Last updated 9 months ago
The issue of increasing the adoption of Cardano and Cardano Use Case Solutions is both a width drive and a deep dive. The problem is that most people approach it as a matter of width alone.
This is the total amount allocated to 10-Episode TV Drama Series: Cardano Deep-and-Wide Promotion..
Use stories and screenplays to create an utmostly effective and endearing deep dive and width drive agenda for Cardano and top Cardano use case solutions.
No dependencies.
The project's nature already requires that it be available to the public for use and viewing.
Apple is one of the most successful business propositions ever instituted by man. Most successes never come close to achieving what Apple has achieved because they do not know what Apple did.
Everyone assumed Apple was trying to sell products just like most others.
Apple wasn’t trying to sell products or achieve buy-in. And honestly, let’s face it. There are only so many products you can sell. Apple was trying to become the way of life of a group of people. Then, afterwards, Apple made “being those people” a very cool thing.
Product is something you buy or not buy. A way of life is something you defend (sometimes to the literal point of death).
Products are things you use; a way of life is how you live.
Products have costs, and ways of life have rewards.
Sellers will continue to try to make people buy their products.
I am sure you are getting our drift. Cardano must become the Apple of Blockchain—the people’s blockchain way of life. Humans relate with reality with their five senses; luckily, we can engage three of the most emotionally attuned senses.
We must create the realities of Cardano; we cannot leave it to people's imagination. Many people will not be able to imagine the possibilities. And the few who can imagine may not know that it is already a life to be lived now, in the present.
The series helps ordinary humans see how Cardano and Cardano's use cases fit into their everyday lives.
When the car was created, it was indeed powerful. But it was useless that it was powerful unless people understood how powerful it was. Hence, Jame Watts came up with the word horsepower.
Everyone “knew” how powerful a horse was, so they intuitively understood what 76 Horsepower meant without even understanding the physics of torque.
It is the same thing with every new thing for anyone who wishes not just to sell but to sell successfully. No matter how novel and extraordinary a solution is it must make its foundation in the preexistent ordinary.
In a TEDx video that had over 3.6M views, Derek Thompson explained even though the word “new” was the most used marketing jargon. Because the belief is that people would always want something new.
His research revealed that the opposite is true, even though humans continue to pretend that they wanted novelty.
This situation where society has to continue to innovate and the people always lie about wanting novelty.
It turns out you use “new” when you are selling an old thing and you use “familiar” when you are selling a new thing
The solution was a simple four-letter formula. MAYA, most advanced yet acceptable. The products who employed the formula were the most successful. On the road to billions of adoptions, advancement must journey with acceptability because dis-inclusion and disenfranchisement lurk.
Steve Jobs of Apple also once said that customers don’t know what they want until you show them. And when you do show them, extraordinary must never
The catch is that it must be introduced in a way that the customer recognizes it.
Anna Gunn was hated in real life for her role as Skyler, Walter’s wife in the show Breaking Bad, a series won over 90 industry awards and broke Guinness World Records.
In 2013 She expressed her fear and concern in this New York Times publication.
The point here is that humans couldn’t make themselves to remember that Skyler was a fictional character.
Now, that is the depth of adoption, which defies any popular logic. We must begin to achieve this for Cardano with the 30-episode series.
Humans don’t usually pause to think, but our team knows everything is first a science before it becomes an art.
There is a list of the 20 most essential emotions to man, and there are about 10 possible life-changing events that can happen to any person. We have researched the avatars of all possible Cardano users or use case subscribers. The avatars will come to life in the characters of the series. Episodes in this series will focus on making sure Cardano is a key visible life factor as our characters go through life and experience things.
We are very excited, and we hope we get to execute this project.
We are convinced that this project is one of most encompassing marketing campaign to be conceived towards the propagation of Cardano and Cardano Use cases.
The Approach covers two angles
One the deep dive
( adopters must not be able to conceive the notion of using solutions outside the Cardano use case) we are engineering Cardano into the subconscious of the viewers. we are using entertainment, relatable but touching life-stories to bring people to a life where Cardano is one of the prmest too they run their lives with.
Two, the width drive, every single soul who watches the episode is educated and coopted into the life of endless possibilities that Cardano and its use cases offer.
We are targeting 35,000,000 views in a year. This is clearly 35million people who will not only have heard or know about Cardano or taught how to use Cardano but who will also have fallen in love with Cardano and its use cases.
Measuring Impact is simple, Videos are on YouTube, numbers of views, likes and comments are public, feedback from viewers can also let us measure impact.
Download links on the videos will also give us a clear measure of impact via downloads
This is project management; our team excels at this conveniently.
As you read further, you will notice in our project timeline, resources, and deliverables how much thought and planning we have invested in this project.
We have engaged the best, most affordable production company; the company's production record is impressive.
The project is a media project; it must and will be carried out with the utmost sense of transparency.
Reports will be available to the Cardano community members. To ensure accountability, we will also set up a multi-signatory DAO.
Milestone 1
Concept Development:
Screenplay Writing
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Distribution/Release and Promotion
Milestone 4
Distribution/Release and Promotion
Distribution/Release and Promotion
Final Milestone:
Premiere film.
Have a mini set party,
Create Project Close-out and report
Ayo Olu-Ayoola
Program Lead and Storyteller
Perfect Pius
Logistics and Liason Officer
'Yemi Eganoyemi
Post Production Strategy, Marketing and Distribution.
Bolaji Gelax (Gelax Chatroom)
Producer (Production Company)
The Production Company already has encompassed all the other roles necessary for the production, this includes:
2. Director
3. Screenwriters
4. Cinematographer/Director of Photography (DP)
5. Production Designer
6. Art Director
7. Costume Designer
8. Editor
9. Sound Designer
10. Composer
11. Casting Director
12. Assistant Director (AD)
13. Production Manager
14. Script Supervisor
15. Stunt Coordinator
16. Visual Effects (VFX) Supervisor
Project Budget Breakdown (Total: ₳96,000)
Concept Development
Marketing and Distribution
Project Management Team
Grand Total: ₳96,000
We have ensured that all payments to staff and professionals are at very competitive prices. We are also certain of great productions.
Our objective is to make sure the viewers can get into audiovisual contact to use cases of Cardano on emotional levels that deeply resonate with them.
Our goal is to achieve 35M views across all our episodes.
We expect our trailer ads to reach more than 60M people.
₳96,000 invested to get 35M views on videos that give Cardano millions of people who will buy into Cardano and defend it.
This is the kind of growth in the ecosystem members must want to see.
Adopters of Cardano who are also passionate about Cardano.
The cost of acquisition of such persons per view on this project is ₳0.0027
We reckon this is nothing short of remarkable regarding value for money in marketing.
Thank you.