Last updated 9 months ago
Crypto currency and Blockchain information, is not available in the majority of the schools in Africa. Lack of physical and digital libraries and teachers.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Digital Education Library without Internet.
Aaron Swasisa -
We have collected Cardano digital educational materials, video & documents to load into our off/online server, BOX LOKOLE NUMERIQUE to enable schools with or without internet to Cardano introduction.
We are part of open source Community and we share codes with Internet-In-A-Box organization; Internet-in-a-Box · GitHub
This project is already fully open source.
Check it here: Ascoderu · GitHub
GOAL 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
GOAL 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
GOAL 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
It's no secret that Cardano is recognized as a blockchain with a strong focus on Africa, and formally stated as such in Cardano's strategic goals. However, as other blockchain protocols recognize the potential of crypto in Africa, without concrete sustained action, Cardano risks losing a potential trillion in market share of the African market to other blockchains within the coming years.
Due to lack of trained teachers in Blockchain and crypto subjects, to successfully reach Cardano goals for Africa, internet accessibility is the key.
Yet more than half of the African population have not access or can't afford internet costs.
This is where our Box Lokole Numerique solution comes in.
The primary purpose of the Box Lokole Numeique is to minimize the amount of data that is required to be transferred over an available internet connection which thereby reduces cost of bandwidth on users and allows them to combine monetary resources to achieve better economies of scale when purchasing bandwidth.
The users will need devices that can run a web browser to connect to Lokole server and run locally hosted webmail and web apps which are actually offline, so all server or database calls are free. Regularly the Lokole will call the cloud to sync mail files, database changes or web app source code updates using a compressed and encrypted SSH tunnel with appropriate authentication.
When Lokole device is turned on either by its internal battery pack or external power, it creates a WIFI network which expands to 30 meters radian. Using any WIFI capable device, such as iPad, smart phone, laptop user connects to Box Lokole Numerique network. Once connected, user opens web browser and type box.lan on the address bar. When user presses enter, the home page displays on the screen the menu of the contents in the box, such as titles of the educational materials pre-loaded. For the purposed of this project, the main contents will be Cardano Ecosystem information and general education; math, science, languages etc.
Therefore, Cardano Catalyst Ecosystem has a lot of educational videos, audio and digital documents which most of the African population cannot access due to lack of internet impairments, as mentioned here above.
We plan to build 60 Box Lokole Numeriques, loaded with Cardano ecosystem information, educational, seminars, conferences digital materials, which will plan to implement every year to in schools across the African continent.
This is the time for Cardano to put its foot onto the heart of Africa primary and secondary educational system.
Box Lokole Numerique is an Offline Portable Web and Email Network server which runs on a single board computer to provide an Internet experience when offline in remote regions of developing countries around the world where data costs are prohibitive to the low income population. Locally host webmail and web-apps will connect regularly to the central cloud server and send/receive compressed and encrypted data package for relay or routing. Ease of use and minimal training is key to they success of deployment in areas without technical admin skills.
Box Lokole Numerique is the appropriate and right tool to Grow Cardano in Africa. Because it resolves 3 problems: internet connection, power consumption and infrastructure space for more than 60% of the unconnected African population.
Education and information:
Cardano Catalysts community is creating a lot of online education, learning, information and training video materials on Cardano Ecosystem which need Box Lokole Numerique to help spread all these materials to the far end of Africa where people have difficulties to access internet or have slow internet and no electricity.
Addressing internet accessibility infrastructure and education will:
In fact Box Lokole Numerique is already implemented in Kinshasa in the DRC with the fund from fund7 (Lokole Education Centre in DR Congo ( The operation and results are very successful! See pics and links here below.
We are a very strong team, Group of Open Source developers, software engineers, coders and electronic technicians using Python, Microsoft Azure, Flask, GitHub, & RPi with full of knowledge, committed to manage and deliver a project with high levels of accountability.
We were funded in Cardano Fund7 round, we completed and deliver successfully the output of our project within the proposed time line. Check it here Lokole Education Centre in DR Congo (
We also where funded in fund 10: (20+) Facebook
The main goal of this proposal is to provide Cardano Ecosystem with a product that will offer more use cases to the Cardano ecosystem that is high impact and drive more adoption, especially in Africa.
The most efficient way to properly validate the impact of our project is to check the followings:
Nzolantima Swasisa (Nzola) , and I was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Because of my passion for technology, at a young age I started taking electronics communications courses. Since then, I built an entire academic and working career in the field. For 19 years I worked for the Christian organization Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in 6 different countries; DRC, Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Mozambique. Now employed by the Canadian National Defense Department.
While working at MAF, I became aware of the lack of telecommunication infrastructures in rural communities and I begun to refurbish old radio communications to help establish new communication systems.
In the late 90’s, I started implementing a radio email system which consisted of sending emails via radio waves. When cell phones then became popular in Africa, I decided to build an offline mobile email server.
Laura Barluzzi is a self-taught developer and passionate advocate for positive change and justice with a MSc in International Development. Laura has dedicated 10 years of her life supporting local and international NGOs. Before supporting Ascoderu, she is a Software Engineer at AdBlock.
Clemens Wolff is a full-stack software developer who spent much of his life in Togo, Mali and Zambia and is now based in Miami-Fort Lauderdale Arear, USA. He honed his software chops working on large-scale projects at Amazon, Microsoft, at Noom Inc. and on open-source projects such as the sharing platform yunity. Clemens now drives the development of all technical aspects of Ascoderu's projects.
Shaun Bathgate is a Senior Software Engineer at Atreides Caseri Inc.
Full-stack software engineer with experience in product development and automation technologies.
Each Lokole box costs $ 601.29 x 60 units = $ 36077.4 = ADA 90193.50
1- Raspberrypi 4, 8GB ----------- $ 200
2 - Li - Polymer Battery Hat ------ 30
3 - Raspberypi power supply ----- 20
4 - Raspberrypi Case ------------- 30
5 - Raspberrypi SD card 512 GB -- 60
6 - Logo Sticker ------------------ 3
Materials --------------------- $ 343
Production/Manufacturing costs $ 57.86
Total Product + Manufacturing cost $400.86
50% Markup $200.43
Single Lokole Digital Box Sales Price $601.29
The representation value for money of our project for the Cardano ecosystem will be positive and explosive like bush fire.
Cardano will be the first to put its foot into an exotic territory, the heart for Africa.
Just think about this; not being connected to internet in today's world means, missing out life's important learning experience. Can you imagine more than 40% of the African populations is not connected to the internet. Yet, Cardano's main communications and activities are digital. This makes Cardano ecosystem adoption very difficult?
This is the reason of our project, Box Lokole Numerique to bridge digital divide. Box Lokole Numerique is capable and ready made to bring Cardano digital ecosystem to all Africans, even those without internet or electricity at a very affordable and sustainable way.
Can you imagine the amount of value the Box Lokole Numerique will bring to Cardano ecosystem???
I hope to you have the answer...Thanks you!