Last updated 9 months ago
Spread awareness on AMR, the silent pandemic, among students in schools while equipping them with valuable skills and competencies in Blockchain Technology, and the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Campaign for Secondary and Tertiary Level Students in Sunyani/Bono Region-Ghana.
Obed Asiedu Odoi
Design and implementation of a youth-friendly AMR awareness campaign and introduction to Cardano Blockchain Technology and its native token.
No dependencies
All materials that would be created (eg. PPTs, notes, Paper illustrations, Placards) for the education and awareness campaigns will be shared with the Cardano community.
SDG 3,- Good Health and Well-Being
SDG 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth
The solution is to design a comprehensive AMR awareness campaign and education for High School and university students over the period of the project execution. Topics will include aspects of human health, animal health, and environmental issues related to AMR. Six institutions will be selected for the campaign and the leaders of campus-based youth organizations will be brought on board the campaign to ensure buy-in by the students. It will include interactive sessions using videos, presentations, and flip charts. Students will be encouraged to ask questions. Awareness and improvement in knowledge of AMR will be measured through questionnaires routinely administered to students before and after every educational session. Another aspect of the awareness drive will be introducing project Catalyst and Cardano blockchain to the students through Blockchain education. We will also take advantage of introducing courses like Cardano Academy to students. A booth will also be available where young people will be assisted in the creation of Cardano-related wallets, leading to possible onboarding of students.
The three traditional universities in the region together have an average of 30,000 student population. The two major Senior High Schools also have an average of 8,000 student population and the two target Training Colleges also have an average population of 4,000 students.
Leveraging antimicrobial awareness campaigns on these campuses can have a profound impact on the Cardano ecosystem, aligning health consciousness with blockchain innovation. As universities serve as hubs of knowledge and influence, integrating educational campaigns on antimicrobial resistance within such institutions will create awareness and subsequent onboarding. By utilizing the decentralized nature of Cardano, we will create transparent platforms for tracking and incentivizing participation in these campaigns.
These campaigns will not only raise awareness but also present opportunities for practical application of blockchain technology. Through incentivized participation using Cardano’s native tokens, such as ADA, students, and researchers can contribute valuable data on antimicrobial usage, resistance patterns, and healthcare practices.
The impact extends beyond the university setting, influencing broader societal attitudes towards health and technology. As students graduate and enter various industries, their experiences with antimicrobial awareness campaigns and knowledge of Cardano Blockchain will shape their perspectives and decision-making. They become advocates for responsible healthcare practices and champions of blockchain innovation, driving adoption and innovation across sectors.
This collaborative effort not only strengthens the resilience of the Cardano network but also fosters a generation of informed, proactive global citizens committed to shaping a healthier, more sustainable future.
The team comprises of medical practitioners who have embarked on antimicrobial resistance studies for about three (3) years now.
The team has been involved in training, awareness creation, and education on various topics across campuses, radio stations, communities, and conferences for the past three (3) years. With seasoned educators and presenters, we believe we are able to translate our skills and expertise in presentations, awareness creation, and education into blockchain education, particularly on Cardano Blockchain and awareness creation on Project Catalyst.
Team members together have about 10 years of experience participating in Project Catalyst and this has led to acquiring relevant information and knowledge that can be shared with most of our audience who have little to no information about Blockchain Technology.
Through our outreach programs, we have built a strong relationship with Headmasters, Tutors, and students of traditional universities, Colleges, and Senior High Schools in the Bono region where we carry out our outreaches. This will make organizing students for Cardano Outreaches easier, and help us get the buy-in and cooperation with school management easily.
Jeremiah Baani, a member of the team is a known Cardano Blockchain educator, who has more than 5 years’ experience in Blockchain education. He is an active member of Cardano Ghana and played an active role in starting Kenya Cardano Community
All team members are currently enrolled in Cardano Foundation Academy, and we intend to introduce educational platforms like this to the students during our outreach programs.
Milestone 1: Planning and preparation
Month 1
Milestone Outputs
· Writing to specific schools for approval to host AMR awareness creation, training, and Blockchain education programs.
· Preparation of PowerPoint presentations by team members
· Gathering of other material resources needed for outreaches.
Acceptance criteria:
· Written requests submitted and approvals from various schools
· PowerPoints and other presentation materials ready.
· Venue and other rentals secured.
Milestone 2: Tertiary School outreaches
Month 2 – 4
· We will hold outreach programs in three (3) traditional universities and two (2) training colleges (Target attendance of 2000 students).
· In all five (5) outreaches will be organized
Acceptance criteria:
· Successful events in all five (5) tertiary schools with picture and video evidences
· Achieve at least 80% attendance rate
· Onboarding of not less than 60% to the Cardano Ecosystem, create wallets for them and incentivize them with native tokes (ADA).
Milestone 3: Senior High School outreaches
Month 5
· Outreaches in two (2) Senior high Schools (SHS) (Target attendance of about 3000).
Acceptance criteria:
· Successfully complete two (2) SHS outreaches
· Get contact details of at least 500 students who will be guided to create Cardano related wallets and receive incentives in the form of Cardano Native tokens (ADA).
Final Milestone
Month 6
· Report and Video clips of all events
Acceptance criteria:
· Successfully completion of reports and video production for all events.
· Charles Asaawena (Medical Laboratory Scientist, AMR Study Coordinator)
o Blockchain enthusiast and educator. Proposal assessor Funds 7 and 8, Community reviewer, Funds 9, 10, and 11.
o Student of Cardano Foundation Academy
o Conference and outreach speaker
· Jennifer El-Duah (Medical Laboratory Scientist, AMR Officer)
o Blockchain enthusiast. Community reviewer, Funds 9, 10, and 11.
o Events planner and organizer
o Project Manager
o Conference and outreach speaker
· Ebenezer Benefo (Medical Laboratory Scientist, AMR Champion)
o Blockchain Enthusiast. Community Reviewer, Funds 10 and 11. Community moderator, Fund 11.
o IT specialist and outreach speaker
· Jeremiah Baani
o Founder of Cteil Academy and a seasoned Cardano ambassador who has held several Cardano meetups both in Ghana and Kenya. He is known for his dedication to education & skillfully organizing community meetups in Ghana. His recent efforts include successfully launching the Cardano Africa Academy in Nairobi Kenya. He has hosted two successful Cardano summits [2022 & 2023]. He also hosted CIP-1694 workshops among others. He is currently the founder of a YouTube channel called "Cardano Africa Academy '' where he teaches people across the globe about Blockchain technology from a Cardano perspective.
· Obed Asiedu (Medical Laboratory Scientist, AMR Champion)
o Conference and radio speaker
o Teacher and student organizer
Schools outreach
· Venue for 7 events
o 487.32 ADA* 7 = 3,411.24 ADA
· Publicity and promotion of events
o 1500 ADA
· Souveniurs and Incentives for events (Target 2000 students): 20,000 ADA
· Transportation: 1000 ADA
· Coordination and Project Management: 5000
· Final report and video editing: 500 ADA
Total Budget = 31,411.24
The total budget of this project presents a great value for money in that the cost breakdown per activity and participant is less than the average cost for similar events.
The amount of value the proposed solution will give to the Cardano community far outweighs the amount of money requested:
· Cost for venue rental is pegged at approximately $ 214.48 per event. Each event is supposed to host approximately 700 students which means that the cost per student is $0.30 per participant.
· Publicity includes social media promotion, printing of flyers, and announcements on radio stations. This means the publicity cost per participant is $1.8 which is cost-effective.
· Cost of souvenirs include Cardano branded Shirts, caps, and wristbands. Currently, the cost of printing a T-shirt is about $8.00 per copy. So the cost of T-shirts alone will be about $16,000 (About 36,000 ADA) for 2000 participants. But with an amount of 20,000 ADA, the team intends to engage the services of quality but cost-effective service providers to cut down cost.
· With this total budget, the team hopes to spread Cardano awareness to at least 5000 students, and targets to onboard many through these events into the Cardano Ecosystem and to participate actively in Project Catalyst.