Last updated 9 months ago
Cardano community members are hesitant to take advantage of our ecosystem’s diverse DeFi instruments because they lack a clear understanding of risks vs rewards & demonstration of proven strategies.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Courses by Cryptofluency.
We will produce online courses to educate learners about Cardano’s DeFi opportunities. Programs confront risks, explore rewards & highlight participation strategies that align with varied risk levels.
No dependencies
The course content will be modified only by the authors. No code is being created.
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
Cryptofluency’s proposed online DeFi programming includes four initial courses that educate learners about Cardano’s diverse DeFi instruments and prepare them to take part.
As students advance through the material, they delve deeper into Cardano’s DeFi opportunities. Each lesson builds on the previous for progressive, cumulative learning. The courses usher students through the most relevant topics and concepts to help them take part with confidence, protect their assets, and explore Cardano’s DeFi tools.
Learners can then practice their knowledge by getting involved in the space they are studying according to their interest, goals and comfort with risks involved.
The use case course content includes thorough explanations of risks and benefits, follow-along demonstrations of tools, walkthrough tutorials for different actions, and participation strategies. The participation strategies are ranked low, medium and high risk to help the learners align their comfort levels with their DeFi decision-making.
Our four initial DeFi course topics are:
The curriculum is further outlined below. The course content will be “living,” meaning we will regularly update it, add to it, and adapt it over time as the Cardano technology stack evolves. Course development will invite participation from DeFi founders and thought leaders interested in contributing insights and expertise.
Who will your project engage?:
The courses will be accessible to learners of all types, backgrounds, and experiences. These three types of learners are particularly intended:
Educational Format:
We will deliver each course in short, digestible 15-20 minute video lessons. The lesson videos will explain specific concepts and/or include follow-along demonstrations of Cardano’s protocols.
The courses feature accompanying worksheets so that learners can apply the skills equipped in each lesson. Courses also include a cumulative “review” delivered in quiz form so students can confirm their answers from the lesson worksheets.
This “apply and review” process enables the student to check their work and creates the opportunity for credentials on completion. It also improves learning retention and establishes a solid DeFi knowledge base.
Seeing these review results will also provide us with valuable data about how students are learning about the Cardano DeFi space.
Cryptofluency DeFi Course Curriculum:
Overview: This course familiarizes the learner with decentralized finance concepts, structures and use cases.
Course Goal: The learner is fluent in core DeFi concepts, how they work, and their relationships to each other. The learner is prepared to advance into the use case deep dives in Courses 3 and 4.
Overview: This course is a walkthrough of the process for getting involved in the Cardano ecosystem. It helps a learner acquire ADA, secure it and leverage it according to their interests. It is meant for someone who does not yet have ADA or is unfamiliar with the included Cardano opportunities.
Course Goal: Learners accomplish the prerequisites for participation in Cardano DeFi. Learners have the knowledge necessary to acquire ADA, store it in a wallet and use it within the Cardano ecosystem for diverse purposes. They are familiar with the decentralized concepts needed to move further in the subsequent courses.
Overview: Decentralized Exchanges offer the opportunity for leveraging assets in diverse ways. There are two types of Cardano DEXs with different considerations, risks and benefits.
Course Goal: The learner understands how decentralized exchanges can be utilized for different participation strategies and is clear about the risks and responsibilities involved.
Overview: Decentralized Lending and Borrowing introduces unprecedented financial instruments for leveraging cryptocurrency assets. Cardano’s eUTxO accounting model and novel liquid non-custodial staking capabilities elevate Cardano’s lending and borrowing platforms above all other crypto ecosystems.
Course Goal: The learner is educated about risks and opportunities of staking, supplying/lending, borrowing against assets and debt leveraging. They are also educated on safeguard practices and responsibilities associated with Market Participation.
Course lessons are subject to re-arrangement and change during production.
How do you perceive the problem you are solving:
We perceive this problem as a chasm that needs a bridge. On one side of the chasm, we have a vibrant and enthusiastic community of people who are excited about all of the opportunities of the Cardano ecosystem of DeFi. On the other side of the chasm, we have a robust collection of Cardano DeFi protocols deployed on Mainnet and ready for participation.
Cardano DeFi has yet to be adopted and fully embraced by the majority of Cardano holders.
The chasm exists because there is a lack of educational content to bridge the community from its current hesitant position to a position of knowledgeable confidence. That means the entire ecosystem is missing out on the collective knowledge that would be gained by the merging of the community and the tools.
This educational content should comprehensively inform the community starting with analyzing the risks, providing experiential guidance and incorporating step-by-step demonstrations. This empowers learners with an educational foundation. We propose to do exactly that.
Why are we Uniquely Positioned to Do This?:
We have been participating in the cryptocurrency space since 2017. Our portfolio was diversified in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and several other ERC-20 tokens. We had a Bitcoin miner and were exploring the new world of smart contracts and layer 2 solutions.
When we discovered Cardano in 2018, we became enthusiasts because of its attention to detail, scientific peer review process and security standards. The Cardano blockchain is superior in achieving excellence in all points of the trilemma: security, scalability and decentralization, without sacrificing in any category.
Through research, we knew that decentralization, smart contracts, token locking, native token standards and multi-asset support on Cardano were yet to come via the Allegra, Mary, Alonzo and Vasil Hardfork Combinator Events in the post-Shelley era. In order to prepare for the influx of such tremendous new ecosystem capabilities, we spent extensive time analyzing Ethereum’s DeFi instruments.
When DeFi protocols were finally released on Cardano in early 2022, we began participating from day one and have been taking part ever since, leveraging the benefits of these instruments at high levels. Our past participation roadmap is below.
We have a great stamina for analysis, research and experimentation. Derek has spent over ten thousand hours reviewing whitepapers, actively participating in the ecosystem’s projects and protocols, and listening to thought leaders across the space. He enjoys distilling complex concepts into understandable content. We stay up to date on emerging opportunities, and are active in the different Discord communities that serve our greater Cardano community.
Our content blends technical know-how with investment acumen learned entirely in the crypto space. We have extensive experience onboarding individuals and groups who are starting from scratch and consulting established investors looking for ways to grow their portfolios using Cardano’s DeFi tools.
Further, we have produced over 200 videos that demonstrate our capability to educate via online content with warm reception from the community. You can watch them here.
Here are some of our historical actions to give reference of timeframe scope and capacity:
Centralized Exchanges:
Decentralized Exchanges:
Lending & Borrowing:
What are your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have?:
Our intention is to make this content accessible and digestible for learners. Foremost, we prioritize explaining risk to ensure learners are well informed. Each lesson builds on the previous so that the material gets increasingly technical as the learner progresses.
The curriculum structure is the aggregation of our personal experience in the space, extensive research and analysis and two years educating crypto enthusiasts one-on-one, in consulting groups, and via our YouTube channel, Cryptofluencyio.
We have proven this curriculum to be the MVK (minimum viable knowledge) people need to understand and make their own decisions with confidence.
We will deliver this programming on the website and on the platform.
How will you demonstrate or prove your impact?:
We will measure course impact and engagement using our website’s analytics. Additionally, we will ask course participants to provide personal testimonials and stories. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve and update course curriculum, we will be regularly requesting feedback from enrolled students. These details can be available to the public on our website and in our proposal reporting.
Our YouTube and social media platforms’ analytics tools will help us measure reach and conversion of posts related to course content.
How will this bring Value to the Cardano Community?:
The Cardano community rises together as more and more participants join our ranks who understand the value of Cardano’s impact. It benefits the entire ecosystem when those participants are well-educated in what they are doing and committed to a long-term growth plan with the projects that are important to them. That increases the base of loyal Cardano enthusiasts.
This course also provides our community with a trusted resource for newly-onboarded Cardano enthusiasts. Course 2 covers the fundamental prerequisites required for Cardano DeFi.
The advanced DeFi programming increases DeFi content knowledge among the current Cardano community members.
Increased participation in DeFi also supports the CNT ecosystem so that emerging Cardano Native Token projects can grow.
Finally, the courses provide a highly shareable tool, which contributes to grassroots Cardano marketing among the networks of users who find their learning valuable. We have the option to incentivize students to pass the opportunity on to others in their circles.
Ultimately, these courses have the potential to birth enthusiastic DeFi discussion that encourages exchange of ideas, knowledge and diverse thought, collaboration, co-working and entrepreneurship.
How will you measure this impact?:
We will measure the impact of the course programming by:
Please describe your existing capabilities that demonstrate how and why you believe you’re best suited to deliver this project?
Demonstrated Knowledge & Consistency:
First, we have a proven track record of producing educational content for the blockchain community specific to Cardano. We are active in continuing to educate ourselves and have been participants in the technical education and programming offered by Cardano protocols. This playlist of Cardano dApps & DeFi Protocol Videos from the Cryptofluency YouTube channel shows a collection of that work.
Well-Refined, Tested Curriculum:
We have been developing and refining the proposed curriculum in real-world conversations and have implemented the online resources necessary for its execution. We have been mentoring and coaching new members to the space for multiple years, fielding diverse questions and helping participants to grow their positions, update their tools, and upgrade their understanding as the technology emerges.
We have also established an effective process of producing learning materials that allows students to learn, apply their knowledge, and check their work all in one educational environment.
Strong Community Relationships:
Our long-term involvement in the Cardano space has blessed us with many meaningful relationships with founders, developers, professionals and peers across DeFi projects and protocols. We stay up to date on emerging opportunities, and are active in the different Discord communities that serve our greater Cardano community. We will utilize the expertise of our crypto family to enhance the materials as we complete them.
We intend to leverage community involvement by interweaving insights from topic experts where relevant and incentivizing feedback from community members willing to test drive the content once it’s produced.
Experience Stewarding Individuals & Communities:
Cryptofluency offers personalized consulting and memberships that include regular updates. We have experience in being accountable to a community that learns from us, and we are enthusiastic about witnessing lives change for the better.
Lastly, we value our reputation in this community that has given us so much opportunity, and our goal is to give back with these course offerings.
Please include the steps or processes that demonstrate that you can be trusted to manage funds properly:
For this proposal, we have set our milestones to require completion of course content prior to funds being delivered. That will allow the Cardano community to benefit in real time as we progress and hold us accountable for providing what’s necessary.
As established above, we have a high discipline for stewarding funds safely and transparently, and intend to use that same acumen in managing the Catalyst funds.
We utilize multiple Daedalus, Nami, Eternl, Gero, NuFi, and Lace wallets for our own portfolio. We have allocated our Cardano holdings to each of these wallets accordingly in order to support independent stake pool operators and take advantage of initial stake pool offerings. Every six months, we update and protect the private keys of each wallet we handle, following the best security practices.
We will create a dedicated wallet for the Catalyst funds so they can be intentionally preserved.
Derek Hopkins: Lead Proposer
Derek Hopkins is the founder of Cryptofluency with proven expertise in the Cardano DeFi space. He will oversee all educational content, ensure quality of materials, and demonstrate the unique elements included in the courses using Cardano instruments. Derek will maintain the highest excellence in presenting the information to learners through these videos.
Derek will also serve as liaison to the Cardano community, sharing updates and project milestones via the Cryptofluency channels. He will connect with other team leaders to broaden the reach of the opportunity across CNT protocol communities.
Cryptofluency Team
The Cryptofluency team has the collective expertise that produced over 200 videos for the Cryptofluencyio YouTube channel on the protocols and concepts listed in this proposal.
You can view the channel here, and you can view a playlist of Cardano dApps & DeFi Protocol Videos here.
The team has the required expertise that brings Cryptofluency YouTube Channel content, Cryptofluency website and graphic collateral to life. They will oversee the production of course videos, materials and supplementary content (worksheets, reviews, graphics, student communications, etc.). They will also oversee the website development for the project, including bringing the courses live on the Cryptofluency website, incorporating the web3 components and minting NFTs so that learners can access via wallet connection.
Total Budget Request: ₳75,000
Labour & subcontracting costs: ₳60,000
This will cover the cost of full-time staff & part-time subcontractor costs for video production, website enhancement, curriculum component completion and graphic design.
Totals: ₳20,000/month for 3 months project duration = ₳60,000
Overheads: ₳12,000
Materials & Marketing: ₳3,000
The cost of the project will produce the following value adds:
Regarding budget, the fees for staff services are commensurate with industry rate, all requested tools and overhead are necessary for the project.