[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Hiroto Harada
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
As well as organizing high-quality events, by doing a lot of them, you will always be able to attract a lot of interest.

[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependence
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Disseminate the results of the event widely on X, the Website, and the LINE community.

Education, local development, and the Cardano chain create various topics and news.
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
In order to make Cardano more visible and to build a strong project and community, our events offer the following concrete solutions:
- Inviting experts and industry leaders: We invite experts and industry leaders interested in the project to the event, allowing them to discuss the value and potential of the project.
- Demonstration: Demonstrations will directly impact the participants by showing the project's features and benefits in a tangible way.
- Explicit problem solving: Highlight the specific problem the project is trying to solve and demonstrate the solution to help participants understand it better.
- Participant Engagement Benefits: Generate interest by offering benefits and discounts to participants to encourage them to attend the event.
- Getting media coverage: Invite media representatives to the event as media coverage increases publicity.
- Providing networking opportunities: Allows participants to interact with each other, creating new linkages and business possibilities.
- Get participant feedback: Collect participants' opinions and feedback at the event and use it to improve the project and consider its direction.
- Use social media: Share topics and highlights arising through the event on social media to raise the project profile.
- Ongoing communication: Ensure ongoing communication with participants after the event to maintain interest.
- Subsequent developments: Position the event as a kick-off for the project and share plans for subsequent developments and initiatives.
Examples are given below.
attract 50 to 100 people to a regular monthly event
We will give out limited edition NFTs or card-type NFC hardware wallets containing NFTs on a first-come, first-served basis, and if those who have them win NFTs at the next event, they will be upgraded and invited to an exclusive social event.
This will ensure that people will want to continue to attend the event.
Create an airdrop scheme where everyone or a select few will receive an ADA or other prize by posting about the day of the event with #Cardan
Then, if people follow and repost those posts, we will give away Amazon gift cards and other prizes to a few people in a drawing.
This way, 50-100 people, each with many followers and their surroundings, will see the posts and feel the enthusiasm for the Cardano project, which will be helped by the spread of reposts.
Doing it in these ways will help attract visitors on the event day and spread the results after the event.
- 専門家や業界リーダーの招待:イベントにはプロジェクトに関心のある専門家や業界リーダーを招待し、プロジェクトの価値や可能性について議論する機会を提供します。
- デモンストレーション:実演やデモを行い、プロジェクトの機能や利点を具体的に示すことで、参加者に直接的なインパクトを与えます。
- 問題解決の明示:プロジェクトが解決しようとしている具体的な問題を強調し、その解決策を示すことで、参加者に理解を深めてもらいます。
- 参加者の参加を促す特典:イベントへの参加を促すために、参加者に特典や割引を提供することで関心を高めます。
- メディアカバレッジの取得:メディアに取り上げられることで広報効果が高まるため、イベントにはメディア関係者も招待します。
- ネットワーキングの場を提供:参加者同士が交流する機会を提供し、新しい連携やビジネスの可能性を生み出します。
- 参加者のフィードバックを取得:イベントでの参加者の意見や感想を収集し、プロジェクトの改善や方向性の検討に活用します。
- ソーシャルメディアの活用:イベントを通じて生じたトピックやハイライトをソーシャルメディアで共有し、プロジェクトの知名度を向上させます。
- 継続的なコミュニケーション:イベント後も参加者との継続的なコミュニケーションを確保し、関心を維持します。
- 後続の展開:イベントをプロジェクトのキックオフとして位置づけ、その後の展開や取り組みの計画を共有します。
イベント当日の様子を、#Cardano を付けて投稿してもらうことで、全員もしくは抽選で数名にADAなどをエアドロップする企画を作ります。
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
- Expanding the community: The Cardano community is already a strong and large organization, but many people still have never heard of it. Our event will be open to everyone, so you don't have to know Cardano or Crypto to feel comfortable attending and learning a lot.
- Gaining credibility: By creating many exposure opportunities, as well as by including more generally well-known and trusted people as guests and sponsors, the Cardano project gains credibility, attracting more partners and encouraging the use of the Cardano chain from local authorities and major companies.
- Innovation exchange: Through our events, entrepreneurs, developers, influencers, media people, and ordinary users can discuss, generate new ideas, and collaborate to create new projects in Cardano.
- Technical support and education: It can create simultaneous educational opportunities for those who want to start new projects using the Cardano chain. It can be like a mini-hackathon, allowing people to compete on the spot to develop and come up with ideas, thus increasing community enthusiasm.
- コミュニティの拡大:Cardanoコミュニティはすでに強力で大規模な組織ですが、まだ世間の多くの人がその存在を知りません。私たちのイベントは誰にでも開かれているので、カルダノや暗号資産を知らなくても気軽に参加でき、多くのことを学ぶことができます。
- 信頼性の獲得:多くの露出の機会を設けるだけでなく、より一般的に有名で信頼できる人たちをゲストやスポンサーとして参加させることで、カルダノプロジェクトは信頼性を獲得し、より多くのパートナーを惹きつけ、地方自治体や大手企業からのカルダノチェーンの利用を促します。
- イノベーションの交流:私たちのイベントを通じて、起業家、開発者、インフルエンサー、メディア関係者、一般ユーザーがディスカッションし、新しいアイデアを生み出し、コラボレーションが生まれることで、カルダノで新しいプロジェクトを生み出すことができます。
- 技術支援と教育:カルダノチェーンを使って新しいプロジェクトを始めたい人たちのために、同時に教育の機会を作ることができます。ミニハッカソンのようなもので、その場で開発やアイデアを競い合うことができ、これにより、コミュニティの熱気を高めることができます。
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Since 2016, we have organized various events to raise educational awareness of blockchain and digital currency, from large-scale events for 500 people to small-scale events.
The event aims to share and exchange high-quality information. It brings together many opinion leaders from the three web domains and various industries: entertainment, gaming, music, fashion, and politics. It provides an environment for innovative collaborations, project talk sessions, and new business creation that the participants have not yet seen.
それらは質の高い情報共有と交流を目的とし、Web3領域とエンターテイメント、ゲーム、ミュージック、 ファッション、政界など各業界から幅広くオピリオンリーダーを集め、参加者同士のまだ見ぬ革新的なコラボ、各プロジェクトトークセッション、新規ビジネス創出の為の環境を提供するイベントです。
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
The following flow is for each of the events held. Reports are submitted every three months in a span of three months and then move on to the next milestone.
Milestone Outputs:
- Selection of locations
- Selection of speakers and outreach
- Finding event partners and sponsors to cover as many costs as possible and to give the event media exposure
- Setting ticket prices
- Placing adverts promoting the event
- Determining the event program
- Selling tickets
- Arranging catering
- Media exposure
- Making the event fun and exciting
- Create collaboration opportunities
- Follow up with participants, speakers, and partners, collect participant surveys, and plan the next event
Acceptance criteria:
- Was the location appropriate for the number of people?
- Was the quality of the speakers high?
- Were the advertising impressions of the event high?
- Were tickets sold out?
- Was the catering OK?
- Was the event enjoyable and collaborative?
- Did you follow up after the event and conduct a thorough participant survey?
- Was there a lot of post-event spread on social networking sites?
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Presentation of a report on the acceptance criteria (once every three months)
- Reporting of events on social networking sites
- 場所の選定
- 講演者の選定とアウトリーチ
- 可能な限り多くの費用をカバーし、イベントをメディアに露出させるため、イベントのパートナーやスポンサーを探す
- チケットの価格設定
- イベントを宣伝する広告の掲載
- イベントプログラムの決定
- チケット販売
- ケータリングの手配
- メディア露出
- イベントを楽しく盛り上げる
- コラボレーション機会を作る
- 参加者、講演者、パートナーへのフォローアップ、参加者アンケートの回収、次回のイベントの企画
- 人数に対して適切な場所だったか
- 講演者の質は高かったか
- イベントの広告のインプレッションは高かったか
- チケットは完売したか
- ケータリングは問題なかったか
- 楽しく、コラボレーションの生まれるイベントになったか
- 開催後のフォローアップ、参加者アンケートはしっかりできたか
- イベント後もSNSで多くの拡散ができたか
- 受入基準に関する報告書の提出(3ヶ月に1回)
- SNSでのイベント開催報告
The following flow is for each of the events held. Reports are submitted every three months in a span of three months and then move on to the next milestone.
Milestone Outputs:
- Selection of locations
- Selection of speakers and outreach
- Finding event partners and sponsors to cover as many costs as possible and to give the event media exposure
- Setting ticket prices
- Placing adverts promoting the event
- Determining the event program
- Selling tickets
- Arranging catering
- Media exposure
- Making the event fun and exciting
- Create collaboration opportunities
- Follow up with participants, speakers, and partners, collect participant surveys, and plan the next event
Acceptance criteria:
- Was the location appropriate for the number of people?
- Was the quality of the speakers high?
- Were the advertising impressions of the event high?
- Were tickets sold out?
- Was the catering OK?
- Was the event enjoyable and collaborative?
- Did you follow up after the event and conduct a thorough participant survey?
- Was there a lot of post-event spread on social networking sites?
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Presentation of a report on the acceptance criteria (once every three months)
- Reporting of events on social networking sites
- 場所の選定
- 講演者の選定とアウトリーチ
- 可能な限り多くの費用をカバーし、イベントをメディアに露出させるため、イベントのパートナーやスポンサーを探す
- チケットの価格設定
- イベントを宣伝する広告の掲載
- イベントプログラムの決定
- チケット販売
- ケータリングの手配
- メディア露出
- イベントを楽しく盛り上げる
- コラボレーション機会を作る
- 参加者、講演者、パートナーへのフォローアップ、参加者アンケートの回収、次回のイベントの企画
- 人数に対して適切な場所だったか
- 講演者の質は高かったか
- イベントの広告のインプレッションは高かったか
- チケットは完売したか
- ケータリングは問題なかったか
- 楽しく、コラボレーションの生まれるイベントになったか
- 開催後のフォローアップ、参加者アンケートはしっかりできたか
- イベント後もSNSで多くの拡散ができたか
- 受入基準に関する報告書の提出(3ヶ月に1回)
- SNSでのイベント開催報告
The following flow is for each of the events held. Reports are submitted every three months in a span of three months and then move on to the next milestone.
Milestone Outputs:
- Selection of locations
- Selection of speakers and outreach
- Finding event partners and sponsors to cover as many costs as possible and to give the event media exposure
- Setting ticket prices
- Placing adverts promoting the event
- Determining the event program
- Selling tickets
- Arranging catering
- Media exposure
- Making the event fun and exciting
- Create collaboration opportunities
- Follow up with participants, speakers, and partners, collect participant surveys, and plan the next event
Acceptance criteria:
- Was the location appropriate for the number of people?
- Was the quality of the speakers high?
- Were the advertising impressions of the event high?
- Were tickets sold out?
- Was the catering OK?
- Was the event enjoyable and collaborative?
- Did you follow up after the event and conduct a thorough participant survey?
- Was there a lot of post-event spread on social networking sites?
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Presentation of a report on the acceptance criteria (once every three months)
- Reporting of events on social networking sites
- 場所の選定
- 講演者の選定とアウトリーチ
- 可能な限り多くの費用をカバーし、イベントをメディアに露出させるため、イベントのパートナーやスポンサーを探す
- チケットの価格設定
- イベントを宣伝する広告の掲載
- イベントプログラムの決定
- チケット販売
- ケータリングの手配
- メディア露出
- イベントを楽しく盛り上げる
- コラボレーション機会を作る
- 参加者、講演者、パートナーへのフォローアップ、参加者アンケートの回収、次回のイベントの企画
- 人数に対して適切な場所だったか
- 講演者の質は高かったか
- イベントの広告のインプレッションは高かったか
- チケットは完売したか
- ケータリングは問題なかったか
- 楽しく、コラボレーションの生まれるイベントになったか
- 開催後のフォローアップ、参加者アンケートはしっかりできたか
- イベント後もSNSで多くの拡散ができたか
- 受入基準に関する報告書の提出(3ヶ月に1回)
- SNSでのイベント開催報告
The following flow is for each of the events held. Reports are submitted every three months in a span of three months and then move on to the next milestone.
Milestone Outputs:
- Selection of locations
- Selection of speakers and outreach
- Finding event partners and sponsors to cover as many costs as possible and to give the event media exposure
- Setting ticket prices
- Placing adverts promoting the event
- Determining the event program
- Selling tickets
- Arranging catering
- Media exposure
- Making the event fun and exciting
- Create collaboration opportunities
- Follow up with participants, speakers, and partners, collect participant surveys, and plan the next event
Acceptance criteria:
- Was the location appropriate for the number of people?
- Was the quality of the speakers high?
- Were the advertising impressions of the event high?
- Were tickets sold out?
- Was the catering OK?
- Was the event enjoyable and collaborative?
- Did you follow up after the event and conduct a thorough participant survey?
- Was there a lot of post-event spread on social networking sites?
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Presentation of a report on the acceptance criteria (once every three months)
- Reporting of events on social networking sites
- Video of the achievements of the events throughout the year and use them as promotional material in the Cardano community
- 場所の選定
- 講演者の選定とアウトリーチ
- 可能な限り多くの費用をカバーし、イベントをメディアに露出させるため、イベントのパートナーやスポンサーを探す
- チケットの価格設定
- イベントを宣伝する広告の掲載
- イベントプログラムの決定
- チケット販売
- ケータリングの手配
- メディア露出
- イベントを楽しく盛り上げる
- コラボレーション機会を作る
- 参加者、講演者、パートナーへのフォローアップ、参加者アンケートの回収、次回のイベントの企画
- 人数に対して適切な場所だったか
- 講演者の質は高かったか
- イベントの広告のインプレッションは高かったか
- チケットは完売したか
- ケータリングは問題なかったか
- 楽しく、コラボレーションの生まれるイベントになったか
- 開催後のフォローアップ、参加者アンケートはしっかりできたか
- イベント後もSNSで多くの拡散ができたか
- 受入基準に関する報告書の提出(3ヶ月に1回)
- SNSでのイベント開催報告
- 1年間を通してイベントを開催した上での実績を動画にまとめて、Cardanoのコミュニティでのプロモーション材料とする
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Hiroto Harada: Produce the entire event and DJ the place as well.
- Graduated from Meiji University, Faculty of Commerce
- Me inc. CEO / WAKUWAKUWEB5 founder and representative / Director of Japan Vision Institute (JVI)
- As a DJ/Producer, he has DJ'd and planned events for TOYOTA, Docomo, Calvin Klein, Elecom, KENZO, Adidas, Toei, etc. The event aims to share high-quality information and exchange and to gather a wide range of opinion leaders from the three web fields and various industries such as entertainment, games, music, fashion, and politics, providing an environment for innovative collaboration between participants, project talk sessions and the creation of new businesses. The event "Waku Waku Web5" was launched. In 2023, he joined the Japan Vision Institute (JVI), a think tank, as a board member.
Yuto Sakurai: Attract speakers and sponsors from promising projects and web3 companies.
- Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences
- Me inc. COO / Executive Officer of GCTJAPAN inc. / Strategic Advisor of Straim Art and Culture inc.
- He has been experienced in community management and marketing support since 2017 when he became interested in how Ethereum works and started researching international blockchain projects; since 2020, he has been managing a crypto asset community of over 5,000 people and new ones in the wake of the Bitcoin bubble. He has focused on supporting the launch of web3 projects. Currently, as a Japan ecosystem ambassador for major overseas projects such as Aleo and ULTRON, he conducts seminars, supports team building and ecosystem design for STRAYM and others, plans marketing strategies, supports the use of Web3 in Japanese culture, regional development and education, and provides Web3 business consulting for several other major Japanese companies. Web3 business consulting for several other major Japanese companies.
Isamu Tanaka: Website production, advertising distribution, and other data collection and report production.
- Google Career Certificates (Professional Certificate/Associate University Degree), Project Management, Data Analyst and UX Designer certifications
- Me inc. CTO / OLIVER Agency (The Brandtech Group)/Web Content Manager Asana Ambassador
- As a member of a major foreign advertising agency group, she has been involved in client business, including production projects in the web and marketing areas. She has also produced 'Bugaku (bugaku.net)', a samurai performing artist who conveys Japan's beauty through the samurai's beauty. Currently, he supports the event management and planning of Waku Waku Web5 and focuses on promoting community networking.
原田 廣人:イベント全体をプロデュースし、DJも担当する
- 明治大学商学部卒業
- 株式会社MeCEO/WAKUWAKUWEB5創立者兼代表/一般社団法人ジャパンヴィジョン研究所(JVI)理事
- DJ/Producerとして、TOYOTA、Docomo、Calvin Klein、Elecom、KENZO、adidas、東映などのイベントにDJや企画で参画。質の高い情報共有と交流を目的とし、Web3領域とエンターテイメント、ゲーム、ミュージック、 ファッション、政界など各業界から幅広くオピリオンリーダーを集め、参加者同士のまだ見ぬ革新的なコラボ、各プロジェクトトークセッション、新規ビジネス創出の為の環境を提供するイベント「Waku Waku Web5」を立ち上げた。その他Oasys,Meta Camelot,Cardano等のWeb3イベントをプロデュース。2023年、シンクタンク 一般社団法人「ジャパンヴィジョン研究所(JVI)」に理事として参加。
櫻井 優人:有望なプロジェクトやWeb3企業からスピーカーやスポンサーを集める
- 青山学院大学教育人間科学部卒業
- 株式会社MeCOO/GCTJAPAN株式会社執行役員/ストレイムアートアンドカルチャー株会式社戦略アドバイザー/一般財団法人日ノ本文化財団評議員
- 2017年、イーサリアムの仕組みに興味を持ち、海外ブロックチェーンプロジェクトのリサーチを始めたのをきっかけにコミュニティマネジメントやマーケティングサポートを経験。2020年からはビットコインバブルを機に5,000人以上の暗号資産コミュニティの管理や新規Web3プロジェクトの立ち上げ支援に力を注いできた。現在、Aleo,ULTRON等海外大手プロジェクトの日本エコシステムアンバサダーとしてセミナーの実施、STRAYM等のチーム構築サポートやエコシステム設計、マーケティング戦略企画、また日本文化や地方創生、教育でのWeb3活用支援、その他複数大手日本企業のWeb3ビジネスコンサルティングを行なっている。
田中 伊佐武:ウェブサイト制作、広告配信、その他データ収集、レポート制作
- Google Career Certificates (プロフェッショナル認定/準大卒)、Project Management、Data Analyst、及び UX Designerの認定
- 株式会社MeCTO/OLIVER Agency (The Brandtech Group)/Web Content Manager/Asana アンバサダー
- 大手外資系広告代理店グループに所属し、Webやマーケティング領域の制作案件などでクライアントビジネスに携わる。また、武の美で日本の美しさを伝えるサムライパフォーミングアーティスト「武楽 (bugaku.net)」のプロデュースを行ってきた。現在は「Waku Waku Web5」のイベント運営や企画のサポートをし、コミュニティのネットワーキング促進支援に注力している。
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
100,000ADA as a budget for 12 events per year is a little less than the actual cost of organising an event that attracts 100 people. As a track record, the WakuWakuWeb5 events we have run have always attracted 100 people, and some events have attracted around 300 people.
- Booking and use of venues: 40% (40,000 ADA)
Venue booking and usage costs, insurance premiums, etc.
- Marketing and Promotion: 20% (20,000 ADA)
Promotional activities, branding, running ads, etc.
- Staffing costs: 20% (20,000 ADA)
Speakers, event staff, and security personnel.
- Catering and goods production: 10% (10,000 ADA)
Preparation of food and drink, production of goods, etc.
- Media and Coverage: 10% (10,000 ADA)
Photography, video recording, live streaming, etc.
- マーケティングおよびプロモーション:20%(20,000ADA)
- ケータリング、グッズ制作:10%(10,000ADA)
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Constantly organizing events, getting the word out, and increasing participation will ensure that Cardano continues to be talked about in any crypto market environment. This is made even stronger because the Cardano community is huge in Japan, and our events are a gathering place for Cardano.