulated in the outline elaborated in milestone 1.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Access to the Andamio instance allocated to the Marlowe project, for content verification, accessibility, and general navigation of the module.
Title: Content Creation, topic “Contract Execution Optimization (minimizing the number of Transactions)” (3 Months).
Objective: Create the content of the module Contract Execution Optimization.
Milestone Outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
• The Contract Execution Optimization module is complete, following the structure stipulated in the outline elaborated in milestone 1.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Access to the Andamio instance allocated to the Marlowe project, for content verification, accessibility, and general navigation of the module.
Title: Content Creation, topic “Seamless DApp Integration of Deep Contracts (Merkleized Contracts)” (3 Months).
Objective: Create the content of the module Seamless DApp Integration of Deep Contracts.
Milestone Outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
• The Seamless DApp Integration of Deep Contracts module is complete, following the structure stipulated in the outline elaborated in milestone 1.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Access to the Andamio instance allocated to the Marlowe project, for content verification, accessibility, and general navigation of the module.
Title: Content Creation, topic “Marlowe Oracle Protocol Improvements and Specification” (1 Month).
Objective: Create the content of the module Marlowe Oracle Protocol Improvements and Specification.
Milestone Outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
• The Marlowe Oracle Protocol Improvements and Specification module is complete, following the structure stipulated in the outline elaborated in milestone 1.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Access to the Andamio instance allocated to the Marlowe project, for content verification, accessibility, and general navigation of the module.
Title: Content Creation, topic “Runtime Monetization”. Project Close-out Report and Video (2 month)
Objective: Create the content of the module Runtime Monetization. Prepare the Close-out Report and Video.
Milestone outputs:
-Deliver Runtime Monetization module content, including:
• Deliver a complete Marlowe course, hosted in a functional Andamio instance, accessible to the community and public in general.
• Prepare and share the final report.
-Prepare and share the video report.
Acceptance criteria:
-The Runtime Monetization module is complete, following the structure stipulated in the outline elaborated in milestone 1.
• Access to the Andamio instance assigned to the Marlowe project, for verification of course content.
• Final report providing a comprehensive overview of project achievements and insights.
• Video summarizing the entire project, highlighting key achievements and milestones, and offering a visual recap of the project's journey.
Evidence of milestone completion:
• Access to the Andamio instance assigned to the Marlowe project, for verification of course content.
• Final report
• Closing video
James Dunseith - Educator, Cardano Developer
Sebastian Pabon - Educator, Facilitator.
Gimbalabs Community - Course Content Writer(s) / Editor(s)
Milestone 1: Preparation and Organization Setup (1 Month)
Activities Budget:
• ADA 2,000 - Establish project management tools.
• ADA 2,000 - Course outline formulation: Modules, Student Learning Targets (SLTs), Lessons, and assignments.
• ADA 26,000 - Allocation and setup of the Andamio instance to the Marlowe project.
Total Budget: ADA 30,000
Milestone 2: Content Creation, topic “Micropayments (through Signed Inputs)” (2 Months).
Activities Budget:
Total Budget: ADA 30,000
Milestone 3: Content Creation, topic “Contract Execution Optimization (minimizing the number of Transactions)” (3 Months).
Activities Budget:
Total Budget: ADA 30,000
Milestone 4: Content Creation, topic “Seamless DApp Integration of Deep Contracts (Merkleized Contracts)” (3 Months).
Activities Budget:
Total Budget: ADA 30,000
Milestone 5: Content Creation, topic “Marlowe Oracle Protocol Improvements and Specification” (1 Month).
Activities Budget:
Total Budget: ADA 30,000
Final milestone: Content Creation, topic “Runtime Monetization”. Project Close-out Report and Video (2 month)
Activities Budget:
-Deliver Runtime Monetization module content, including:
• ADA 10,000 - Prepare and share the final report.
ADA 10,000 - Prepare and share the video report.
Total Budget: ADA 50,000
ADA reference: 0.4 USD
1.Andamio instance license: 26000 ADA ---> 10400USD
The price of the license is aligned with the price of software of that kind in the market but, without the blockchain capabilities of Andamio. The Andamio blockchain capabilities increase the value of the license. So it's at a discount price.
2.Marlowe is a key technology for Cardano. At Gimbalabs, we have built one of the best technical learning technologies in the Cardano ecosystem, with the ability to extract the fundamentals of complex topics (protocols, tooling, infrastructure, design patterns, etc) and package them into skills. That is our know-how.
With our technology, we will build Marlowe skills in developers, infrastructure providers, Stake Pool Operators, and small and medium-sized businesses.
3.Since this proposal is linked to the development of the roadmap to be executed by Marlowe's core team of maintainers over a 12-month period, this proposal will be extended for the same period. Consequently, the budget for each month of work is
200,000 - 26000 = 174000 ADA
174000 ADA / 12 months = 14500 ADA ---> 5800 USD / month
an amount for creation of specialized content (including code development) of high efficiency, below market prices.