Last updated 9 months ago
Cardano network parameters are the all-important settings that define how the blockchain works. There is currently NO comprehensive public resource that covers, explains, and tracks these parameters.
This is the total amount allocated to Lido Nation Cardano Parameters Explorer.
Donbosco Otunga: Digital Marketing Specialist
A multimedia hub for Cardano community & newcomers alike to learn about the parameters to include explanatory articles, podcast episodes, public discussion, q&a, and a timeline of parameter changes.
No dependencies.
The explorer will live on and be free to the community alongside other current Lido Nation educational resources.
Cardano has over 40 network parameters (this number can change over time as parameters are added or retired.) These parameters are the nuts and bolts that define how the blockchain works. Both now and in the future, important governance decisions in Cardano will involve these parameters in one way or another. It is therefore important that the community not only be aware that they exist, but that there be resources to learn about them, share knowledge, ask questions, and track their changes and effects.
The Problem:
In the Voltaire Era, ada holders and dReps will be able to propose and vote on parameter settings. How can we cultivate an informed electorate who understands what each of these settings mean?
Lido Nation started to address this issue with our “Cardano Network Parameters” article series and podcasts. We have, so far, covered 12 parameters in article form; these can be viewed at The articles are written to be short, approachable and interesting. Each article follows a similar format:
As we publish more articles about Cardano Parameters, this page is already becoming a good resource, but we would like to take it to the next level.
Introducing: Cardano Parameters Explorer
We propose to create a complete, multimedia library covering all current and past Cardano parameters.
From the landing page, users can explore and learn about all the parameters using their preferred modality. Each parameter will have its own page, which includes all of the following:
Why this solution?
Lido Nation is already a familiar community resource for clear, accessible Cardano information and education. We have published an educational article every week for three years. Both of our primary writers (Darlington and Stephanie) are current Cardano Ambassadors, whose published material is tracked and co-promoted by the Cardano Foundation, which extends our reach and exposure. Our Catalyst Explorer tool is also well-known, and is frequently linked by the IOG Catalyst team in the weekly townhall meeting; it is also frequently used and shared by other community members on social media during the busiest week of Project Catalyst rounds. Our Every Epoch quiz game is visited by many users each epoch to learn and take a quiz to earn network tokens. This solid base of site traffic, community awareness, and educational materials means that Lido Nation is an ideal platform for this important resource.
It’s not just another website. It’s a value-added resource on a well-trafficked educational community hub.
For comparison, here are links to the current best places to find any information about Cardano parameters. Each of these resources serves a certain purpose, but none have clear or engaging explanations, multimedia content, or an invitation to collaborate.
This project is poised to engage a broad and long-lasting cross-section of the Cardano Community:
Newcomers: Our content is written and presented in a way that is attractive and accessible to newcomers. We explain complicated concepts in terms that anyone can understand. Attractive graphics and friendly page layouts are inviting to “non-techies”. Lido Nation is a great place to send your friends who are new to blockchain.
Experts: Just because anyone can read it doesn’t mean it’s not useful to the insiders too! There is currently no comprehensive resource that describes the function of all Cardano Network parameters and tracks their settings and histories. This resource will attract Cardano developers and cross-chain devs who want to track accurate information about Cardano Parameters.
Voters: When various parameters come into view for community discussion and possible voting in the Voltaire era, we will need a Hub of reliable information and ongoing discussion about these parameters, their function, and their movement.
Degens: We <3 degens! They are newcomers, experts, and voters too! Fun interactive features like our incentivized quizzes attract new and regular users to keep coming back, clicking around (and learning - even if it’s an accident!)
We view education as a foundational building block of any durable citizenry. When you pair this with the fact that Cardano Parameters are the building block of our blockchain, then the impact of this work is clear.
What is the impact?
The Lido Nation Cardano Parameters Explorer will positively impact the Cardano community by:
Measuring the Impact
To measure the impact quantitatively and qualitatively, we will use the following metrics:
Sharing the Impact
Outputs and opportunities will be shared with the community through multiple channels to ensure wide accessibility:
Lido Nation has been publishing educational articles about Cardano each week, for 3 years+. We have already published 12 educational articles about Cardano Network Parameters specifically, and we already publish and distribute podcasts.
Our educational content was validated by the Cardano Foundation with our confirmation as official Cardano Ambassadors. We already have working infrastructure for incentivized quizzes with our Every Epoch Quiz.
Our very popular Catalyst Explorer tool demonstrates our ability to build high quality “Explorers.” We already have 10 completed Catalyst projects.
In short, nothing we are proposing is uncharted waters for this team – this funding allows us to build on proven success by offering a new high-value “Explorer” to foster an educated and informed Cardano community.
Timeline: 3 months
Output: Logo and brand color scheme for Cardano Parameter Explorer
Acceptance Criteria: Doc/PDF brand page showing logo and color scheme.
Output: 12 Parameters Articles
Acceptance Criteria: Articles will be posted and available through the current Parameters Landing page on (new landing page coming in milestone 3)
Output: 12 Every Epoch quizzes
Acceptance Criteria: Spreadsheet of Quizzes & Answers linked in Proof of Achievement. Export of Every Epoch Participation records for each Every Epoch quiz from the Lido Nation database back end, demonstrating how many users took the quiz.
Output: 12 Lido Minute Podcasts
Acceptance Criteria: 9 Podcasts posted and available through the current Lido Minute Podcast page (new landing page coming in milestone 3)
Output: 24 Marketing Tweets (one for each article and podcast)
Acceptance Criteria: Links provided to each relevant marketing tweet on the LidoNation Twitter/X channel.
Timeline: 3 months
Output: NEW Parameters Landing Page Design
Acceptance Criteria: Figma (website design software) file showing new page design.
Output: NEW Parameters Listing Page Design
Acceptance Criteria: Figma (website design software) file showing new page design.
Output: 7 Parameters Articles
Acceptance Criteria: Articles will be posted and available through the current Parameters Landing page on (new landing page coming in milestone 3)
Output: 7 Every Epoch quizzes
Acceptance Criteria: Spreadsheet of Quizzes & Answers linked in Proof of Achievement. Export of Every Epoch Participation records for each Every Epoch quiz from the Lido Nation database back end, demonstrating how many users took the quiz.
Output: 7 Lido Minute Podcasts
Acceptance Criteria: 9 Podcasts posted and available through the current Lido Minute Podcast page (new landing page coming in milestone 3)
Output: 14 Marketing Tweets (one for each article and podcast)
Acceptance Criteria: Links provided to each relevant marketing tweet on the LidoNation Twitter/X channel.
Timeline: 3 months
Output: NEW Parameters Landing Page is live
Acceptance Criteria:
Output: NEW Parameters Listing Page is live
Acceptance Criteria:
Output: 7 Parameters Articles
Acceptance Criteria: Articles will be posted and available
Output: 7 Every Epoch quizzes
Acceptance Criteria: Spreadsheet of Quizzes & Answers linked in Proof of Achievement. Export of Every Epoch Participation records for each Every Epoch quiz from the Lido Nation database back end, demonstrating how many users took the quiz.
Output: 7 Lido Minute Podcasts
Acceptance Criteria: 9 Podcasts posted and available through the NEW Parameters Listing Page
Output: 14 Marketing Tweets (one for each article and podcast)
Acceptance Criteria: Links provided to each relevant marketing tweet on the LidoNation Twitter/X channel.
Timeline: 3 months
Output: 7 Parameters Articles
Acceptance Criteria: Articles will be posted and available
Output: 7 Every Epoch quizzes
Acceptance Criteria: Spreadsheet of Quizzes & Answers linked in Proof of Achievement. Export of Every Epoch Participation records for each Every Epoch quiz from the Lido Nation database back end, demonstrating how many users took the quiz.
Output: 7 Lido Minute Podcasts
Acceptance Criteria: 9 Podcasts posted and available through the NEW Parameters Listing Page
Output: 14 Marketing Tweets (one for each article and podcast)
Acceptance Criteria: Links provided to each relevant marketing tweet on the Lido Nation Twitter/X channel.
Output: Project Catalyst Final Report and Video
Acceptance: Project Catalyst Final Report link shared and Video posted on Lido Nation Youtube channel.
We are Cardano enthusiasts and a growing collective of dreamers who believe in providing insightful education about Cardano in plain English, Swahili, and Spanish. Most online blockchain content is written by and for developers and finance geeks. We break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, and provide relevant news in quick bites, and build tools that everyone can use.
Our website is a resource for anyone who wants to learn what Cardano is, why they should care, and how they can participate. We want to make these resources accessible to as many people as possible.
Stephanie is a teacher and technologist with a passion for helping non-profits navigate and capitalize on technology. She applies her communication skills at Lido Nation by writing and editing articles, and helping to organize ideas in a way that people can understand.
Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist and entrepreneur. Darlington has deep knowledge about blockchain technology and broad experience in the Cardano ecosystem.
Darlington Wleh: Co-Dreamer at Lido Nation
Co-Founder of Lido Nation.
Senior Developer.
Blockchain writer & Educator.
Cardano Ambassador.
Stephanie King: Co-Dreamer at Lido Nation
Co-Founder of Lido Nation.
Art & Design lead.
Blockchain writer & podcaster.
Cardano Ambassador.
Project manager
Donbosco Otunga: Digital Marketing Specialist
Cardano’s parameters are not trending news. They are foundational elements of the technology that aren’t going anywhere. They might, however, change - and the community needs a way to evaluate and understand those changes.
There are currently NO comparable resources where the community can learn about the parameters. As we move into the Voltaire Era of governance, an informed and educated community is and will continue to be of high importance. Being able to understand network parameters, and knowing where to look to learn more, will serve as a lasting and important piece of the community’s knowledge base.