[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Gilvania Vilela
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)

We will offer a free online course on Blockchain and Cardano in Portuguese to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) undergrad and graduate students, and a tutorial on Catalyst.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
The project will provide free access to all educational content for STEM students.
Month 1 Milestone: Courses preparations
- Publicize the courses and tutorials for STEM students in engineering and science at engineering schools and natural science institutions.
- Communication with the community: engage students, professionals, and enthusiasts using Slack, Discord, E-mails and Instagram posts.
- Selection of students.
- Preparation of the presentations with class notes on Blockchain, Cardano, and Catalyst.
- Registration of students in our online education platform.
Months 2 and 3 Milestone: Material, Lessons & Challenges
- The course starts / Welcome Class!
- Classes will be given every week covering the proposed syllabus.
- Interaction with students and assistance with questions during class.
- Monitoring of discussion groups on the topic of study.
- Blockchain and Cardano course closing.
- Catalyst Tutorial starts.
- Engagement of students in the Catalyst community during the tutorial on Catalyst.
- Assistance to students who want to propose a project on Catalyst.
- Preparation of a report on this project with an analysis of the results and future perspectives.
- Issue certificates for the students.
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Blockchain technology holds the key to revolutionizing fields like cryptocurrency, supply chain management, healthcare, and governance. Even so, there is a lack of courses and content in our Brazilian higher education institutions related to this important topic. Besides that, there's a significant hurdle for Brazilian students in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM): the lack of English fluency, which limits access to crucial information on Cardano and blockchain.
Recognizing this barrier, our proposal aims to provide free, Portuguese-language lectures on Blockchain and Cardano technologies from a scientific perspective. The classes will be virtual with a total of 10 hours of immersive learning. In addition to lectures, we'll provide tutorials on submitting proposals for Catalyst funds and launching startups using Blockchain and Cardano technologies. Our goal is to empower Brazilian STEM undergraduates and graduates with the knowledge they need to thrive in these innovative fields.
Follow the course and tutorial syllabus:
Course: Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Cardano
- Introduction to blockchain technology
- Security concepts in blockchain
- Cryptology of blockchain
- Differences between the crypto networks
- Consensus on blockchain
- Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum
- Third generation blockchain
- Blockchain to improve the business
- Proof-of-work versus proof-of-stake
- Introduction to Cardano
- Decentralized application and smart contracts
- Staking and rewards
- Quick intro to Haskell and Plutus
- Example of smart contract on Plutus
- What is the Catalyst ecosystem?
- How to get funds for Blockchain and Cardano Startups?
- Tutorial on how to submit a proposal in Catalyst
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
Introducing blockchain and Cardano technologies to Brazilian STEM students will catalyze research and applications in our institutions, companies, startups, and communities. We believe academia plays a crucial role in attracting new, highly qualified members to the Cardano ecosystem. Additionally, we expect these students to become advocates for these tools within their Brazilian communities. Providing knowledge about blockchain and the Cardano protocol will revolutionize how STEM students approach daily challenges. This project will also help disseminate Cardano in Latin America.
Furthermore, we will teach students how to submit proposals in Catalyst and how to create startups supported by Cardano. This will foster a new generation of Brazilian STEM undergraduates and graduates in the Catalyst ecosystem.
This project is a continuation of a funded project that began in Fund7 (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/381790), and continued in Fund9 (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/64463) and Fund10 (https://projectcatalyst.io/funds/10/f10-startups-and-onboarding-for-students/cardano-for-stem-brazilian-students-7e1ae). The project will be executed every semester, as we aim to establish a Blockchain and Cardano hub in our Brazilian community.
In this round (Fund12), our focus will be on engaging students in creating startups supported by Catalyst. To achieve this, we will provide a tutorial on how Catalyst works and how to submit an idea. Additionally, we will offer guidance to students throughout their submission process in Catalyst.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
We have a strong ability to deliver on our proposal. The three team members are physicists: two graduate students and an Associate Physics Professor, all experienced in teaching and presenting seminars at major international scientific meetings and conferences. The course and tutorial content will be available online and accessible for free. We will promote the free course and Catalyst tutorial to Brazilian STEM students in Portuguese, their native language.
Additionally, we will provide reports on our work, including the list of registered students, pictures and videos of our meetings, and an analysis of our results and challenges during the project's execution.
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1 Outputs:
- Preparation and review of the presentations on Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Cardano and Catalyst.
- Disclosure of the free course for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Brazilian students in our local University and neighboring ones.
- Update our website blockstem.io with information of the new course.
- Communication with the community: engaging students, professionals, and enthusiasts via posts on Instagram, Discord, and Slack platforms for course registration.
- Registration of the selected students in our online education platform.
Acceptance criteria for Milestone 1:
- Content Quality: the class notes and presentations prepared should be comprehensive and well-structured.
- The content is accurate, up-to-date, relevant, and aligned to introduce Blockchain, Cardano, and Catalyst to STEM Brazilian students.
- Audience engagement with STEM students from local and neighboring universities registered for the course.
- Website updates (blockstem.io) is complete and easily accessible.
- Clear registration instructions and contact details are provide
- Easy and user-friendly online registration process for students.
- All registered students provide the necessary information for course communication.
Milestone 2 Outputs:
- Week 1 Class 1 content (2 hours): Opening class with a coffee break; Introduction to blockchain technology, security concepts and cryptology of blockchain; Differences between the crypto networks; Consensus on Blockchain.
- Week 2 - Class 2 content (2 hours): Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum and the third generation blockchain. Proof-of-work versus proof-of-stake; Blockchain to improve the business;
- Week 3 - Class 3 content (2 hours): Introduction to Cardano; Decentralized applications and smart contracts; Staking and rewards.
- Week 4 - Class 4 content (2 hours): Quick introduction to Haskell and Plutus; Example of smart contract on Plutus.
Acceptance criteria for Milestone 2:
- Completion of the welcome class invitation and announcement, shared with students, and confirmation of their attendance and participation.
- Successfully start the course with screenshots and evidence of the in-person coffee break and welcome class, including the coffee break.
- Publication of a schedule with weekly classes, accessible to all registered student.
- Documentation of the classes with online transmission (video records), including screenshots, as well as class notes/presentations for each session.
- At least 50% of the registered students attend the classes. (We will work to keep this rate as high as possible).
Milestone 3 Outputs:
- Week 5 - Class 5 content (2 hours): What is the Catalyst ecosystem? How to get funds for Blockchain and Cardano Startups? Tutorial on how to submit a proposal in Catalyst.
- Documentation of the class sessions with screenshots.
- Documentation of class notes and presentations.
- Encouragement of students' participation in the Catalyst community.
- Discussion Group Monitoring: Participation and monitoring of discussion groups related to the course topics.
- Encouragement of student participation in the Catalyst community.
- Support and guidance for students interested in proposing projects within Catalyst open at the time of execution of this project. (We will be available to advise any student or group of students interested in submitting proposals at Catalyst funds. The communication channel will be via email or during the supporting meetings.)
- Ensure that the students know how to find the correct information about the next future Funds in Catalyst.
- Completion of a comprehensive report on the proposed project, including analysis and future perspectives.
- Preparation of close-out report and video to IOG.
- Distribution of course completion certificates to students.
Acceptance criteria for Milestone 3:
- Completion class #5 with a 2-hour duration.
- Continuous interaction with students, addressing their queries and providing support during the support meetings.
- Active involvement in and oversight of discussion forums related to the course content.
- Providing students with assistance and direction on how to propose ideas on Catalyst in current and future funds during the supporting meetings.
- Thoroughly documenting the proposed project, encompassing analysis and future perspectives.
- Submission of close-out report and video to IOG.
- Issuance of certificates to students who have completed the course.
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Mateus Granha mgranha (Graduate Physics Student). Role: Assistant lecturer.
He has experience in programming languages and statistical and Computational Physics, focused on Complex Network and Econophysics.
Igor Gibernoot gibernoot (Graduate Physics Student). Role: Assistant lecturer.
He has experience in programming languages and statistical and Computational Physics, focused on Complex Network and Sociophysics.
Leide Silva leidelucia (Bachelor in Social Service and bachelor of laws in Brazil). Role: Engagement of the Brazilian community
Her experience in serving the Brazilian community will be invaluable in helping us disseminate Cardano among STEM students in vulnerable situations and minorities. Additionally, her knowledge of Brazilian laws will assist these students in creating startups and entrepreneurship in the Blockchain and Crypto markets.
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
The funds will be used along three months as described below:
Books expenses and Materials preparation (3900 ADA)
Marketing (1500 ADA)
Websites (3300 ADA)
Services (750 ADA)
Coffee break for the students (900 ADA)
Personnel payment (48350 ADA)
All the classes and tutorials will be free for the students.
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The fund will cover costs for website maintenance, digital media content creation, preparation of presentations and tutorials in Portuguese, coffee breaks, Lecturers, and coordination.