Last updated 9 months ago
In the city of Bukavu, the population is unaware of the existence of the Cardano blockchain and there is a lack of Cardano club in order to integrate new members in the cardano ecosystem.
ANNY MITIMA: annymitima5@gmail. com
We will create a Cardano club in the city of Bukavu in order to integrate new members into the Cardano ecosystem through the transmission of knowledge on the Cardano blockchain.
As part of a reasoned and objective realization of our project, we will have to resort to other organizations which have experience in the field of cardano technology such as Goma Wada Hub and Stakepool , a club which does several works in the framework of Cardano in the city of Goma, from where we will need advice and guidance to carry out our project.
The realization of this project will also require collaboration with the universities located in Bukavu city, from which we will recruit the students who will form the club, collaboration with capable and competent individuals to carry out impeccable work.
The results of the project resulting from the creation of a Cardano club will be visibly published on the Github site and other networks used by members of the Cardano community , given that the members of the formed club will contribute to the growth of the cardano community. Cardano ecosystem in Bukavu City in DRC.
SDG 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all : The creation of clubs in Bukavu City will have a positive impact because it will have among its objectives to educate the population in cardanno matter and showing these advantages. This project will enable the education system to strengthen the capacity of students in terms of technology but will also help Universities to set up a system for storing and maintaining the necessary documents related to school information in general.
SDG 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full productive employment and decent work for all : Based on this objective, our project also aims to promote economic growth in Bukavu City given that the cardanno block chain opens the opens doors to everyone in entrepreneurship and gives many advantages in many areas which can increase economic growth in a given environment through the project catalyst .
SDG 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and encourage innovation : Among our visions, the creation of the cardanno club wants to awaken young people in Bukavu City in the construction of this territory by instilling in them the spirit of creativity but also the spirit of innovation for the development of the latter.
Dealing with technological ignorance:
In DR Congo, technology is a considerable challenge, and this is due to the fact that young people are not sufficiently introduced to new technologies.
More particularly, the cardano blockchain being part not only of new technologies but also of opportunities, its lack of awareness among most young people in the city of Bukavu negatively affects the students of this city in the sense that these young students despite their skills lack things to do and are driven into unemployment after their studies, yet there is the Cardano opportunity that can help them overcome these challenges. However, to face these challenges, we propose the creation of a Cardano club in the city of Bukavu, the latter which will have advantages in the field of education, economy and technology in favor of young students in this entity.
Blockchain Education
During this project, we plan to organize sessions with the members of the new club created in the city of Bukavu in order to teach them important notions about the Cardano blockchain, the necessary resources and ways of the opportunities of Cardano, and this will help them to have roots and do more research to participate in the development of the cardano blockchain.
Project beneficiaries and his impact
This project will involve young students from the city of Bukavu because they are unaware of the Cardano blockchain. We are convinced that this project will have a positive impact because it solves the problem of ignorance in the field of technology, specifically blockchain but also the integration of these students into the Cardano ecosystem will in turn allow them to continue to unite others and make them join the blockchain.
Project contributions to the Cardano ecosystem
The creation of a Cardano club in the City of Bukavu will have a positive and remarkable impact on the development and flourishing of the Cardano ecosystem because the presence of this club in the environment will contribute to:
The Cardano blockchain needs to extend all over the world, this is why the integration of these young students will increase the number of members of the Cardano community .
This initiated club will organize blockchain training in the city of Bukavu and help the population keep their valuable documents and information on the Cardano blockchain; but also the implementation of this project will allow young students from the city of Bukavu in the DRC to appropriate technology and invest in it by initiating various training courses related to the handling of computer tools (introduction to new technologies) .
The young students who will form this club being intellectuals capable of making innovations, they will contribute to the implementation of decentralized applications and will participate in different Cardano opportunities such as for example submitting projects in project catalyst, or participating in different tasks that lead to the advancement of cardano.
Once the cardano blockchain is known in the city of Bukavu, this will lead economic operators in this city to invest their assets in the ADA cryptocurrency, which could contribute to the increase in value and easy use of this expensive and native cryptocurrency of the cardano blockchain.
Target population of the project
The target population of our project is made up of students from 2 universities in the city of Bukavu (ISDR Bukavu and UCB). However, we believe that with the evolution, students from other universities will also be initiated, and subsequently the entire population of the city of Goma will be aware of the existence of the cardano blockchain.
Let us note that, we thought of reaching young students in the first place, because this category is made up of young people who still have the taste and the ability to learn, but also who need to be initiated to take responsibilities in their hands and the destiny of the future world. This future generation must be updated to move forward in a changing world to facilitate sustainable development because without technology, no development is possible.
Measuring project impact
To measure the impact of our project, the following plans were developed:
Sharing project results with the community
In order to share the results of this project, we will proceed as follows:
We are competent to carry out this project for the following reasons:
Milestone 1
Milestone 1 (2 months): Design an activity plan and identify the universities and students targeted by the project
secondary activities
Expected results :
Milestone 2:
Milestone 2 (2 months): Student Training on Blockchain Cardano and create a club of cardano in Bukavu city
secondary activities
Expected results
Milestone 3:
Milestone 3 (2 months): Create a public secretariat to empower the initiated club and provide them with a work office
Secondary activities:
Rent the office/secretariat
Equip the office/secretariat
Expected results
Final Milestone:
Milestone 4 (1 month): Evaluation of activities and reporting
Secondary activities:
· Produce a detailed final project report.
· Send a report to Project challenge team;
Result heard
· A report wiil be produced and sended to the project catalyst challenge team
For the budgeting of our proposal we took into account the rate of $0.25 per ₳ taking into account the variation in the price of Ada that we have experienced in past months.
Milestone 1: Design of an activity plan and identification of students:
Costs for designing an activity plan:
Identification fees for the universities and students concerned
For this activity 2 people will be sent to the field to identify universities and students:
Subtotal: 2300₳
Milestone 2: Student Training on the Cardano Blockchain
For this activity, 3 trainers will leave the city of Goma for the city of BUKAVU to ensure the training of students on the cardano blockchain for 4 sessions:
Number: 55 people
55 Food dishes and water: 15₳/people/session=825₳x4= 3300₳
T-Shirt with cardano print: 25 ₳ x 55 people = 1375₳
Motivation for 50 participants to use cardano wallets: 10 ₳ per person = 10₳ x 50= 500₳
Subtotal: 14045₳
Milestone 3: Create a secretariat as an income-generating activity for the survival of the club and meeting office
2 Computer machines of which 1400₳ x 2 = 2800₳
· 2 Printers: -EPSON L850 =2320₳ and
-HP LASER = 1800₳
· 2 tables including 280₳ per table = 560₳
· 8 chairs including 140₳per chair = 1120₳
· Electricity for 12 months including 200₳ per month = 2400₳
· Subscription to Canal box for Internet connection in 12 months 212₳= 2544₳
. Operating and Administration costs: 3000₳
Subtotal: 21344₳ 21344
Milestone 4 : Monitoring and evaluation of activities and reporting
· Production costs for detailed final project report:1000₳
Subtotal: 1000 ₳
Total project cost: 38689 ₳
We believe that the amount we are requesting for this project is validly reasonable for the following reasons:
By the end, we are aware that this project presents good value for money because the prices that we have assigned to different materials, agents and services are reasonable and acceptable in our environment.