[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Not Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Deren Tanaphan - derentanaphan@mail.ugm.ac.id
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Create educational material via videos and handbooks
- Initiate Yogyakarta Crypto Forum as a way to facilitate students to learn about blockchain and Cardano
- Educate students via seminars
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
MIT License
- SDG goals:
- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
- SDG subgoals:
- By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
- By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
- Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
- Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, smal
- By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
- Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
- Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
- Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
- Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Indonesia is ranked 114 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 93 a rise of 21.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.705 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.672, a difference of 4.68.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.95 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.16 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 6.77 tonnes (indexed value 0.94).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data:
https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_PHDI_Table.xlsx (table 7)
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Perceived Problem :
Studying the findings of Eastern Catalyst School Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam operations, the Indonesian team have identified 5 (five) elements that hinders participation of the largest market and human resource (student and general population alike) base for Cardano in the Eastern Hemisphere, which is Indonesia.
With a government that is increasingly blockchain and crypto friendly, a stable political and economical environment, a strong middle class of 52 million citizens and a crypto trading market value of USD $19.7 billion to USD $55.9 billion. Opening Indonesia to adopt and build on Cardano will be beneficial for us -the Cardano community- in various fronts.
Various fronts here being ; potential of government adoption, potential of mass adoption and potential of outside capital influx into our ecosystem.
Hence these 4 (four) elements must be addressed;
- accessible, free and easy-to-learn materials on everything Cardano in Indonesian
- the persistent perceived difficulty of building on Cardano must be corrected
- to target specifically students as per the findings of Eastern Catalyst School Viet Nam
- the need to partner with official reputable education entities in Indonesia
Reasons of Our Approach :
Our approach is founded on the conviction that investing in the education, development, and empowerment of students will not only yield immediate benefits but will also contribute significantly to the long-term sustainability and growth of our nation. By nurturing a generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible citizens, we lay the groundwork for a brighter and more resilient future.
Furthermore, we recognize the inherent capacity of students to adapt, learn, and innovate. Through targeted initiatives and strategic partnerships, our proposal seeks to unlock the full potential of every student, providing them with the necessary tools, skills, and opportunities to become effective leaders, entrepreneurs, and contributors to society.
In essence, our proposal is a testament to our commitment to fostering an environment that nurtures the talents and abilities of our youth. By placing our trust in students and acknowledging their potential as the future pillars of our nation, we are sowing the seeds for a prosperous and harmonious tomorrow.
Demonstrating Our Impact :
To achieve our belief mentioned above, we have identified education in blockchain technology, particularly focusing on Cardano and its real-world applications, as a pivotal strategy. Recognizing the transformative potential of blockchain, we aim to provide students in Yogyakarta with a comprehensive understanding of how this innovative technology can address some of the challenges faced by our country.
By introducing students to Cardano, a blockchain platform known for its sustainability, scalability, and transparency, we aim to not only impart technical knowledge but also instill a sense of purpose and empowerment. Through targeted educational programs, workshops, and hands-on experiences, students will gain insights into how blockchain can be a powerful tool for solving real-world issues, fostering economic growth, and promoting social inclusion.
This educational initiative is not merely about theoretical learning; it is a call to action. Our end goal is to inspire a new generation of blockchain enthusiasts and developers in Yogyakarta. We envision a future where students, armed with the knowledge of Cardano's capabilities, become advocates and agents of change within their communities. They will not only understand the potential of blockchain but will also actively contribute to its adoption and integration into various sectors.
This is our end goal; students in Yogyakarta are going to understand that blockchain, specifically Cardano, can solve some of the problems experienced by this country and can help spread this knowledge to those closest to them. Motivation in these students is also expected, as this education could possibly be the spark that sets them on their path to becoming Cardano developers or enthusiasts. As they share their knowledge and passion, a ripple effect is created, amplifying the impact of blockchain education and fostering a community that actively engages with this transformative technology.
In conclusion, our approach is rooted in the belief that education in blockchain technology, with a focus on Cardano, can empower students to become catalysts for positive change in our nation. By nurturing their understanding, motivation, and enthusiasm, we aim to create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom, shaping a future where blockchain plays a central role in addressing societal challenges and fostering sustainable development.
Our solutions will consists of :
- Educate mentors from Universitas Gadjah Mada and local Cardano community via workshops in a month. This is mandatory so that they can answer any kinds of questions - either basic or advanced - about blockchain, cryptocurrency, and Cardano from students. Topics to be covered are:
- What is Blockchain in General and How Do They Work? - Week 1
- What Makes Cardano Unique - Week 2
- Use Cases of Cardano - Week 3
- Governance in Cardano - Week 4
- Hold seminars aimed at high school students in each high school (8 best schools in terms of educational quality, 5 state schools and 3 private schools) in Yogyakarta.
- The seminars held will discuss these things:
- Problems faced by the country (inflation, corruption, etc.)
- What is needed to deal with this?
- Blockchain as a solution
- What is blockchain?
- What is Cardano?
- What makes Cardano unique
- Facilitate discussions between students and people who have been involved in the Cardano ecosystem.
- Integrate CFI as a part of Yogyakarta Students’ Cardano Learning Experience in the form of an extracurricular activity
- Integrate the end-to-end education pipeline as a part of Yogyakarta Students’ Cardano Learning Experience in the form of a extracurricular in cross-collaboration with UGM student body entities such as:
- Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin UGM (Mechanical Engineering Student Body)
- Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi UGM (Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Student Body)
- Night Login DTETI FT UGM (Information Engineering Student Body) which will act as mentors for the students.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
The proposed project aims to generate a significant positive impact on the wider Cardano community by fostering education and awareness among high school students. The impact can be delineated in the following key aspects:
Education and Awareness: The project will contribute to a heightened understanding of blockchain technology, its diverse use cases, and the advantages it offers over existing systems. By targeting high school students, we are investing in the future generation's knowledge base, creating a more informed and tech-savvy community.
Cardano Advocacy: Through tailored educational modules, the project will specifically highlight the attributes and principles that make Cardano a groundbreaking blockchain platform. By demystifying the intricacies of Cardano, students will gain insights into its unique features, scalability, and sustainability, fostering a new wave of Cardano enthusiasts and advocates.
Community Engagement: The project will encourage active participation and engagement within the Cardano community. As students acquire knowledge about blockchain and Cardano, they will be better equipped to join discussions, contribute ideas, and potentially become innovators within the Cardano ecosystem. This engagement will not only benefit the local community but also contribute to the broader global network of Cardano enthusiasts.
Long-Term Impact: Investing in the education of high school students establishes a foundation for long-term impact. As these students progress into higher education and eventually enter the workforce, they carry with them a deep understanding of blockchain technology and Cardano. This will influence their decision-making processes, potentially leading to the adoption and integration of Cardano in various industries, thereby expanding its reach and relevance.
Knowledge Diffusion: Beyond the targeted high schools, the knowledge disseminated through this project is likely to extend beyond the immediate participants. Students often share their learnings with peers, teachers, and family members, creating a ripple effect that amplifies the project's impact on the wider community.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Existing Capabilities :
Our members for this project mainly consist of people from Universitas Gadjah Mada, with the details as written below:
- Doctor's/Ph.D's whom are active lecturers of Universitas Gadjah Mada with a long successful history of producing highly qualified and industry-ready students. Through their advisory role, our roll out of Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia and subsequently the end-to-end education pipeline will benefit from their knowledge ; from harsh critiques (if any) to best education practices therefore ensuring quality delivery of materials
- The students chosen to be involved in this project must have 3 (three) traits ;
- experience in/currently leading a student body
- experience in onboarding freshmen/student body members
- consistent commitment to a cause/project (good self time management)
- have decent knowledge of blockchain technology and Cardano
- The Project Manager for this project is experienced in handling college-level projects and various university student events..
- Further verification of involved team members can be viewed through their profile links provided in the "Project Team and Role" section
Funds Management Processes :
- Create separate wallets for each project
- Convert the received ADA into stablecoin (DJED) with intent to mitigate price fluctuation
- To assist Proof-Of-Achievement auditors will create a Trello account that mirrors the proposal's proposed budget usage and KPI's
- To assist internal Project Management in submitting detailed reporting will create Google Sheets to monitor and update the use of funds based on the proposed budget usage
- Project manager also acts an accountant and distributes the fund accordingly as per KPI's achieved and will not distribute funds for KPI's not achieved for each month as per the proposed budget usage
- Correlating funds that are interconnected with pending KPI's will be set aside and not absorbed by the ongoing operations
- Update/submit monthly report to IOG every month for our project progress
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Preparation (2 weeks) - February 2025 (subject to school schedule)
Material delivery :
- Prepare materials for the seminar in February and March 2024
- Give 1 (one) seminar in February 2024, to a school in Yogyakarta (tentative). The topics for this seminar are included above.
Community communication :
- Provide mentor contacts for the students to support and answer questions from the curious students personally.
- Instagram updates on Night Login’s social media, potentially reaching 600+ followers with background in information technology
- Video edit and upload about the workshop sessions
University coordination :
- Coordination between department head with UGM HQ communications and legal team ; to increase awareness of Cardano's program and obtain legal/authorization of UGM Cardano's student body formation
- Coordination between department heads to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
- Coordination between department head and correlating larger network of devs, alumni and public community groups that share the same interest to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
Project management :
- Document projects progress and manage KPI's delivery as proposed in proposal
- Document and manage all funds distribution as proposed in proposal
- Coordinate all involved parties to be continuously aligned as proposed in proposal
- Populate all output communications such as ;
- written : GitHub report for detailed Project Management, Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking, Google Docs for students activity, Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
- video : recorded Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia workshop sessions on YouTube
- Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
March 2025 (subject to school schedule)
Material delivery :
- Prepare materials for the seminar in March and April 2024
- Give 1 (one) seminar in March 2025, to a school in Yogyakarta (tentative). The topics for this seminar are included above.
Community communication :
- Provide mentor contacts for the students to support and answer questions from the curious students personally.
- Instagram updates on Night Login’s social media, potentially reaching 600+ followers with background in information technology
- Video edit and upload about the workshop sessions
University coordination :
- Coordination between department head with UGM HQ communications and legal team ; to increase awareness of Cardano's program and obtain legal/authorization of UGM Cardano's student body formation
- Coordination between department heads to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
- Coordination between department head and correlating larger network of devs, alumni and public community groups that share the same interest to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
Project management :
- Document projects progress and manage KPI's delivery as proposed in proposal
- Document and manage all funds distribution as proposed in proposal
- Coordinate all involved parties to be continuously aligned as proposed in proposal
- Populate all output communications such as ;
- written : GitHub report for detailed Project Management, Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking, Google Docs for students activity, Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
- video : recorded Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia workshop sessions on YouTube
- Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
April 2025 (subject to school schedule)
Material delivery :
- Prepare materials for the seminar in April and May 2024
- Give 1 (one) seminar in April 2024, to a school in Yogyakarta (tentative). The topics for this seminar are included above.
Community communication :
- Provide mentor contacts for the students to support and answer questions from the curious students personally.
- Instagram updates on Night Login’s social media, potentially reaching 600+ followers with background in information technology
- Video edit and upload about the workshop sessions
University coordination :
- Coordination between department head with UGM HQ communications and legal team ; to increase awareness of Cardano's program and obtain legal/authorization of UGM Cardano's student body formation
- Coordination between department heads to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
- Coordination between department head and correlating larger network of devs, alumni and public community groups that share the same interest to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
Project management :
- Document projects progress and manage KPI's delivery as proposed in proposal
- Document and manage all funds distribution as proposed in proposal
- Coordinate all involved parties to be continuously aligned as proposed in proposal
- Populate all output communications such as ;
- written : GitHub report for detailed Project Management, Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking, Google Docs for students activity, Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
- video : recorded Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia workshop sessions on YouTube
- Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
May 2024 (subject to school schedule)
Material delivery :
- Prepare materials for the seminar in May and June 2025
- Give 1 (one) seminar in May 2025, to a school in Yogyakarta (tentative). The topics for this seminar are included above.
Community communication :
- Provide mentor contacts for the students to support and answer questions from the curious students personally.
- Instagram updates on Night Login’s social media, potentially reaching 600+ followers with background in information technology
- Video edit and upload about the workshop sessions
University coordination :
- Coordination between department head with UGM HQ communications and legal team ; to increase awareness of Cardano's program and obtain legal/authorization of UGM Cardano's student body formation
- Coordination between department heads to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
- Coordination between department head and correlating larger network of devs, alumni and public community groups that share the same interest to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
Project management :
- Document projects progress and manage KPI's delivery as proposed in proposal
- Document and manage all funds distribution as proposed in proposal
- Coordinate all involved parties to be continuously aligned as proposed in proposal
- Populate all output communications such as ;
- written : GitHub report for detailed Project Management, Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking, Google Docs for students activity, Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
- video : recorded Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia workshop sessions on YouTube
- Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
June 2025 (subject to school schedule)
Material delivery :
- Prepare materials for the seminar in June 2025
- Give 1 (one) seminar in June 2025, to a school in Yogyakarta (tentative). The topics for this seminar are included above.
Community communication :
- Provide mentor contacts for the students to support and answer questions from the curious students personally.
- Instagram updates on Night Login’s social media, potentially reaching 600+ followers with background in information technology
- Video edit and upload about the workshop sessions
University coordination :
- Coordination between department head with UGM HQ communications and legal team ; to increase awareness of Cardano's program and obtain legal/authorization of UGM Cardano's student body formation
- Coordination between department heads to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
- Coordination between department head and correlating larger network of devs, alumni and public community groups that share the same interest to increase awareness of and participation into Cardano's program
Project management :
- Document projects progress and manage KPI's delivery as proposed in proposal
- Document and manage all funds distribution as proposed in proposal
- Coordinate all involved parties to be continuously aligned as proposed in proposal
- Populate all output communications such as ;
- written : GitHub report for detailed Project Management, Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking, Google Docs for students activity, Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
- video : recorded Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia workshop sessions on YouTube
- Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
Closing reports (2 weeks) - July 2025
- Submit Close-out report on our projects results and findings
- Submit Close-out video on our projects results and findings
- Inform IOG Catalyst Team of our completion
- Present to the Challenge Team on our projects results and findings
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Ir. Noor Akhmad Setiawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM - Technical Manager of High Voltage Engineering Facility of Gadjah Mada University as Legal/PIC for UGM
Noor Akhmad Setiawan Profile further details as following :
- Doctor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, 01/2006 - 07/2009
- Thesis : Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Using Artificial Intelligence Based Decision Support System
- Master, Electrical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 08/2000 - 11/2003
- Thesis : Artificial Neural Network Application for Power Transformer Incipient Faults Diagnosis
(14) Noor Akhmad Setiawan | LinkedIn
Dr. Guntur Dharma Putra, S.T., M.Sc. - Assistant Professor at Universitas Gadjah Mada as Legal/PIC for UGM
Guntur Dharma Putra Profile further details as following:
- Doctor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 02/2019 - 12/2022
- Thesis : Blockchain-based Trust and Reputation Management for Securing IoT
- Master, Computing Science, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, 02/2015 - 03/2017
- Thesis : Social Density Estimation based on Consumer Smartphones
(14) Guntur Putra | LinkedIn
Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy - President of Night Login DTETI FT UGM/Head Programmer at Gadjah Mada Robotic Team/Information Engineering Undergraduate as Project Lead
Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy LinkedIn Profile
(14) Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy | LinkedIn
Deren Tanaphan - Front-End Dev at KMTETI/Capture the Flag Technical Coordinator/Information Engineering Undergraduate as Project Co-Lead
(14) Deren Tanaphan | LinkedIn
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Mentors/Trainers/Field Persons - 18000 ADA
Web Developer Team - 12000 ADA
Infrastructure Operations - 3000 ADA
DApps Developer Team - 8000 ADA
Marketing team - 9000 ADA
Advertizing via Social Media and Physical Ads- 1000 ADA
Prize for participants (span of 6 months) - 6000 ADA
Administration Team - 4000 ADA
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Value for Money Justification :
- Overall cost of our project is calculated based on the following factors : (as per 2022)
- Minimum regional compensation for Jakarta/Jogjakarta as per Indonesian regulations (Jakarta is the second highest minimum regional pay in Indonesia)
- Freelancers/remote workers in Indonesia
- Student based extracurricular compensation (e.g. Lecturer Assistant) in Jogjakarta
- University administration for new student body entity expenditure in Jogjakarta (typically subsidized by university based on previous yearly operations)
- University student body entity operation allocation/expenditure in Jogjakarta (typically subsidized by university based on previous yearly operations)
- University lecturer fee at Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
- University fee until graduation at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of UGM
- The numerical value of the above points are as following : (USD $1 = IDR 15.200)
- Minimum regional compensation (applicable to physical labor/low level employee) in Jakarta : approx. IDR 4.900.000 = USD $322.36 per month
- Minimum regional compensation (applicable to physical labor/low level employee) in Jogjakarta : approx. IDR 1.900.000 = USD $125 per month
- Starting pay for UGM graduates (as an average - highly dependent of industry entered) in Jakarta : approx. IDR 10.000.000 = USD $657.89 per month
- Starting pay for UGM graduates (as an average - highly dependent of industry entered) in Jogjakarta : approx. IDR 5.000.000 = USD $328.94 per month
- Freelancers/remote workers in Indonesia (as an average range - dependent of industry entered, skill competency, domicile) : approx. IDR 2.500.000 - IDR 8.500.000 = USD $164.47 - $559.21 per month
- Student based extracurricular compensation (as an average) in Jogjakarta : approx. IDR 1.500.000 - IDR 2.000.000 = USD $98.6 - $131.57 per month
- University administration for 1 (one) new student body entity expenditure in Jogjakarta (typically subsidized by university) : approx. IDR 200.000 - IDR 500.000 = USD $13.1 - $32.89 per entity
- University student body entity operation allocation/expenditure for 1 (one) entity in Jogjakarta (as an average - highly dependent area of study) : approx. IDR 18.000.000 - IDR 30.000.000 = USD $1.184.21 - $1.973,68 per semester/4 (four) months
- University lecturer fee at UGM (as an average at a Doctor/Ph.D level) : approx. IDR 15.000.000 = USD $986.84 per month
- University fee until graduation at Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of UGM (higher end) for 4 (four) years : approx. IDR 112.000.000 = USD $7.368,42 for 4 (four) years
- In comparison to their American/European counterparts, in general which are :
- Lowest minimum wage for US citizens is USD $7.25 per hour under the same assumption same work hours of their Indonesian counterparts = USD $1.334 per month = IDR 20.276.800 per month or 4X that of Jakarta's and 10.6X of Jogjakarta's (this is not considering Jakarta is the second highest minimum wage in Indonesia)
- Lowest minimum wage for EU citizens is €399 under the same assumption same work hours of their Indonesian counterparts = USD $437,66 per month = IDR 6.652.432 per month or 1.35X that of Jakarta's and 3.5X of Jogjakarta's (this is not considering Jakarta is the second highest minimum wage in Indonesia)
- Average Student Allocation Fund of American Universities equivalent to the level of UGM (in terms of facilities quality and not graduates outlook and regional influence) range from USD $1.000 to USD $4.000 per event (dependent on universities e.g. this and that)
- Average Student Allocation Fund of European Universities equivalent to the level of UGM (in terms of facilities quality and not graduates outlook and regional influence) range from USD $300 to USD $2.600 per event (dependent on universities e.g. this and that)
- In comparison to the funds requested with direct deliverables and potential outcomes :
- With 61000 ADA or USD $12512.0415 (ADA rate $0.439019) the Cardano community will be receiving at the very least for/after 5 (five) months :
- 5 Mentor/Trainer/Field Person
- 3 Webdev
- 2 DApps Developer
- 3 Marketing Team
- 3 Adiminstration Team
- 2 (two) Doctor's/Ph.D's. as advisors and network multiplier
- 1 (one) tried and tested Catalyst School ver. 2.0 syllabus
- 1 (one) top university partner
- Potential of an endless stream of proposal submissions by students/student led start-ups
- Potential of Cardano becoming UGM's trusted blockchain partner and blockchain of choice where UGM is regularly given blockchain based government programs through Cardano Foundation, which is priceless
- Under the aforementioned Indonesian finances the human resource alone for 5 (five) months would be approx. be $13.815,78
- Comparing point (a) and point (b) and from a human resource perspective only, we believe our project provides value for money for our quotation is below fair/full price as per aforementioned Indonesian financial standards let alone comparing that to our western counterparts financial standards