[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Mie Tran
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Financial support from Catalyst to create Vietnam Summit 2024.
- Expanding Cardano Summit Vietnam's scale into a major event in the blockchain field in Vietnam
- Maintain the operation of current activities
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
- In the field of blockchain and crypto, Vietnam is one of the leading countries in terms of the number of participants.
- Vietnam ranks first in the world in 2022 and third in the world in 2023 in the cryptocurrency adoption rate rankings.
The 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index
The 2023 Global Crypto Adoption Index
- Vietnam ranks second in the world in terms of virtual currency ownership.
Vietnam is emerging as one of the countries with the highest rate of virtual currency ownership worldwide.
According to data from the electronic money payment portal Triple-A, Vietnam ranks second with 21.2% of the population owning virtual currency, just behind the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with a rate of 34.4%.

Source: Visualcapitalist
- Every year, there are numerous events hosted by blockchain groups that draw a large number of participants.

Source: Vietnam Crypto Report 2023
- The Cardano Summit Vietnam event has been held for three years in a row, from 2021 to 2023, in both big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The event had a total of nearly 1,000 attendees, as well as Cardano enthusiasts such as ADA-holder communities, enterprises, and universities.
- What is inspiring and rewarding is that the event is being sponsored and contributed by so many Cardano community members in Vietnam and could potentially expand more in the coming years.
- The event's funding source is now primarily supported and depends on the Cardano Foundation. Although there is financial support from the community, due to the limitations of the fund, it is difficult to maintain and expand the events at the national level and connect other blockchain ecosystems. Therefore, the Vietnamese community needs larger funding sources.

To address this concern, we suggest the following alternatives:
- Apply for support from Catalyst fund: financial support is the most effective approach for sustaining and extending the event.
- We will be able to continue organizing the Cardano Summit Vietnam 2024 event as an offline event.
- The events will take place in Vietnam's two main cities: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
These are the top two cities in Vietnam, and possibly Southeast Asia, with the most active blockchain communities. All major institutions, government agencies, and large enterprises are also headquartered here. The Cardano Vietnam community is particularly active on the two sites mentioned above.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
Impact & benefits for ecosystem
- The success of the proposal is also a learning model and reference for other communities to organize similar events.
- Continue to maintain the presence of Cardano Summit in Vietnam in 2024.
- Enhance Cardano's image presence in Vietnam.
- Create connections with other blockchain ecosystems.
- Continue to delve into government organizations through universities.
The success of the proposal is measured through the following parameters
- Number of events organized.
- Number of attendees.
- Number of university representatives attending.
- Number of other blockchain ecosystems representative in Vietnam.
Main goal
- Goal 1: Number of events organized.
Target: 2 events
- Hanoi city: 1
- HoChiMinh city: 1
- Goal 2: Number of participants.
This goal is determined by the total number of people who will participate in the two events.
Target: 250-300
- Hanoi city: 150-200
- HoChiMinh city: 100
- Goal 3: Number of university representatives attending.
Target: 12
- Hanoi city: 8
- Hochiminh city: 4
- Goal 4: Number of other blockchain ecosystems representative in Vietnam.
Target: 8 Representative
- Hanoi city: 4
- Hochiminh city: 4
Plans to share the outputs and results
ETH telegram, website, youtube channel
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

The proposer team consists of three members.
Ha Nguyen and Mie Tran, both Cardano Ambassadors, bring extensive experience organizing the Cardano Ho Chi Minh events, particularly the successful Cardano Summits of 2022 and 2023. They have held numerous roles within Catalyst and have a strong foundation in blockchain technology.
Jimmy Lee, the co-organizer of the Hanoi event, delivered in-depth presentations on Cardano at the Vietnam Summits in 2022 and 2023. He leads the Vcoincheck project and manages significant Vietnamese Cardano Facebook communities. His expertise extends to blockchain technology and educational initiatives on evaluating blockchain projects.

With their comprehensive knowledge of Cardano and Catalyst, organizational and management skills, and influence within the Cardano community in Vietnam, we are confident in our ability to successfully and efficiently organize major Cardano events in Vietnam.
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Main Task
- Call team (organization, speakers, guests,...)
- Venue booking
- Key content identification
- Details plan making
- Set up a core team of organizers
- Invite speakers
- Making guest lists
- Booking Venue
- Key content confirmed
- Date and timeline for the event
Acceptable criteria:
- A list of core team, speakers, special guests
- Venue booking receipt or deposit receipt for both cities
- public spreadsheet of detailed plan
Timeline: 1st month (August-2024)
Estimated cost: 8211 ADA
Main task
- Contacting Marketing Agency
- Swag design
- Food and Beverage Booking
- Media booking
- Having a detailed Marketing plan
- Swag design completed
- Deposit on F&B
- Deposit on Media Booking
Acceptable criteria:
- A detailed marketing plan for the event
- Swag designs are ready for production
- F&B deposit receipt
- Media deposit receipt
Timeline: 2nd month (September-2024)
Estimated cost: 8211 ADA
- Pre-event marketing
- Hosting events in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city
- related document printing
- backdrop and standee printing
- closeout report
- after-event marketing
- The 2 events successfully delivered
- closeout report
- after-event marketing on social media
Accepted criteria:
- photos and videos of the events published on social media
- closeout report
Timeline: 3rd month (October-2024)
Estimated Cost: 8211 ADA
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
- Ms. Ha Nguyen – Hochiminh event Co-Organizer.
- Cardano Ambassador in Vietnam.
- Experienced entrepreneur in e-commerce and marketplace trading.
- Five years of experience in business and project management.
- Deputy head of corporate planning and new business model development at Japanese companies.
- Certified Blockchain Business Consultant from Emurgo Academy.
- Roles in Catalyst: PA (91% Good, 6% Excellent), vPA, Sponsored Proposer.
- Actively connects Vietnamese and Japanese communities with the international community.
- Moderator for:
- Vietnam ADA Cardano Community: >5000 members
- Cardano ADA Vietnam: >47,000 members
- Cardano ADA Catalyst Việt Nam - Khởi nghiệp, việc làm
- Ms. Mie Tran – Hochiminh event Co-Organizer.
- Cardano Catalyst TV host
- Funded proposer
- Eastern Townhall Moderator
- Interpreter and Translator
- Challenge Team member
- Sub-circle team member
- Cardano Passionate
- Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ngocmytranle0407/
- Telegram: @mietran0407
- Jimmy Lee – HaNoi event Co-Organizer.
- Speaker of Cardano VietNam Summit 2022,2023
- Leader of Vcoincheck project
- Admin of 2 Vietnamese Cardano facebook Community (helping over 47k followers) https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet and https://www.facebook.com/groups/ada.holder
- Instructor of 2 “how to evaluate a crypto’s project) courses.
- An Entrepreneur with 3 year experience in the blockchain field.
- Has a deep knowledge in blockchain technology and blockchain projects.
- Telegram: https://t.me/Jimmy_Lee01
- Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/le-linh-813125117
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Total budget: $11,085.5
Total in ADA: 24,633 ₳ (rate: 1ADA = 0.45$)
Ha Noi event: $5,245 - 11,655 ₳
- Venue & Equipment: $1,800 x 1
- Catering: $1,250 x 1
- Backdrop, Standees & Name badges: $400 x 1
- Media services: $400 x 1
- Gifts for attendees: $1100 x 1
- Logistics & Transportation: $295 x1
Ho Chi Minh event: $4,840 - 10,755 ₳
- Hall for 100 ~ 150 people: $1200 x 1
- Food & Beverages for 100 people: $1200 x 1
- Backdrop: $300 x 1
- Standee: $50 x 6
- Livestream equiptment: $100 x 1
- Media: photo and video: $400 x 1
- SWAG: $1000 x 1
- Logistics & Transportation: $ 370 x 1
Cost of ADA price fluctuation risk 10%: 10,085$ x 10% = $1000,5 - 2223 ₳
Note: Since the entire budget of the proposal is used to rent real-world services, the cost of preventing the risk of ADA/$ price inflation is required.
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Saving cost
- Proposal administration cost : 0$
- Marketing costs are saved from contributions from community owners and Cardano groups in Vietnam
- The cost of high-cost travel such as flying : 0$
- The cost of accommodation services for speakers or guests : 0$
- The actual cost of renting an event venue is much higher than the proposed budget. However, thanks to the contributions of the community as well as the experience of organizing previous events, this cost is also optimized.
Reference costs
- Logistic and transportation costs are based on the actual amount we have spent in previous organizations. Estimated average
- Distance traveled ~ 50km/month
- Average transportation and taxi cost ~1.5$/km-Hanoi & ~2$/km-Hochiminh
- Shipping costs for SWAG, gift, Media kit ~70$/turn (2 in total)
- Event venue rental costs (price for hall rental costs and accompanying services according to 4-5 star quality standards)
- Hanoi city ~40$/pax
- Hochiminh city ~35$/pax