Last updated 10 months ago
Cardano has few open source wallet solutions and multiple key formats. Developers, traders and self custody can be difficult and time consuming often requiring CLI/Node experience.
This is the total amount allocated to stealthWallet - air-gapped self custody Wallet.
stealthWallet provides an open-source UI for a convenient air-gapped or hot-key solution and compatibility with multiple key types/storage media options.
No dependencies.
The project is and will remain open-source under a MIT license.
Few open-source wallets exist which allow you complete control over your keys and how you manage them. Developers, high frequency traders, SPO's and self-custody proponents often have to use command line interfaces or programming tools to interact with their keys.
stealthWallet is a self-custody wallet that allows the creation or importation of multiple key-types. It provides functionality for air-gapped transactions for those inclined to keep keys secure in self-custody. For developers or traders multiple key types can be imported and managed easily with the UI including:
stealthWallet provides full control of your keys so they can be stored where you want. Store your private keys on a raspberry PI and use the UI for air-gapped transaction signing, or optionally store them on an offline USB for increased security, or they can be stored on your PC (hot keys). StealthWallet also includes AES-256 encryption for an added optional security mechanism.
Developers/traders/SPO's can import their keys into stealthWallet to provide an easy UI for moving native assets and ADA in a secure manner. As an SPO and a operator of batching bots I needed a way to quickly and securely manage many key types/addresses without having to use the CLI, Lucid, or Pycardano. stealthWallet allows me to quickly move native assets and manage multiple keys/key types with added security.
Everyday users, batcher/bot operators, traders and developers can use stealthWallet as a cost-effective, open-source self-custody option. This project is valuable as it saves time and solves problems many traders/developers encounter. Users can have an incredibly cost-effective self-custody solution. The code for the UI and the key management will be open-source and can be adapted/used/improved or contributed to by any developer/project. The project can be tracked via GitHub metrics, including forks, commits, comments, and issue engagement.
I recently completed a Fund11 Project ahead of time and on budget - Python Based Open-Source Permissionless Marketplace and Documentation.
I created the Nescrow native asset Marketplace - the first Opshin based smart contract marketplace on Cardano.
I run the STLL stakepool which has been running on Cardano mainnet for over 2 years.
The stealthWallet beta version has already been tested and used by the public.
Milestone 1
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of Completion
Milestone 2
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of Completion
Final Milestone
Milestone Outputs
Acceptance Criteria
PCR Summary Includes Sections:
PCV Includes Topics:
Evidence of Completion
PCR Closeout report available on GitHub repo
PCV Available on Youtube
Marc Purvis - Developer/SPO/Control Systems Engineer
I will undertake project management, software development and testing. Having delivered my Fund11 project ahead of time and on budget I have a proven track record for successful project delivery.
Work Item Time(h)
Total 204 hours @ 100 USD/Hour = 46 363 ADA
As an open source project this proposal provides both the software for developers to leverage and re-use but also delivers working tools for the Cardano community/traders for free. stealthWallets features will be delivered at a fraction of the cost that would be required for a development firm to create it.