Last updated 10 months ago
CARDANO need More marketing for attract More users and Our Community can Spread to CARDANO in a decentralized way
This is the total amount allocated to CARDANO News.
Our Community Will write articles about CARDANO in Binance Square Social Network and they Will be rewarded for it in ADA. Binance Square has millions of cryptocurrency users around the world
No dependencies
The articles about CARDANO Will be public and Will be available for all people in Binance Square Social Network and the users can read, comment, and resend this articles
The articles Will be share with all Our Community through of Catalyst
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
Generate writers in Our Community for Spread to CARDANO in a decentralized way in the most important social network for crypto traders: Binance Square
Our Community Will write about CARDANO and they Will be rewarded for it and new users Will be attract to Our ecosystem
Our Community Will atract many new users, CARDANO Will grow and Our Community Will be rewarded with ADA for write
This project Is necessary because CARDANO need More education and Marketing for Our Community grow
Is very interesting that Our Community promote to CARDANO through of write in a form decentralized
The impact of this project Will be fantastic because Binance Square Social Network has millions of users around the world and this articles Will be read for many crypto traders in anywhere
The results Will be share with all Our Community and with all crypto ecosystem in the world through Binance Square Social Network and Catalyst
The people around the world Will learn about CARDANO and Will understand how CARDANO help to world for it Will be better
200 articles Will be write by Our Community about CARDANO and it Will be read for millions of crypto traders around the world through Binance Square Social Network
Our Community Spread to CARDANO through of this innovative project and all people Will learn More about Our ecosystem
According my experience as writer in Binance Square Social Network, this project Will be very successful and unique in the crypto ecosystem
All the best of CARDANO Will be Spread to world through of articles written by Our Community in a decentralized form
Help to planet showing the best of the Most important crypto Blockchain and crypto Community around the world, Will be a objetive of the articles about CARDANO in mention
All our Community can write articles without distinction and all people Will have the same opportunities and everyone Will be rewarded equally
Is important attempt attract new users to Our ecosystem through of make More education of CARDANO because the crypto and in special CARDANO need More education for everyone understand it better
No exist in the crypto ecosystem a project like this. Is the first Time that a crypto Community Will be rewarded for write in a decentralized form
Binance Square Is the Most important Social Network for crypto users in the world and Spread to CARDANO there Will be great
Make marketing of this form Is very innovative and effective for Spread the best of CARDANO to all world and better Our ecosystem
The results of this project Will be public and Will be available for everyone in Our Community and the crypto ecosystem around the world
Foster the participación of Our Community in the objetive of Spread CARDANO to world Is very important and Will generate results very good for everyone
The articles and the News about cryptocurrencies are very important in the ecosystem and CARDANO need more News and more Articles
After of project Our Community Will want write More in Binance Square Social Network and many more people will know about CARDANO
Project Catalyst Is the ideal scenario for make this project because it Is very innovative and fantastic for our Community and CARDANO
Promote a decentralized Community Is very important for our ecosystem and this project Is Very decentralized and very innovative
Each person Will write about the best of CARDANO according each one and be great read the different articles of everybody
This project Will have a big positive impact in Our Community, in CARDANO, in crypto ecosystem and for this it need your vote
The impact of the project Will be measure for the amount of articles published and the amount of people that Will read this articles
I am a lawyer, a trader and a writer in Binance Square Social Network, since 2017.
I am member of Project Catalyst since Fund 4 and Intersect MBO since July 2023
I obtained the "Blockchain CARDANO Certified Associate" by CARDANO Academy
Also, i made a project successfully in catalyst:
My perfil in LinkedIn Is:
A: publish 50 articles in Binance Square
B: 50 articles published spreading to CARDANO
C: i Will send to Catalyst digital copy of the published articles
A: publish others 100 articles in Binance Square
B: 100 articles published spreading to CARDANO
C: i Will send to Catalyst digital copy of the published articles
A: publish others 50 articles in Binance Square
B: 50 articles published spreading to CARDANO
C: i Will send to Catalyst digital copy of the published articles
A: recopilation of all the 200 articles published in Binance Square
B: a document that contain all the 200 articles published
C: i Will send to Catalyst digital copy of all published articles
This project Will be done by main proponent. I am a lawyer, a trader, and a writer in Binance Square Social Network, since 2017.
I am member of project catalyst since fund 4 and i made a project successfully in Catalyst:
Also, i am member of INTERSECT MBO since July 2023.
I obtained the "Blockchain CARDANO Certified Associate" by CARDANO Academy
My perfil of LinkedIn Is:
This project has a budget of 98.000 ADA, distributed like this:
A: 200 articles Will be publish by Our Community to 400 ADA each one, for a total of 80.000 ADA in rewards for Our community
B: this project Will have a duration of 3 months or 90 days and each day the main proponent Will gain 200 ADA for manage the project, for a total of 18.000 ADA, distributed like this: 20 ADA per hour x 10 hours of work each day reviewing and approving the articles to be rewarded, for a total de 200 ADA each day x 90 days: for a total of 18.000 ADA
Our Community Will gain new users and Will grow More
This project Foster to educación about CARDANO and generate good marketing for Our community
Our Community Will be rewarded for Spread to CARDANO
This project Is very decentralized and innovative