Last updated 9 months ago
Many young people in Ghana are unaware that Cardano offers opportunities to learn new things, earn income from decent work and be part of a thriving community of perceptive and innovative people.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano for Leos.
We will create awareness of Cardano and Project Catalyst through the organisation of events, to engage about 200 members of Leo clubs in Accra, with a focus on expansion of Cardano in Accra and Ghana.
No dependencies
Project outputs will be shared through monthly reports to the community which will be made public on YouTube. After each event, a report will be prepared to provide information on the number of participants, those registered on Ideascale, number of wallets opened etc. Videos will be embedded in the reports to give a visual impression of the programs.
Catalyst will also publish these reports in all their media for the community and the public
Our proposal aims at creating awareness of Cardano among members of Leo clubs and thereby recruiting more members into the Cardano community to participate in various ways, and expand the reach and influence of Cardano in communities in Ghana.
The Leo Clubs constitute the youth wing of the Lions Club International, a humanitarian organisation originally established in the United States, but which has now become a global organisation, with representation in 200 countries and geographical areas. Currently, there are twenty one (21) Leo clubs in Ghana with an estimated minimum membership of 30 young people per club, making a total of 630 members.
In Accra, the capital city of Ghana, which is the focus of this proposal, there are fifteen (15) Leo clubs with an estimated membership of 30 young people per club, making a total of 450 members. This pool of members constitute our target audience for the proposed events.
Members of the Leo clubs are generally between the ages of 18 to 30, most of them being students at the tertiary level. The idea is to educate them on blockchain and opportunities in Catalyst that will shape their learning journey and enable them gain practical knowledge and real world experience in the area of blockchain in order to shape their future career and academic pursuits.
The focus on the youth, mostly students, is because many young people are interested in technology however because of low exposure in Africa and Ghana specifically to opportunities to learn about new technology, most of them end up in careers that are not necessarily what they love or enjoy to do. Some may have great tech minds but are not exposed to such education. This project seeks to provide them with basic information to whet their appetite to acquire more information on Web3, blockchain and Cardano blockchain in particular. The project also seeks to give them the relevant exposure to the Cardano community to influence their career paths or provide them with enough information to actively participate in the growth of Cardano without necessarily taking on a career in blockchain.
The medium for the roll out of the project will be events. Thus we intend to organize three main educational/social events, where participants will be introduced to the Cardano Blockchain; Project Catalyst and opportunities that are available in the ecosystem. The events will include a mix of education and entertainment to appeal to the interests of the young people who are the target audience. Also we propose to provide each participant with Cardano branded T. Shirts as a way of increasing their level of motivation and spreading the Cardano name on the various campuses where they are students. It is expected that as they wear these T. Shirts people will be curious about the name Cardano and will seek for more information.
Topics that will be discussed during the events include the Cardano Blockchain, Project Catalyst and Wallet (Yoroi) opening for all interested participants. As part of the project, participants will register on Ideascale and begin to explore ways in which they can participate as active members of the Cardano Community. We will encourage participants to become Proposers, Community Reviewers and take up other roles in Catalyst as well.
The project is targeting to impact an estimated 200 Leos through three "edutainment" events in three different venues in Accra within the 3 month period of the project.
The following are the expected impact of the project:
With respect to our capability to deliver the project with high levels of trust and accountability:
The key members of the project team are very active members of the Cardano community and the Wada community as well and have excellent skills in their various areas of expertise which will be leveraged to ensure the success of the project.
Faakor has been part of the Cardano community since Fund 8 during which she was a Community Assessor (CA). She was also a challenge team member for the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano challenge in Fund 8 and a CA in Fund 9 as well. As a funded proposer, she has also successfully completed her project in Fund 11, and is an experienced workshop facilitator, having provided training and capacity development interventions in her capacity as a Human Resource Management Practitioner to staff of various institutions.
Richard Okai is a member of the Cardano community and a young graduate from the Accra Technical University with a Bachelor of Technology in Automobile Engineering. He is a public speaker, and excellent marketer and a humanitarian activist with the Lions Clubs International.
This team of implementers have the relevant experience, skills and goodwill within the Cardano community and will endeavour to do an excellent job if funded.
With respect to validating the feasibility of our approach, the focus of the proposal is to ensure high levels of participation of Leos in all the events. To this end, members of the Leo clubs have been informed and have shown interest in the proposed events. Additionally, the co-proposer is a leader of one of the Leo Clubs in Accra, whose role includes mobilisation of the Leos to get them fully involved in the events.
In addition, the following elements will be verified as the project is rolled out, to determine if the approach is yielding the expected results or will need modification:
It is expected that the project will yield the following benefits, among others:
Faakor Fiadzigbey: Team Lead & Resource Person
Faakor has been part of the Cardano community since Fund 8 during which she was a Community Assessor (CA). She was also a challenge team member for the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano challenge in Fund 8 and a CA in Fund 9 as well. She was a funded proposer under fund 11 and has successfully completed the project. She is a Human Resources Management Practitioner by profession and speaks both English and French.
Telegram: @Faxlove32
Stella Seyram Myers - Resource person
Stella is a member of the Cardano community and a training and business planning Consultant. She has qualifications in business administration and 15 years of experinece in educating and strengthening businesses through the design of interventions.
Richard Okai - Event organisation and logistics support
Richard is a member of the Cardano community and a young graduate from the Accra Technical University with a Bachelor of Technology in Automobile Engineering. He is a public speaker, and excellent marketer and a humanitarian activist with the Lions Clubs International.
Total: 29,650 ADA
The budget for each of the 3 Milestones is as follows:
Total budget for Milestone 1 - 9,000 ADA.
Total budget for Milestone 2 - 9,000 ADA
Total budget for Milestone 3 - 11,650 ADA
The budget for the project focuses on the essentials and is therefore on the low side, with a focus on reaching as many people as possible, at the lowest possible cost. We have ensured that events will be held at venues which are reasonably priced. Also marketing activities are pegged at a low amount because there may not be much need for publicity since the Leos are an already organised group and will only need to be updated during one of their meetings, about the programme in order to participate.
The project provides value for money for Cardano in terms of the anticipated number of participants to be impacted by the project and their expected contributions to the ecosystem. In addition, it ensures that Cardano's impact and influence is felt in many communities in Accra and Ghana as a whole.