Last updated 9 months ago
The Spanish-speaking community faces language barriers that hinder their involvement in Cardano, where the majority of information is available in English.
This is the total amount allocated to Carnada, the first digital magazine about Cardano.
The Butcher (artist) -
A digital magazine will allow the creation of written and visual content, including original articles and translations, easily shareable across multiple platforms (WhatsApp, Telegram, email)
No dependencies
The material will be made available publicly and free of charge
Carnada the first free digital magazine in Spanish dedicated to Cardano, was launched in February 2023. Since then, it has garnered significant engagement from Spanish speakers and other linguistic communities, fostering extensive interaction with our publications. Three issues have been published with considerable effort. The first issue was funded through donations from various projects and stake pools. Unfortunately, starting from the second issue, we couldn't secure financial assistance, jeopardizing the continuity of the magazine, leading to its temporary suspension after the publication of the third issue.
The time and money invested in this project, along with the value expressed by the community towards our publication, prompt us to seek funding. This will help us maintain Carnada's free access for readers and ensure the quality of its content. Community support will be crucial to ensure the continuity and growth of this valuable initiative for the Cardano community.
We're aware of the language gap hindering Spanish speakers from accessing important material only published in English, as well as the interest of many active participants in our community seeking new spaces for expression.
We've chosen to focus our project on a digital magazine format because it allows us to create high-quality written and visual content. This includes both original articles and translations of relevant documents from other languages. Additionally, the magazine can be easily shared through various communication channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and email, enabling us to reach a broad and diverse audience.
The goal is to publish three issues of the magazine within 6 months, one issue every two months. Each issue will contain between 5 and 8 articles in Spanish, totaling between 15 and 24 articles about Cardano. If each article achieves the desired level of interaction, we believe we can significantly contribute to disseminating knowledge and promoting the Cardano ecosystem.
Our project targets the Spanish-speaking crypto community, including enthusiasts, investors, developers, and anyone interested in learning more about Cardano. Our aim is to provide them with a reliable source of information, analysis, and educational resources to understand and leverage the opportunities offered by Cardano.
To demonstrate our impact, we'll track the growth of our audience and the reach of our publications on social media. Additionally, we'll gather feedback and comments from our readers to assess the usefulness and relevance of our content. We'll also seek collaborations with other projects and community leaders within the Cardano ecosystem to strengthen our credibility and reach.
We're proud to be the only free digital magazine dedicated exclusively to Cardano in Spanish. It's a publication that benefits the Spanish-speaking community overall by providing accessible and high-quality content in their native language. This will foster active participation, adoption, and development of Cardano within this community, thereby strengthening the ecosystem as a whole. Having a globally diverse and active community is crucial for Cardano, and our magazine will contribute to this goal by providing valuable resources and promoting the dissemination of knowledge about this cutting-edge blockchain platform.
Since its inception, the Carnada project has had a significant impact on the Spanish-speaking community. There was no similar magazine before, and we occupy a sector within the ecosystem that no one has explored. Community support has been crucial, allowing us not only to educate about the inner workings of Cardano as a blockchain but also to serve as a platform to promote many projects in need of exposure. Through our work, we have strengthened relationships within our community and established positive connections with its members.
Furthermore, our project has a broader ambition: to attract new users to the Cardano ecosystem. Our goal is to reach not only those already familiar with Cardano but also people using other networks or who have not yet entered the crypto sector. This is possible thanks to the reach of our publications and our ongoing commitment to the crypto community at large. Therefore, it is crucial for us to continue with this publication.
We will first publish each article separately and then upload the complete magazine, which will be nothing more than a compilation in a single file. This format will allow users to share only the articles that interest them, without having to share the entire magazine, or to share the complete magazine. We have had articles with up to 10,000 views on X, demonstrating the impact and engagement they generate.
The benefits of the "Carnada" project for the Cardano ecosystem can be measured by the interactions generated by our published articles and the growth in the number of followers on our social media platforms. These metrics provide valuable information about the impact and reach of the project.
In the short term, "Carnada" will contribute to the productivity and growth of Cardano by providing a reliable source of information and analysis. It will help educate the community about the features, advancements, and potential use cases of Cardano. This increased understanding and awareness will foster engagement and participation within the ecosystem.
In the long term, "Carnada" will continue to play a crucial role in Cardano's growth by attracting new users to the ecosystem. Through our publication, our aim is to reach people who are not yet familiar with cryptocurrencies or who are using other networks. By providing accessible content and promoting the benefits of Cardano, we can expand the user base and drive adoption.
The measurement of these benefits is realistic through quantitative and qualitative measures. Quantitatively, we can track the growth of our social media followers and article interactions, such as views, likes, shares, and comments. These metrics indicate the level of engagement and interest generated by our content.
Qualitatively, we can gather feedback and opinions from our readers through surveys, comments, and direct interactions. This allows us to measure the satisfaction, relevance, and usefulness of our content. By considering both quantitative and qualitative measures, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of "Carnada" on the Cardano ecosystem.
The results of the project will be constantly measurable through the articles we publish. Even without funding, we have been able to track and evaluate our impact. However, having the financial support we are seeking will make this process much smoother and motivate us even further. We believe that funding can accelerate our growth and allow us to expand beyond the boundaries of the Cardano ecosystem, inviting users from other cryptocurrency communities to access valuable and high-quality information.
To disseminate the project results within a reasonable timeframe, we have several plans in place. Firstly, we will continue to publish our magazine regularly, ensuring a steady flow of informative and engaging content for our readers. We will also actively promote our articles and magazines through our social media channels, targeting both the Cardano community and cryptocurrency enthusiasts more broadly.
In terms of sharing the impact and opportunities of the project, our goal is to collaborate with other Cardano projects and leaders within the ecosystem. By fostering partnerships and participating in joint initiatives, we can leverage their networks and amplify our message, expanding our audience.
Regarding additional research and development activities, the results generated by the project will serve as a basis for continuous improvement and expansion. We will analyze feedback from our readers, gather information from their opinions and preferences, and use that information to refine our content strategy and focus on topics of interest. Additionally, we will explore collaborations with academic institutions, industry experts, and other researchers to contribute to the broader knowledge and development of the Cardano ecosystem.
By leveraging the results and feedback from our project, our goal is to continuously improve our offering, adapt to the changing needs of the community, and contribute to ongoing research and development efforts within the Cardano ecosystem.
We will pay special attention to the number of visits to our publications, but especially to interactions on social media (likes, comments, shares). We will aspire to grow the number of followers and readers of the magazine. These measures will allow us to assess the reach and response of our audience, as well as the impact we are generating within the Spanish-speaking Cardano community. We will continuously review and analyze these metrics to adjust our strategies and ensure the achievement of our goals.
I've been involved with Cardano for quite some time, and practically everyone in the Spanish-speaking community has heard of this 'poor old man.' At some point, I started publishing 'El Anciano quiere saber' ('The Old Man Wants to Know') on, an initiative aimed at providing readers with interesting information. Later on, I decided to take it further by creating 'Carnada' and focusing exclusively on articles and information related to Cardano.
All this without neglecting my collaboration with other projects in the ecosystem, such as managing the official Spanish account for ADA Handle, and recently publishing various articles in English and Spanish on the CardanoSpot website.
As mentioned earlier, the publication has always been free, despite lacking the necessary funds to sustain it. This involved a lot of commitment, funding the editing and design of each issue out of my own pocket, dedicating a lot of time to promoting the published content and maximizing its impact and reach, as well as managing social media platforms.
Being able to do this without funding, simply for the sheer pleasure of collaborating within Cardano, demonstrates that we are the right people to achieve the goals set forth in this project. We have a deep understanding of the Cardano ecosystem, which allows us to select relevant and insightful content for our readers.
Furthermore, the positive reception we have received from the community all this time, who encouraged us on many occasions to continue despite the difficulties, assures us that we will be able to do so successfully and manage the funds appropriately.
Publication of Carnada #4
Publication of Carnada #5
Publitacion of Carnada #6
Official Website
The Carnada team is comprised of Anciano, responsible for laying out each issue, contacting writers, translating articles into Spanish, managing social media, ensuring the quality of documentation, safeguarding original documents, and managing funds. Additionally, The Butcher, as in previous publications, will handle graphic design for social media and editorial design for Carnada. Moreover, they will be responsible for contacting website designers to collaborate on the development and execution of the official Carnada website.
In terms of project costs, over the duration of the entire 6-month project, I will need to cover the following expenses:
Total: 15,200 ADA
The project costs are proportional to the average salary in our country and typical freelance rates in our industry, and we have presented a budget as close as possible to the minimum of 15,000 ADA set by this funding category.
We will need a computer for The Butcher to work efficiently on creating graphic content to promote our publications and also to ensure that each article in the magazine has an aesthetic appeal that contributes to curiosity, interest, and reading.
To achieve this, funding will cover a subscription to a recognized editorial design platform.
Both Anciano and The Butcher, the two members who will carry out Carnada, reside in Argentina. As you know, it is a country facing significant economic challenges, with an annual inflation rate of over 250%, and approximately 60% of citizens living in poverty.
In this context, estimating values and prices is always difficult. For reference, a retiree in Argentina receives a monthly income of $130, which is not enough to cover basic needs, and the minimum wage is set at $230. Entrepreneurship in Argentina is incredibly difficult and often discouraging. Focusing on a project like Carnada requires a commitment and the assurance that the generated income will sustain our daily lives.
We have provided a detailed breakdown of the work and expenses involved in publishing each issue. Fortunately, you can observe the three published issues and evaluate the quality of the product we are offering, considering that we have achieved this without any funding and with great effort.
It is essential to highlight that the editorial design focuses on each article separately (there is no single template for all articles). The intention is for each article to be important to us, have its own impact, and potentially detach from the original publication that brought it to light. Perhaps at some point, we may see individual articles circulating through Telegram or WhatsApp, which we believe can be positive for spreading information about our beloved Cardano blockchain.
The Spanish-speaking community needs to be mobilized. How? Through incentives. Once they start getting involved, I can assure you that they will find fantastic, committed, and responsible individuals. Many of them you may already know and find in various official proposals happening around the world. Therefore, we will also direct our efforts to have active interaction with the community. I hope that this time they will support us with their vote, and we thank them for reading our proposal.