[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Nicolas Magor
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Co Proposer:
Felix Christanto- Cardano Hub Surabaya, Lead Surabaya Cardano Community Indonesia
Additional applicants:
Reza - Community Manager and Strategic Partnership for Cardano Hub Bali
Irvan Tisnabudi - Operation Manager for Cardano Orbler, Cardano Community Manager for Cardano Workshop Jakarta Part II: Cardano Hub Jakarta Establishment
Septi- Community Manager for Cardano Hub Bali, Students educator helper for sequences of activity with Project catalyst, Mini Ambassadors Indonesia participant.
Conjoin Operations:
Cardano Workshop Jakarta event:
Cardano Hub Surabaya on SBM ITB University:
Cardano Hub Surabaya offline event:
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Promote Cardano Hubs Indonesia in Bali
- Branding the Cardano Hub Bali
- Onboarding Mini Ambassador Program
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Project will be fully open source.
- SDG goals:
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
- Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
- SDG subgoals:
- By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Proportion of population living in households with access to basic services
- Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, (a) with legally recognized documentation, and (b) who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and type of tenure
The following Universal Human Rights Index(es) are applied:
- Recommendation No. 20, para. 114:20. Intensify its efforts to eradicate poverty, to improve its health infrastructure, including access to health services especially for vulnerable groups like women, children, the elderly, the disabled and ethnic minorities, and in fostering civil society participation
- Recommendation contained in para. No. 92(f).Abolishing or reforming the current hukou residency system to ensure that all citizens are ensured basic access to education, health care and other relevant social welfare systems on an equitable basis and in line with the principles of non-discrimination.
- The Committee welcomes the measures taken by the State party with regard to poverty eradication and social assistance, in particular the National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) and Law No. 6 of 2014 on Villages, which are aimed at reducing disparities among regions. However, the Committee is deeply concerned about:(a)The estimated 13.8 million children living below the national poverty line, and the 8.4 million children living in extreme poverty;(b)The decentralization process, which has led to the formation of many new provinces and districts and thereby given rise to disparities among regions in access to public services such as birth registration, basic education and clean drinking water;(c)The urban–rural, ethnic and gender disparities regarding poverty, with children in Papua being particularly disadvantaged;(d)Social assistance programmes for education not reaching the poorest children who are out of school and therefore unable to access the social protection scheme; (e)Rural and indigenous women being faced with particular poverty, which leads to poorer outcomes for their children.
- Equal treatment of men and women16. The Committee regrets that, despite the legislative changes to ensure equality between men and women and the adoption of the Programme for the Development of Chinese Women (2011–2020), gender disparities persist in practice, especially in relation to employment, wages, housing and access to higher education. The Committee also notes with concern the disadvantaged position of rural women, in particular with regard to access to education, health care, employment and land tenure (arts. 3 and 7).
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Indonesia is ranked 114 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 93 a rise of 21.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.705 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.672, a difference of 4.68.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.95 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.16 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 6.77 tonnes (indexed value 0.94).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data:
https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_PHDI_Table.xlsx (table 7)
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
We proposed some solutions with rationales that can provide enough problem solving to the entire Bali people and expats:
- Onboarding Mini Ambassador Indonesia program by
- Developing voting dashboard
- Roadmap to their contribution
- Series of events online
- Series of events offline
- Group discussion and
- Test of writings skill
- Certification distribution
- Transfer knowledge of Cardano Hubs In Indonesia and develop further translation to designated expats:
- Cardano Academy
- IOG Academy
- Cardano ledger
- Cardano resources
- Cardano Project Catalyst
- Possible language identified
- Hakka
- Russian
- Japan
- Mandarin
- Balinese
- Get the diverse community in Bali through retention activities from previous funded proposal Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta with specific outcomes:
- Design the writings for another category challenge such as:
- Cardano Use Case Concept
- Cardano Use Case Solution
- Cardano Use Case MVP
- Cardano Use Case Product
- Mini Ambassador specialist onboarding by Udayana University; the biggest university in Bali island, with requirements:
- Active Students age 17-24
- Students semester 4-6 or last semester with proof
- Active in organization internally or external participation
- Minimum of 1000 follower in social media;tiktok or instagram
- Love to make content and learn
- Prepare to get reward from Cardano Hub Bali
- This effort is a meaningful work to incentivize the loveable and helpful local Bali people that always welcome to tourists
- Participation to our Hub will have another reward with several key action points:
- Provide shirt with name and achievement
- Provide space to mingle
- Provide welcome swag pack from Bali gifts
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
From community to community, these are the places for everyone. With a focus working group space for volunteer to mini ambassador Indonesia; this place is ours to used for the better Cardano Hub Community

Space 1

Space 2

Space 3
Activities and Outputs
- Deploy teams and participant will get benefit of networking session each time offline and online event occurred
- Unschedule meetup will still be welcome with the team member in charge
- Proceed to another level of participation by involving students to identify several pointed spaces with web 3 communities, and develop relation to their interests.
- Expats and local able to collaborate as the local will be educate to have its writing skills, integrate their values of creation
- Targeting another category challenge for the next fund, and another participation of web 3 communities in Bali, Indonesia
- The Hub will enhance their mood and have more new understanding for students to see a bright side of the blockchain industry.
We will also use the potential news coverage online to post the remarkable students participation or even the expats participation to various online media:
- Cardano Hub Bali Whatsapp Group
- Cardano Hub Bali X
- Cardano Hub Bali web 2 online media publication

- Opinion statement to Web 3 news platforms to support the:
- Mini influencer brand ambassador
- Affiliate brand ambassador
- Informal brand ambassador
- College brand ambassador
- Outputs and publication
- Able to understand and write the vision of each hubs in Indonesia
- Able to represent the brand in any kind of positif form.
- Able to help any content making like writing article, blog, and caption specific.
- Participate in the events
- Building brand awareness through cardano forum recap retention
Intended Outcomes
- Translation that has been developed will be delivered to the people in the form of e-book or PDF format, with acknowledgement of its operations.
- Translation of technical necessity will be deliver after the offline session or online session done
- Local Balinese people can write, ideate, and push the local values, infrastructure and development of Bali internally.
- Local Balinese can get expats friends to have a long run on Project Catalyst altogether.
- Local Balinese expected to impact directly to their economy and push forward NGO ideation. https://balipedia.com/ngos-in-bali/
Initial onboarding current market:
https://medium.com/pentas-io/s21-bali-s21-kl-c10b4b8d6e94 Global perspective
https://www.balinews.co.id/bali-as-a-capital-hub-for-web3-startups/ Local perspective
https://www.nowbali.co.id/quantum-temple-leveraging-emerging-technologies-to-preserve-balinese-culture/ getting awarenes from the local people
https://www.unud.ac.id/ our partnership
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Our Capability:
My name is Nicolas Magor, an enthusiast that will boost the existence of Cardano Hubs In Indonesia, as well as Bali, where I live and work.
Our team consists of various multi ethnic groups to provide sufficient deliverables to achieve the proposed solutions such as Hakka(similar to mandarin language), and english language, indonesian language, and balinese language translator.
Not limited to those resources, our accordance with the Udayana has been a long journey that needs an arena to start the bountiful resources being accommodated and targeting the right ecosystem in Bali, Indonesia.
With the help of Cardano Hub team members, we are encouraged to do this, and commit to having the first cardano hub located in Bali, where the digital nomad and other web 3 enthusiasts live.
Feasibility enhancement:
- Conjoin files and database on Google Drive
- Github to show Voting Dashboard progress
- Cardano Forum to provide content for Mini Ambassadors
- Cardano Hub Bali Whatsapp group to accommodate the relevance Mini Ambassador Indonesia onboard
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1
- Prepare the documentation of translation
- IOG Academy : 10 videos of Marlowe Focus
- Prepare the target market of Project Catalyst
- Prepare the setup for Local Communities to be involved with
- Prepare the follow up with Udayana Universities
- Done selection of translation:
- 10 videos to Indonesian version
- Done 4 event of Project Catalyst
- Target market of South of Kuta lists of channels
- Forum Group Discussion with Udayana representative
Compile PDF to Google Doc
Compile PDF to be processed as content posts
Compile South Kuta lists of channels to invitation Form
FGD report on Cardano Forum
4 event recap to Cardano Hub Indonesia Youtube and Cardano Hub Bali whatsapp group
Milestone 2
- Selecting the potential Ambassadors from Udayana
- Selecting potential local Balinese from South of Kuta region,
- Reach out 10 potential events online and offline
- Start the writings syllabus to become proposer and assessor
- Filtered by their achievement and participation for 4 months consecutive
- Distribute the certified surveys and certification of Cardano Hub Mini Ambassador, recap to Cardano Hub Surabaya
- 10 potential event preparation of announcing the Cardano Hub Bali existence
- 20-50 participants and the most voted will benefit the publication to the national news media online coverage.
Sufficiency criteria
- Acknowledgement of ambassadors by lecturer and local government bodies
- Certifications not limited to local but also expats
- Event will have its focus on building the next proposal for the next fund
- The best article writings will be post to Cardano Forum as well, for the rest, it will be post and converted to image contents
Milestone 3
- Prepare event for expats and local Balinese altogether
- Inviting the local government
- Inviting potential KOL from Bali
- Project Catalyst presentation
- Students with eligibility will create posts and replicate the event publication
- Best will earn reward from Cardano Hub Bali
- The rest will get merchandise
- The acknowledgement of ideation from university will be submit on the possible next Fund
- Translation of documentation such as Cardano Project Catalyst to
- Hakka Language
- Bali Language
- Madura Language
- Done the 2 event offline and online for local and expats
- Give memorial gifts from Cardano Hub Bali
- Give Certification of Cardano hub mini Ambassador Bali
- Compile on PDF
- Done publications with various social media utilization:
- Voting dashboard used
- Certification for Students
- Done Docs. Project Catalyst to Hakka Language PDF
- Done Docs. Project Catalyst to Bali Language PDF
- Done Docs. Project Catalyst to Madura Language PDF
Final Milestone
Conjoin all documentation and create close out video report
POA compiling thesis and writings
Close out video
Close out report
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Main applicant: Nikolas Maggor as Project Manager
Additional applicant:
Felix Christanto
Roles in the proposal as Meetup Organizer, Surabaya Lead Hub, Cardano Community Indonesia as Meetup Organizer
Roles in the proposal as Expat Partnership
Roles in the proposal as Local Balinese Partnership
Relevant experience with:
Roles in the proposal as Students Educator Helper
https://forum.cardano.org/t/focus-working-group-s-effort-with-cardano-ambassador-indonesia/131109 Focus Working Group Mini Ambassador Surabaya and Jakarta participant
https://forum.cardano.org/t/startup-pitching-day-2023-upi-tasikmalaya/127623 Meetup organizer for onboarding UPI students as Mini Ambassadors participants.
A glimpse about me: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RdpDQRN5YeAaXwmWNEwzK-lxIRheRqNm/view
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Cardano Hub Bali ₳ 61,411.76
- Events Offline : 6.00 event x A 1,176.47/event = A 7,058.82
- Onboarding the Mini Ambassadors budget : 10.0 0 x A 235.29= A 2,352.94
- Onboarding the Local and Expats cost : 10.00 x A 235.29 = A 2,352.94
- Invitation to Government bodies expenditure : 2.00event x A 705.88 /event = A 1,411.76
- Join event offline costs: 5.00 event x A 470.59/event = A 2,352.94
- Join event online costs: 5.00 event x A 470.59/event = A 2,352.94
- Zoom items : 1.00 x A 352.94 = A 352.94
- Topic creations budgets : 6.00 x A 282.35/event = A 1,694.12
- Voting Dashboard development cost : 1.00 x A 7,058.82 = A 7,058.82
- Reward for participants : 50.00 Participant x A 11.76/Participants= A 588.24
- Social media marketing:
- Instagram posts : 120.00/hours x A 23.53 = A 2,823.53
- Website/landing page for article : A 1,482.35
- Speakers for events : 10.00 speaker x A 470.59/event = A 4,705.88
- Translator from our team member resources (Project Catalyst Material)
- Hakka : 30.00 Hours x A 58.82/Hours= A 1,764.71
- Bali : 30.00 Hours x A 58.82/Hours= A 1,764.71
- Madura : 30.00 Hours x A 58.82/Hours= A 1,764.71
- IOG academy to 10 videos : 10.00 Video x A 117.65/Video = A 1,176.47
- Populate it with github : 60 hours x A 23.53/hours = A 1,411.76
- Working Hours ₳ 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00
- Project Manager : 48.00 hours x A 70.00/hours =A 3,360.00
- Meetup Organizer: 60.00 hours x A 54.12/hours = A 3,247.06
- Expat Partnership : 48.00 hours x A 70.00/hours =A 3,360.00
- Local Partnership : 60.00 hours x A 54.12/hours = A 3,247.06
- Student Educator : 48.00 hours x A 70.00/hours =A 3,360.00
- 30 hours a week in 10 months in total
- Close out Reports : 5.00 hours x A 70.59 = A 352.94
- POA: 5.00 hours x A 70.59 = A 352.94
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Concrete groundbreaking
The effectiveness of the proposal will depend on our team members, which validate the representative of local and expat. These conjoin interests will get the support from many people and entities in Bali, Nusa Penida Island, Canggu region, Badung, Denpasar city as well.
The onboard Mini Ambassadors will have Yoroi wallet or equivalent to be their first choice of web 3 learning and earnings. Targeting multiplication of 1000 followers for the most influential students, and repetitive contents that can be used for their own benefit;build their portfolios for the future.
Their onboarding will be acknowledged by Cardano Hubs in Indonesia: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Bali.
We proposed this value for money on aggregate $0.4250 as the lowest of this week's price action, considering this to be the last support trendline, the bottom will have its recovery time , though we propose 10 months completion, the future awaits us.