Last updated 9 months ago
Access to content about DEFI, REALFI, RWA, DEPIN, AI, GAME, NFTs and Utility projects is limited in Portuguese, especially from the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Daily podcast about the Cardano ecosystem news (in Portuguese).
Hold 365 Podcast in Portuguese about the Cardano ecosystem news: over 1 year, daily. Episode duration between 10 and 20 minutes.
No dependencies.
All episodes will be public and accessible on audio streaming platforms, such as Spotify.
Hold 365 Podcasts in Portuguese: over 1 year, daily. Episode duration between 10 and 20 minutes.
They will have the format of an update leaflet on the ecosystem's projects combined with space for clarifying doubts and discussing points of view/sharing experiences; Promoting mutual aid, community growth and adoption of Cardano ecosystem's protocols.
We plan to reach an audience of at least 100 listeners per podcast. Through an incentive for participation: a draw will be held for a basket of promising tokens from the ecosystem estimated at US$10 per podcast.
The audience for this proposal is the Portuguese-speaking Cardano community. The benefit we want to achieve is to give this audience access to quality information about the ecosystem, which they would otherwise have difficulty with due to the language barrier.
Information equals freedom of opportunities.
We have been holding these meetings for a year, with a minimum audience per meeting of around 30 participants.
We have a plan to increase the audience to 100 listeners per podcast, through the draw to encourage participation.
All episodes can be found here:
Hold 60 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Hold 60 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Hold 60 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Hold 60 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Hold 60 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Hold 65 Podcasts in Portuguese: 1 per day. Each with at least 100 listeners.
Bosco Cardosco - over 5 years on blockchain; high skills on public management, community manager, content creator, translator ENG/PT;
Ático Mismana - Software Development Technician (SENAI CIMATEC / Brazil) and Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology (UFBA / Brazil), has been a software developer since 2009, having worked with the programming languages: Delphi, Java, Python, JavaScript, C # .NET and C ++, he is currently a programmer in innovation projects in the robotics area and is an operator of the Cardanistas stake pool.
We have already held the weekly meetups proposed for 1 year without funding:
365 meetups * 2 hours (1h prepation + 30m execution + 30m post-recording) = 730
2 people team: 730 * 2 = 1460h
$25 labor: 1460 * 25 = $36500
Inputs (Software and Equipment)
2 Microphone: $600
2 podcast editor software licenses: $400
Encouraging participation
365 meetups * $10 USD for draw =$3650
Total Requested
$36500 + 1000 + $3650 = $41150
ADA/USD exchange rate: $0,44. (May 13, 2024)
Total requested funds in ADA: 93,523 ADA.
A substantial part of the success of projects in this market comes down to supply and demand, projects need to have a robust product, which solves someone's pain, which creates real use cases desirable by the public, but if these products do not reach the knowledge of masses, the project will not be successful.
The cost of implementing this proposal is low compared to the benefit of promoting the ecosystem to non-English-speaking audiences, benefiting a large number of DEFI, REALFI, RWA, DEPIN, AI, GAME, NFTs and Utility projects with visibility and adoption.